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8 WZ medals as Combat Medic.


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Hands down, best CM video I've seen. Peroid.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldNY***2j64 the *** is F U Q

stupid swtor profanity filter


He goes 25-1 with 8 medals with over 100k damage and 415k healing. Flawless play.


EDIT: found a url redirector that will let me link it. click below


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He stands in wide open areas, but luckily only rarely gets attacked. Bad positioning is bailed out by bad opposition. We see nothing of how he reacts to being attacked by numerous battlemasters.


Wasting a stun on a 10% attacker then slowly walking backwards for some reason.


Far too much jumping/moving around for no apparent reason when heals/damage is called for.


Lack of CC on unmarked healers/ranged dps.


Just terrible opposition in general. Nothing special. Which is probably why the video wasn't linked 4 weeks ago when it was made. Yes, he healed for a lot, which I would expect anyone to do versus that imperial team.


Really not trying to bad mouth the guy, he doesn't deserve that. Just really nothing noteworthy about the video. For all I know, he might have gotten a ton better since recording that video.


75k damage/healing, 2.5k damage/heal, killing blow, 10/25 kills. Those 7 are ridiculously easy to get on a combat medic. That isn't even counting the defender medals.

Edited by Aerodi
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if you're getting 75k and 2.5k hit each game, chances are you're playing against a bad team or you're not doing your job right.

Not really. 2.5k hit takes one SCC used on Charged Bolt spam on a low armor class. 75k can be gotten by Hammer Shotting enemies to generate CSC stacks and the occasional Mortar Volley.

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He's decent, but nothing to write home about. You should be able to get those stats with cent or champ gear easily. Last voidstar I had an exceptional run, 105K damage and 515k healing, and im pretty crappy. I dont even CC right,.
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Not really. 2.5k hit takes one SCC used on Charged Bolt spam on a low armor class. 75k can be gotten by Hammer Shotting enemies to generate CSC stacks and the occasional Mortar Volley.


Lol, I did say playing against a good team didn't I? I literally have to spam heal the entire fight including using hammer shot to heal teammates, got quite a few games under my belt with less than 2k damage done and upwards of 600k+ healing. Usually the 2k damage done is the occasional hammer shot to stop a capp.

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Lol, I did say playing against a good team didn't I? I literally have to spam heal the entire fight including using hammer shot to heal teammates, got quite a few games under my belt with less than 2k damage done and upwards of 600k+ healing. Usually the 2k damage done is the occasional hammer shot to stop a capp.


I always see it with sages, but as a commando i still wonder "how"?



My average game is 120k - 250k Damage (1- 3 best DD) and 120k to 300k Heal (Best tosecond best Heal)

First or Second to Kill count and always best in damage taken.




Maybe it's an Euro thing but good equal teams will have a lot of kills not zero deaths and high amounts of damage / healing.


Good Teams, well you don't get 600k healing there. Good teams tend to chain cc / interrupt spam on you.while having at least two maras / shadows up your sleeve or a pyro (Tech Dot) Tankish BH / Trooper. - which means you want to dispel a lot ;)




The beauty of a 31+ Point specced Commando healer is, he can help dealing "finishing blows".


Aoe pushback breaks the melee focus on a target, SCC allows for CB spam Add, surge relitc and stim to it, and you are looking at 2k - 3.7k crits on BM geared enemies.

Favourable the enemy healer. (Tech crit is 43%)


Sometimes a DPS of your team needs to die for the enemy teams healer ;)



There are too many variables to dismiss 500k healing and <100k damage as generally "bad" but in my experience a commando healer who can use his cc and DPS burst is a better addition than a heal spamming commando (and especially sages).



As for positioning, contrary to believe, standing in the middle is the best you can do. You will get focused sooner or later, Healer! rang rang - You will be hard CCed. However when you stand in the middle they can't force YOU to LOS your own teammates with "soft" CC like root.


Imagine standing next to a pillar at voidstar. One pushback / pull with root + followup slow, and you're out of healing LOS for like forever and after that you can still get two stuns in. Standing in the middle? Pushbacks / slows/ roots are not a concern. :cool:

Edited by -sasori
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