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Merc vs healer=auto defeat for merc


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You cant do anything to stop healers as mercenary with no interrupt...


Every healer can outheal your damage and survive since you cant stop them.... Even non-specced healers can sometimes win fights simply because they hid behind los and pulled of a heal that could have been avoied with a bloody interrupt....


The only thing we have is a bloody stun that is our main cc that is usually broken by the skill since they dont fear for any other big contrlling effect...


We have a jetpack that requires close RANGE which means losing damage you could do and also even more time being eaten by slow dots. And a punch that has knockback but ONLY when specced








Edited by Labradoraki
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I fully agree. I play a merc as pyrotech and its amazing to me that i cant stop a decent healer for nothing. I believe we are the only advance class without it as well?


correct all other advanced classes have somekin of interrupt with have NO interrupt and we have at remenderous weakness... imo without one we need a buff in damage just to compensate for that vast weakness

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Trust me, interrupts won't help you beat that healer 1 on 1.


Unless its a dps class using one heal (lol) they'll just switch to a 2nd heal. A more seasoned healer (in 1v1) will probably queue up their weaker heal, you interrupt, then they just switch to their strongest. Its a win/win to them. They either get healing from the weaker one, or you burn your interrupt on it and they get a better heal. Ofc this is where you save their resolve for a barrage of stuns/knockbacks with the interrupt woven between. Then if they aren't dead they run away and LoS pole hump you till they get enough heals off/friends arive ;(

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Even if that's the case, why does every other class have one expect merc?


If everyone has one except merc it would almost appear they didn't think you needed one. One reason could be that you are the highest single target damage dealer in the game. It is also possible they knew you would roll one and they are out to get you. I'm sure that is what YOU think.

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I don't see how a Merc can lose to a healer since they can actually heal themeslves, so you can't just turtle up as a healer and throw out an occasional dot. If the healer goes into DPS mode, the merc can obviously kill them first before they die. You might not be able to kill the healer if he's in full turtle mode, but most classes won't be able to do so either.
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um, you have two stuns and a knock back. l2p


oh for gods sake.... the sleep missile is useless in pvp...t akes 2 seconds to casts and breaks on damage AND FILLS RESOLVE BAR 100%


so we actually only hve 1 SINGLE 1MIN COOLDONW STUN


If everyone has one except merc it would almost appear they didn't think you needed one. One reason could be that you are the highest single target damage dealer in the game. It is also possible they knew you would roll one and they are out to get you. I'm sure that is what YOU think.


HELLO THERE, sniper is sniping

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Trust me, interrupts won't help you beat that healer 1 on 1.


What he said.


You interrupt one heal and they use the other a second later.


Unless you out gear the healer or are a Jesus skilled Marauder nobody can kill a healer 1v1 ingame.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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I think Labradoraki is just terribad. He has a complaint about every class every day.


L2P and you wont have anything to complian about anymore. I cant imagine how terrible it must be for you playing this game as everybody seems to be OP to you.

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jetboost is close ranged... and you are a ranged class, healer is too...


also rocket punch is ONLY KNOCKBACK WHEN SPECED


I suggest using talented rocket punch. Spam tracer. Dart. Run at the healer while using instants. Sit on their face. ???. Profit.



Actually you probably need a 2nd person to help kill them.

Edited by Mrip
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Kinda balanced by Mercs pulling the "LOL You can't interrupt me" card.


Bad troll is bad. I'm a BG Merc and I easily get chain stunned an interrupted ALL the time. It's the number one thing that makes me rage in PVP; with SI's completely overpowered utility and escape as a very very close second.


I could argue either way on the interrupt topic, but I usually lean towards the need for one. We have 3 base skills that allow us to stop someone from casting (dart, jet boost, concussion) with one more in the Arsenal tree (rocket punch knockback). That said, two are very close range, one has significant cast time, and none stop them from just casting it right away again. If SI utility in PVP was toned down to be in line with everyone else, though, I could manage without one.

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