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Soo Slicing was nerfed into worthlessness?


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Playing my alt who I took slicing on, to give it a try and I am noticing that slicing missions are not profitable, but actually losing me money?


Well why would I take it then? Wasnt the whole point of slicing to make money?


I coulda went for another crew skill and just sold the material and made plenty of money... ***.



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As suggested, read the other threads linked. I've done all of the gathering professions, and slicing I am personally still the happiest with. It's free credits out walking around, it amplifies the rewards of other mission types, and the augment market is currently booming and will only get better. Not sure what else one could ask for.
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I don't even try to play the market in depth and I rake in credits hand over fist. The real slicing money is unloading 300+ mission schematics on the market. I have no idea how many thousands of credits I've made my just picking up slicing nodes while out and about though.


I think the trick is to not expect slicing to earn you money exclusively by sending your companions on missions - those rarely make significant money unless you get a nice mission schematic to boot.


Also, augments will likely pick up on the market after the next patch since more gear is going to have augment slots.

Edited by Raeln
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The only thing I will give the OP is that slicing pre-nerf used to be super awesome in generating credits even while leveling. I know personally it paid for all my class skills and such w/o ever even visiting the GTN. It is still quite good if you consider the gathering aspect while leveling up, but the other rewards are pretty much garbage until you are close to maxing the skill out and get the high end rewards when you get the epic 49 augments and 340 missions.


At least the good news is, running missions is minimally "credit neutral" so you don't have to worry about it draining any credits while leveling it up.

Edited by JohnSixteen
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I wish I could find a thread complaining about slicing nerfs on these forums. The 15 to 20k I pay for each crafting mission would like a word about your profitability.


I sell them for about 10k each and they are snatched up nearly instantly. I've seen some others on my server list them at 25k+.

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I wish I could find a thread complaining about slicing nerfs on these forums. The 15 to 20k I pay for each crafting mission would like a word about your profitability.


depending on your servers economy thats fairly cheap. look at the guaranteed returns too see how high you can go and still make an acceptable amount of margin. as an example i can easily go up to 35k for underworld trading missions. just from avg price on the returns i get 9k per manda iron (36k) 4k per star silk (16k) 800 per cirilium (3.2k) 400 per nano silk (1.6k) and 4-4.5k for blue companion gifts, depending on the subset. all of this is higher of course if you crit, get a pattern aswell, etc. at worst making 60% pure profit is far from terrible.

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