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Datacron difficulty


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Actually, you couldn't be further from the truth. But there's nothing anybody could say that would convince you differently. And I think the words you are looking for are reeks and a part.


What my friend (and I) are asking for is a system where either the jumps work properly and rationally, or a system that doesn't require the jumps and instead presents a different challenge that's not dependent on a poor game mechanic. I don't want no challenge, I just want a challenge that doesn't depend on luck to the exclusion of skill.


No, you're wreaking havoc on this thread!


You certainly wont change my mind, while I do admit this game has a number of bugs the answer isn't to make it easier. Accept the fact that there are going to be things in life that will be beyond your reach.


FYI: Grammar policing a post written in 30 secs makes your point even more important.

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No, you're wreaking havoc on this thread!


You certainly wont change my mind, while I do admit this game has a number of bugs the answer isn't to make it easier. Accept the fact that there are going to be things in life that will be beyond your reach.


FYI: Grammar policing a post written in 30 secs makes your point even more important.


You keep saying things like easier, but where in my post am I asking for it to be made easy? I'm asking for the jump mechanics to be fixed, or for a different mechanic to be put into place that doesn't rely on a buggy system. You're so focused on being angry at people that want things easy that you're projecting that mentality on something that has nothing to do with it.

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MMORPG devs need to be aware of latency when they design things like datacron.

In Rift, there were some puzzles that are totally undoable due to lack of consideration on lateency and they fixed it. The triple jump in Nar Shaadaa reminds me of that and I guess there are also other datacrons that need even more precise timing. It is not about your skill anymore, it is more about luck that you get the exact lag calculated and it matches your jump at that exact moment. You thought you hit at the right moment but instead the server said you are late and let you fall without jumping.


Although it is challenging but if you still fail after hours of challenge, it is hundred times of frustration.

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I see, obvious troll is obvious....


Are you saying that people should not be able to do everything in a game? Why put it in if it's not meant to be done?


Anyhow, it's obvious that you're just trolling at this point, so I'll quit trying.

I'm a troll for calling a duck a duck? Ok...


Yes, I'm saying that people should not be able to do everything in the game. Why should I be able to experience something if I have less: skill, time or general effort?


Everyone has their own limitations in some capacity. Not all gamers are created equal, so to speak. There's no shame, sadness or frustration with acknowledging that. There is, however, entitlement issues with ignoring this simple premise though and quitting out of frustration when:

Not being able to do something in the game frustrated him enough to quit.


In case you aren't following, I acknowledge SWTOR has it's fair share of bugs that can be frustrating. Your friend, however, has entitlement issues based on the description provided...not mine.

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I have cursed my sub-par Mario skills a few times on Datacrons, but it pales in comparison to the words my husband uses.


A few times, we've gone to get a Datacron, and I have maybe few stumbles before I get mine...but my husband? An hour later he's still cursing before finally slamming the keyboard and getting up and storming out of the room.


Then I go, sit in his chair, and try to do what I just did with much less trouble on my own character.


But for his character...instead of jumping, his character stumbles. Or skip-hops off an edge. Or flat-out falls. I'm doing the exact same thing that worked for my character, but it's just not WORKING for his.



Eventually one of us works it out, but it's a head scratcher. We've more or less the exact same computers (home built from identical parts except for sound cards and he has an extra SSD), using the same internet connection (and we don't have lag issues). It's just weird.

Edited by Shaz
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You keep saying things like easier, but where in my post am I asking for it to be made easy? I'm asking for the jump mechanics to be fixed, or for a different mechanic to be put into place that doesn't rely on a buggy system. You're so focused on being angry at people that want things easy that you're projecting that mentality on something that has nothing to do with it.



Listen Freud, you mentioned it in the very first line "A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons"


Call me crazy but the antonym for difficult is what? I'm not interested in your reasons for why it's such, it is still possible to complete, it's just not meant to be easy.

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99% of the time, turning off Sprint makes the jumping significantly easier. Personally I like that not all of the datacrons are super easy to get. I like having at least a bit of challenge and would find it extremely disappointing if they were all simple to pick up.
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A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons. I think that's a poor reason to quit, but I can definitely see his frustration. Getting datacrons has nothing whatsoever to do with skill, but only a combination of luck, good framerate, and no lag. I have given up on trying to get datacrons at all because of this. I can understand that they were supposed to be difficult to get to, but when the difficulty is caused by terrible jump design and by having even the slightest bit of lag it's incredibly annoying. On a single player game that requires no internet connection having to make difficult jumps is not an issue, but with an online game it turns it into a purely luck based challenge.


It's sad that such a small, optional thing can be such a huge disappointment, but it is. Hopefully this can be changed in the future. :(


Your friend is not alone and it's cost this game Subs. Just like you, I am still playing but have stopped trying to get Datacrons. I have posted about this before and got Flamed for it.


Honestly, I dont actually believe most of the folks who say they have gotten them all. I have spent hours watching people try to get some Datacrons on Nar Shadaa. I just dont see this happening dozens of times over.


Datacrons, where Jumping is involved, was a stupid game design. All the others, I have no problem with.

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Listen Freud, you mentioned it in the very first line "A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons"


Call me crazy but the antonym for difficult is what? I'm not interested in your reasons for why it's such, it is still possible to complete, it's just not meant to be easy.


