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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Any information when there will be character transfers? Currently on Starstorm One which is a heavy russian server. whilst I have no problem with them, there is a distinct lack of community on the server due to the language barrier.


Many english speakers feel hard-done by the fact that this server was recommended by BW to the russian community.



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Is there any consideration into reworking the Alacrity stat to make it competitive, or is it currently serving its intended purpose? As it stands, it seems to only trim a few tenths of a second off of activations and channels, and doesn't seem to be too beneficial if stacked (ie. adding ticks to HoTs or lowering the GCD) and actually appears to be detrimental after a point. Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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To expand on the announced plans for endgame itemization in 1.2, what plans are there for crafters such as Arms/Armor/Synthweave to make them more appealing throughout the leveling process? Currently, there seems to be less incentive for these trades due to the ease in which one can acquire orange gear and mods from levels 1-49.
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I would like to hear an official response as to when or if even macro's are going to be added to this game. I think alot will quit if you do not due to the fact that people with gaming keyboards (and one specifically that you endorse and give an in game item as a reward for buying) can already use macro's which gives them an edge in PvP.
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The original SGRA announcement was fairly ambiguous on how it would be implemented into the game. Is SGR being developed as part of a full expansion or will it be included in a free content patch? Edited by losdia
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Is there any plans or considerations into increasing the depth of customisation for your character?


For example:-



- A greater variety of options to choose from at the creation screen; facial features/hair styles/scars complexions etc. (an age option would be nice, instead of having a million beautiful young characters tearing up the galaxy.)


- Adjusting the colour of your armour/ clothing (or adding new gear entirely!) would add a greater feeling of control, this is an RPG after all.


- Remove the force side alignment from lightsaber crystals, for something purely asthetic i see no reason to have this barrier, and have heard more folk mention it.


Just my 2 pennies worth


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In SWTOR and games like it, appearances play a huge roll for me. One of my favorite races is the Twi'lek and i was a little dissapointed when i found out my shadow could not wear a hood. So my question is: will Twi'leks ever gain access to hoods?
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When will more information on the Legacy system be released? We the people in my Guild have been wondering for quite sometime what some exact perks will be, As in will we be able to share some abilities with other classes in the same Legacy for ex. Making a Tank class be able to use a small healing ability for Max healing 2k but can only be used once every 5 minutes or so. Something to really show they are really linked and get bonuses from each other. We are all very confused as to what Legacy really will provide in the game and I have heard all kinds of rumors that it will be released from March-July. If its that soon some more about it would be a great help. Thank you.
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Since Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are class choices, are you considering allowing players to place bounties on other players, so a bounty hunter feels like a bounty hunter?


You could add a bounty station where players can create and accept bounties or contracts, and upon terminating the player they receive the credit/item award offered.


Perhaps a smuggler could take on delivery quests- if they die before reaching the destination the contract is broken.

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When will guild banks be introduced in march, i remember devs mentioning it but cant find a link or date with further info, this is really wanted by my guild members and were already filling our personal banks with mats and gear. ty bioware for the best starwars game to date, this far beats galaxies that sony screwed up!!!!!! :wea_03:
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When will keybinds/UI profiles become savable? It is supremely frustrating to have to rebind all of my keys every time I start a new character (especially since, by level 50, I've got almost 15-20 keys custom bound to support the 25-30 abilities I need to have quick access to).
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Got a question about Ilum and the so called no valor gained message.


When fighting on ILum mostly after killing 3 enemies i get a message no valor gained instead of the message this character has recently been killed and is no valor worth.


Is it intentional that you are getting the message no valor killed after a couple of kills, if it is intentional what is the philosophy behind this?


Because when i get the message i just run suicidal towards the opposing fraction and got killed to join the fight again after the re-spawning at a medcenter (flightpoint).

Edited by mebeli
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So, we keep hearing various theories from people as to why the Hero Engine is performing so poorly when you have a large amount of players in the same area (as seen on ilum in the open pvp zone). So my question is why exactly do we see such poor performance and what is being done to address it?
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