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Music and Why it Matters.


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So through my travels around the galaxy, roaming the forums and general consensus, upon reaching 50 I realized something odd about this game, although I very much like the game something was strangely missing. A certain tone and mood that felt almost void throughout all of the planets; that void, was music.


Throughout the game the scarcity of Star Wars music, or mood setting music in general, made me a little bit disappointed, now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash the game, only trying to improve it.


I believe this is one of many small issues with the game that can substantially increase the value of the story and the quality of the experience.


Some of you don't much care for music and im sure I will be getting the standard,"They should be working on fixing bugs not music", type of comment, but really I strongly believe the majority of players are with me when i say; There should be more music!


Mood setting music is crucial to the cinematic experience this game attempts to provide. I found the story very enjoyable, but what was lacking was theme music.


World of Warcraft is a prime example of this, I will take Grizzly Hills in Northrend, the music there perfectly fits the theme of the area, and is playing non-stop to create mood.

This drastically increases the tone of the game and the overall experience of the players, even if unknowingly.


I found this when I went to Tatooine for some friendly pvping, the music began halfway as the loading bar to Tatooine was finished. Once I was out of the loading screen the theme was practically finished and never played again, this not only disappointed me, but left me detached from the zone as a whole for the entirety of my stay, save for the cut scenes (splendid by the way).


In short, I believe this game is lacking theme music for areas to set the mood and provide a richer experience, akin to the cinematic experience of the movies you were trying to convey.


Bioware, it is not too late, you can add music to loop over instead of just playing once, I'm not telling you that this a core issue, but I believe that it should be dealt with quickly.



Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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In most games, I turn off the music as my first customization.


In SWTOR, I actually left it on, and I like it the way it is. Just enough to not be annoying, yet add just a touch here and there. Any more and I would probably turn it off like I usually do.

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I agree with OP. Bioware tried to market the hell out of the fact that there was going to be this amazing soundtrack with unique music in every world, and they even did an 8 minute video on the SWTOR music.


What happened...? This is another nail in the coffin for SWTOR. This game is a joke at this point. I don't think Bioware delivered on a single thing they said they would...


Thank god GW2 is coming out soon. 1 million beta signups in under 48 hours.


The game is going to change everything. Don't think so? Go watch some videos and educate yourself then.

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In most games, I turn off the music as my first customization.


In SWTOR, I actually left it on, and I like it the way it is. Just enough to not be annoying, yet add just a touch here and there. Any more and I would probably turn it off like I usually do.


This is what I usueally do, I too didn't turn the music off in TOR, an MMO first for me.


I do still have issues with it though. If game devs decide to go this route they'd better have some amazing environmental audio to make up for it, many games that have constant music have great envionmental audio anyway so it really should shine, TOR fails on this front.


Aside from the voice acting, audio as a whole is very lackluster. Sounds cut out, footsteps often don't match the ground, the direction of audio in the space minigame seems completely reversed, there's a lack of really immersive specific audio cues like waterfalls (standing next to them should drown out most of the other environmental audio, but it doesn't).


I'm starting to think that the lack of music is part of this overall problem, it seems to be a part of the game they never got to finish.

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The game requires more:


Binary Sunset

Battle Of The Heroes

The Throne Room/End Title

Duel Of The Fates

The Battle Of Endor II


The music is a perfect way of creating nostalgia for SW fans, i'm sure everyone was giddy when they arrived at Tatooine and the music from ANH played.

Edited by GothicJoe
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This is what I usueally do, I too didn't turn the music off in TOR, an MMO first for me.


I do still have issues with it though. If game devs decide to go this route they'd better have some amazing environmental audio to make up for it, many games that have constant music have great envionmental audio anyway so it really should shine, TOR fails on this front.


Aside from the voice acting, audio as a whole is very lackluster. Sounds cut out, footsteps often don't match the ground, the direction of audio in the space minigame seems completely reversed, there's a lack of really immersive specific audio cues like waterfalls (standing next to them should drown out most of the other environmental audio, but it doesn't).


I'm starting to think that the lack of music is part of this overall problem, it seems to be a part of the game they never got to finish.


Not a single thing in this game is finished. Name one.

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So through my travels around the galaxy, roaming the forums and general consensus, upon reaching 50 I realized something odd about this game, although I very much like the game something was strangely missing. A certain tone and mood that felt almost void throughout all of the planets; that void, was music.


Throughout the game the scarcity of Star Wars music, or mood setting music in general, made me a little bit disappointed, now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash the game, only trying to improve it.


