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Collectors edition vendor


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Founder and CE Owner, here! I'd love to see more added to the vendors in the VIP sections for us....we hardly get any love and the CE wasn't cheap. I remember buying the CE version because of the vendor (other reasons too but the vendor was a deciding factor), which has fallen a little flat for me. While I appreciate what IS on there, I really wish there was more. It doesn't even have to be anything big....just something every once in a while would be nice. :) Edited by blindxsecrets
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What I'm seeing here is sorta sad. A lot of you are saying something to the effect, you don't care what they put on the CE vender, just put something. Have we fallen to such a desperate state well take anything just to get that 3 sec high from a new goodie? Does the question, "More soup, Sir?" stir anything in you? We should be getting really cool stuff that make's it worth the high amount we paid for in the beginning of this game. Not some reskinned weapon that doesn't sell for crap on the gtn or some color dye that only a .001% of us care about. I loved the decoration they put in there but that was quite a long time ago. The vendor was supposed to be regularly updated but it seems when it comes to putting new stuff in there, Biowares response is the same as always, Soon™ Edited by Banthabreeder
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Well now, this is a thread I haven't seen in some time.


In the end, the "They don't care" answer is still in place it seems. I've been pretty much done with this game due to the lack of respect towards CE owners, shoddy updates, etc. Gave SoR a shot and couldn't even finish it due to extreme amounts of boredom.


To this day, I think SWTOR will be the only game I greatly regret getting a CE for. EAware just doesn't care and went back on their word and no one was punished for it....well expect those of us that were tricked into buying a CE...




Been having a blast testing Star Citizen and can't wait for more testing modules to be released there. At least CIG gives a damn about their customers...

Edited by Eillack
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"Eaten bread is soon forgotten."

- Thomas Fuller


That is why EA doesn't care. They already have our money and we are no longer important. I did learn a valuable lesson though. I am never going to buy any "special edition / collector edition / etc" versions again. So in a strange way it was a very good life lesson.

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"Eaten bread is soon forgotten."

- Thomas Fuller


That is why EA doesn't care. They already have our money and we are no longer important. I did learn a valuable lesson though. I am never going to buy any "special edition / collector edition / etc" versions again. So in a strange way it was a very good life lesson.


Well said. I completely agree with this statement. I am done with buying collector's editions going forward.

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They got a excellent opportunity to add to the collectors vendor in the expansion.


The companions change so perhaps we could get new companion customizations.


A few more decorations would be nice aswell.

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They got a excellent opportunity to add to the collectors vendor in the expansion.


The companions change so perhaps we could get new companion customizations.


A few more decorations would be nice aswell.


And they will add the items to the CM vendor.

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"Eaten bread is soon forgotten."

- Thomas Fuller


That is why EA doesn't care. They already have our money and we are no longer important. I did learn a valuable lesson though. I am never going to buy any "special edition / collector edition / etc" versions again. So in a strange way it was a very good life lesson.


In what game do people who bout the collectors edition of EVER keep getting random stuff 4 years later? You already got added benefits at release. You deserve nothing more.

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In what game do people who bout the collectors edition of EVER keep getting random stuff 4 years later? You already got added benefits at release. You deserve nothing more.


This is the only game that I've seen that advertised it's collector's edition as having a special vendor that would receive regular up-dates. Some people expect advertised features to be adhered to. Crazy huh?


Personally, I don't care, I'm quite pleased with what we do have on the vendor, but I can understand people who expect to receive those regular up-dates as advertised.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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In what game do people who bout the collectors edition of EVER keep getting random stuff 4 years later? You already got added benefits at release. You deserve nothing more.

Because that's how it was advertised? My bad for expecting them to honor their word. How's the view from up on your high horse?

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Because that's how it was advertised? My bad for expecting them to honor their word. How's the view from up on your high horse?


Better than groveling on the ground for more stuff for 10 extra dollars I spent 4 years ago.

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Better than groveling on the ground for more stuff for 10 extra dollars I spent 4 years ago.


I think it was more like 80$ ;) And money is not the point. They advertised the CE in that way and they never delivered. They even changed the the CE descriptions after release to fit the "we do not add stuff" line from BW.

Edited by Neglience
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They should totally sell a collectors ED. with the new x-pax coming out. Maybe add a special vendor with regular updates. Digital this time. Have a special area only for CE folks but sell a wristband for like 10 mil creds for people to visit but not be able to use the vendor. :cool:
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They should totally sell a collectors ED. with the new x-pax coming out. Maybe add a special vendor with regular updates. Digital this time. Have a special area only for CE folks but sell a wristband for like 10 mil creds for people to visit but not be able to use the vendor. :cool:


Well the new expansion isn't being sold, it's free for Subs.

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I don't think any online MMO game should make promises. Ever.


Updates can be fluid and dynamic; sometimes major adjustments are necessary and the "promise" goes flying out of the window, never to be seen again.


Maybe I'm just too cynical now after 17 years of online gaming, but I won't take the word of any video game company whose focus is on profit. I'll wait until I actually see it in-game. :p

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I don't think any online MMO game should make promises. Ever.


Updates can be fluid and dynamic; sometimes major adjustments are necessary and the "promise" goes flying out of the window, never to be seen again.


Maybe I'm just too cynical now after 17 years of online gaming, but I won't take the word of any video game company whose focus is on profit. I'll wait until I actually see it in-game. :p


Of course they have to make promises. That's called selling. companies like to sell their product, that's how they make money. And of course promises get broken. Usually it's because the promise turns out to be much harder to keep than originally expected. Doesn't apply to this case however. They churn out how many items per year for the CM, and they can't do justice to the CE vendor?

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They should totally sell a collectors ED. with the new x-pax coming out. Maybe add a special vendor with regular updates. Digital this time. Have a special area only for CE folks but sell a wristband for like 10 mil creds for people to visit but not be able to use the vendor. :cool:


That's....almost exactly how the current CE area on fleet works. You can get the wristband for 1 million credits that gives access to one of the vendors who sells an ugly, overpriced speeder, but does not give access to the CE vendor.

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They should totally sell a collectors ED. with the new x-pax coming out. Maybe add a special vendor with regular updates. Digital this time. Have a special area only for CE folks but sell a wristband for like 10 mil creds for people to visit but not be able to use the vendor. :cool:


No way man - we'd probably fall for it again.


That's....almost exactly how the current CE area on fleet works. You can get the wristband for 1 million credits that gives access to one of the vendors who sells an ugly, overpriced speeder, but does not give access to the CE vendor.


I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

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They should totally sell a collectors ED. with the new x-pax coming out.


The expansion is free so I highly doubt they will do that.


However they could add another vendor but I doubt players would get that since they handled the previous collector edition vendor, judged on the replies in this thread rather wierd.

Edited by Icestar
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