It's not the level of difficulty, it's the reason for the difficulty that is the problem. I'm not sure how I can be any more clear than that. Are you really not understanding the distinction, or are you being deliberately obtuse?

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It's not the level of difficulty, it's the reason for the difficulty that is the problem. I'm not sure how I can be any more clear than that. Are you really not understanding the distinction, or are you being deliberately obtuse?


Cyber, your dealing with folks who argue for the sake of arguing. Not worth the fight.

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I'm a troll for calling a duck a duck? Ok...


Yes, I'm saying that people should not be able to do everything in the game. Why should I be able to experience something if I have less: skill, time or general effort?


Everyone has their own limitations in some capacity. Not all gamers are created equal, so to speak. There's no shame, sadness or frustration with acknowledging that. There is, however, entitlement issues with ignoring this simple premise though and quitting out of frustration when:



In case you aren't following, I acknowledge SWTOR has it's fair share of bugs that can be frustrating. Your friend, however, has entitlement issues based on the description provided...not mine.


No, you're a troll for focusing on trying to make personal attacks instead of actually discussing the topic. Simple.


Wanting to be able to play a game that does not have poor game mechanics and is free of bugs now means somebody has a sense of entitlement? Good to know.


The problem here has nothing to do with "skill, time, or general effort." It has to do with a buggy system that multiple people are having a problem with.

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People these days...want everything handed to them on a silver platter. Back in the day video games came out and if you couldn't beat them you just couldn't beat them. I immensely enjoyed collecting all the datacrons even being size 3 and tallest possible. Just listening to music with some tea and exploring for datacrons reminded me of Vice City's secret packages. People will quit and complain about everything these days. Enjoy the little things guys
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I'm a troll for calling a duck a duck? Ok...


Yes, I'm saying that people should not be able to do everything in the game. Why should I be able to experience something if I have less: skill, time or general effort?


Everyone has their own limitations in some capacity. Not all gamers are created equal, so to speak. There's no shame, sadness or frustration with acknowledging that. There is, however, entitlement issues with ignoring this simple premise though and quitting out of frustration when:



In case you aren't following, I acknowledge SWTOR has it's fair share of bugs that can be frustrating. Your friend, however, has entitlement issues based on the description provided...not mine.


Wow, is all I can say...

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A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons. I think that's a poor reason to quit, but I can definitely see his frustration. Getting datacrons has nothing whatsoever to do with skill, but only a combination of luck, good framerate, and no lag. I have given up on trying to get datacrons at all because of this. I can understand that they were supposed to be difficult to get to, but when the difficulty is caused by terrible jump design and by having even the slightest bit of lag it's incredibly annoying. On a single player game that requires no internet connection having to make difficult jumps is not an issue, but with an online game it turns it into a purely luck based challenge.


It's sad that such a small, optional thing can be such a huge disappointment, but it is. Hopefully this can be changed in the future. :(


I didn't think they were that hard, one or two offered a nice challenge, no reason to quit though imo.


Not to bash on your friend but this is one reason alot of mmo's (and games in general) are getting laughably easier as the years roll on.

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It's not the level of difficulty, it's the reason for the difficulty that is the problem. I'm not sure how I can be any more clear than that. Are you really not understanding the distinction, or are you being deliberately obtuse?



So you're complaining about the mechanics of the game and how it's not working as intended? Well that's an entirely different topic and you should be mentioning this in the customer service area. The issues with the game's engine affects any number of things with this game, why would you just focus on datacron retrieval? Your thread is very misleading, unless of course you're just using the mechanics as an excuse to whine about making easier game play.


A more appropriate topic and thread would have been: ie


Game mechanics affecting my ability to play.


Then insert your whine about how you and your friend are having trouble retrieving datacrons due to the response of the game, inability to make an effective jump ect. If you're going to get on your soapbox and correct people on how they should be perceiving you, make sure you have targeted the issue at hand correctly.

Edited by Tgpo
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Getting datacrons has nothing whatsoever to do with skill, but only a combination of luck, good framerate, and no lag.


When you have a bad framerate, it is 100% luck. When you have a good framerate, it is 100% skill. I had a bad graphics card and was getting frustrated trying to get the crons. I upgraded my card, and lol and behold, I didn't have trouble with any of them. Some of them are time investing sure, but anything that's just make these jumps was easy. If you have a good framerate, and still can not get them, then it is a PEBCAK error.

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If you want easy go play WoW...


enough trying to nerf this game.


We have enough casuals as it is.


I swear these QQ threads are going to drive me back to EvE Online.


Answer this question, why do you think think you have "casual" players?

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If you want easy go play WoW...


enough trying to nerf this game.


We have enough casuals as it is.


I swear these QQ threads are going to drive me back to EvE Online.


I can't help but lol when people say "If you want easy go play WoW," as if SWTOR isn't the king of casual MMOs right now.

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i just wish they would up the spawn rate for the rakata energy cubes, like maybe put one at each spawn location rather than one that rotates randomly :mad:, and fix the bridge on belsavis...and if they could double or triple the speed of the tat balloon that would be awesome. so tired of the BS. Edited by Revan_Uchiha
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