I believe this is one of many small issues with the game that can substantially increase the value of the story and the quality of the experience.


Some of you don't much care for music and im sure I will be getting the standard,"They should be working on fixing bugs not music", type of comment, but really I strongly believe the majority of players are with me when i say; There should be more music!


Mood setting music is crucial to the cinematic experience this game attempts to provide. I found the story very enjoyable, but what was lacking was theme music.


World of Warcraft is a prime example of this, I will take Grizzly Hills in Northrend, the music there perfectly fits the theme of the area, and is playing non-stop to create mood.

This drastically increases the tone of the game and the overall experience of the players, even if unknowingly.


I found this when I went to Tatooine for some friendly pvping, the music began halfway as the loading bar to Tatooine was finished. Once I was out of the loading screen the theme was practically finished and never played again, this not only disappointed me, but left me detached from the zone as a whole for the entirety of my stay, save for the cut scenes (splendid by the way).


In short, I believe this game is lacking theme music for areas to set the mood and provide a richer experience, akin to the cinematic experience of the movies you were trying to convey.


Bioware, it is not too late, you can add music to loop over instead of just playing once, I'm not telling you that this a core issue, but I believe that it should be dealt with quickly.




Totally agree and there are many threads on this.


A move in the right direction would be to allow for music looping.


Then they should learn how to make music tailored to the environments, see examples below (I admit SWTOR and WoW are of different genres so these are just examples of what I mean:

Forests and such - Elwynn:

Epic cities - Stormwind:


When I get the opportunity to listen to some of the music it's always of the 'lightsaber duel' genre when I really would prefer some easy pleasant music for questing that would facilitate immersion into the environment.


Notice how a WoW player would be able to very easily recall WoW environment music but for SWTOR all that you would probably remember is the main theme from the character selection screen.


Music gave questing in WoW the right mood and 'feel' for the area; I'm sure SWTOR can do the same.

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Music is fine for a couple of minutes, then I permanently disable it. I don't need Muzak to maintain my immersion.


If may be Muzak to you but for some, having appropriate background music is one of the essentials for building sentimental/emotional attachment to the game, it is an MMO after all.

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Mood setting music is crucial to the cinematic experience this game attempts to provide. I found the story very enjoyable, but what was lacking was theme music.

Imo, music is just where you need one. It depends on situation and it adds more to gaming. God knows, I played with winamp\webradio about 5 years, and SWTOR is first one where I just dont want to hear any other music. Being able to listen to it off-game is nice still. I got some most enjoyable tracks already.

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I think TOR has just enough music. It queues more or less at reasonable times (fighting elites, in certain instances, in appropriate parts of Flashpoints, in certain places out in the world). I get the music enough, and enough of it is similar to or even identical to the movie music, that it feels like Star Wars, but not so much that I get sick of it and turn it completely off.


In SWG, they had music like the "Asteroids" theme play EVERY SINGLE time you got into combat. Every time. And although I loved it at first, after a few months playing the game I turned it off, because I just couldn't stand it anymore, it happened so much.


There is a fine balance in game design, and I think BW hit it about right with TOR. They have SW music enough to enhance the feel but not so much that I get annoyed and turn it off.

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I agree with OP. Bioware tried to market the hell out of the fact that there was going to be this amazing soundtrack with unique music in every world, and they even did an 8 minute video on the SWTOR music.


What happened...? This is another nail in the coffin for SWTOR. This game is a joke at this point. I don't think Bioware delivered on a single thing they said they would...


Thank god GW2 is coming out soon. 1 million beta signups in under 48 hours.


The game is going to change everything. Don't think so? Go watch some videos and educate yourself then.


Every MMO released is "going to change everything" and "kill WoW" every signle one has failed and GW2 can only follow.

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Every MMO released is "going to change everything" and "kill WoW" every signle one has failed and GW2 can only follow.


Oh come off it. Only the BW kiddies where praising this thing 2 years ago once it was revealed we were getting a hard-trinity-based WoW clone. A few of us hung on because it was Star Wars, but nobody but Bioware and their cronies was claiming this puppy was going to change the industry.


Guild Wars looks like it has real promise to reshape how the genre works, or at least get some gears turning in that direction.


And, not to derail the thread, the music in this game blows. Star Wars is know for its epic musical score. Star Wars: The Old Republic is known for the insects I can hear out my bedroom window while I play.

Edited by AJediKnight
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