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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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stop drinking bong water .. +1,5m subs .. sure



4 light

5 heavy

rest standard


so probably

low < 200

standard = 200 -500

heavy = 500-750

very heavy = +750


.. so maybe 25000 +-5000 eu players. there really must be really really very very heavy us and asia servers


The simple fact the fans don't want to face is EAware counts people who left but still have time left because of buying blocks of time or timecards as "active subscribers" simply because the account is active ( even when you cancel the account, that account is "active" until all time runs out ).


For example, I played 43 days out of 90. That's 47 days of remaining time EAware gets to count me as an "active subscriber" in their little figures they show the public.

Edited by Zorvan
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They've sold 2mil copies. Active ones out of 2mil is probably around 1mil and falling.


Also, Guild Wars 2 and Tera will be launching this comming summer and if things go according to the plan, that will have a BIG impact on SWTOR's subs. Maybe going as low as under 500k. I also don't rule out F2P in less than 2 years.


It will never go F2p coz of Lucas licence, but, speaking for myself, moi will deff play GW2, and recent videos like from Yogscast show me that it will be an amazing game. But i will prolly unsub pretty soon coz of dead server, bad engine and boring gameplay. Maybe I expected more. Shame.

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stop drinking bong water .. +1,5m subs .. sure



4 light

5 heavy

rest standard


so probably

low < 200

standard = 200 -500

heavy = 500-750

very heavy = +750


.. so maybe 25000 +-5000 eu players. there really must be really really very very heavy us and asia servers


according to your stats they would need 1500 servers all at very heavy.. How many servers have wow got for their 11 million

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some server stats .. do the math :eek:


those stats show


1. unknown changes to the server status

2. unknown number of people no longer subbing

3. unknown number of people logging in for shorter periods


case 3 is where people have hit 50 and log in for a lot shorter time then they have previously to go raid or do a daily.


all they are an indicator of is people logging on simultaneously.





Server A could have 2000 people logging on for 5 minutes each spaced out throughout the course of a day.


Server B server could have 500 people logged on at once for 4 hours at a time between 16:00 and 20:00


Those stats would show server B to have more people logged on simultaneously.





SO during the initial levelling periods servers would be showing heavy or greater load on them as people consume the levlling content for hours at a time. As the server matures more people ding max level and players who don't roll alts are on for less each day.


If they show anything tbh they show people play more when they are levelling then when they are lvl 50 which is what I would expect.



Even if no one unsubs a decline in what these stats show is inevitable just given how people play.

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That can mean 1 of 2 things, everyone has left or bioware have increased the caps on the servers. Guess which one it is.


Just because in game populations are lighter doesn't mean players are not elsewhere such as forums or simply playing on a lighter schedule. People have to realize that a certain portion of the population play the forums almost like a social game in itself.


Semantics/social politicking is very entertaining for some people. Sure there are the trolls but also the serious types that have strong opinions and try to be heard.

Edited by mandrillagon
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those stats show


1. unknown changes to the server status

2. unknown number of people no longer subbing

3. unknown number of people logging in for shorter periods



1. click population trends and scale it

2. in my guild .. 10/11 not subbing anymore .. pretty close realm ratio

3. unknown but bigger number of people will not logging anymore

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1. click population trends and scale it

2. in my guild .. 10/11 not subbing anymore .. pretty close realm ratio

3. unknown but bigger number of people will not logging anymore


believe what you want.. I'm off back to play 50 people on nar shaddaa atm on my standard server.. My guild has grown by 20%.. I'm saying we don;t know though

Edited by corbanite
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a couple of hundred left in April and 10 servers.


A single EB games store here in Ausrtralia that my friend is assisstant manager of sold over 300 copies of this game on release 3 days ago (1 march). over 300 in one day... Its now 4 March and they are still selling copies.


If ONE store sold that much how many other EB games stores sold large amounts as well?


How many other retail stores sold copies as well?


How many retail stores in the Oceanic area are now selling copies?


A couple hundred in April is a drop in the Ocean. You lose 200 but gain 400... Seems pretty healthy to me.



The issue was the initial surge that every MMO has. They had too many servers to accomodate the surge and now that its plateaued off (and them opening Oceanic servers) servers are dying. Swifture was ALWAYS full... Now its ALWAYS dead... Why? because all those players went oceanic. Same with Ajunta Pall during the NA off peak time... Its a ghost town.


So stop speculating and throw some hard facts or simply shut up.


And no dont bother linking the site that has server load graphs and ****. Everyoen does it and then people like me simply cpy and paste the disclaimers on their FAQ's and destroy any credibility you have!

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We went from most servers being heavy and quite a lot full to maybe one full at peak time and most light.


My feeling from in game and how the forums are stalled is around 50% left and mostly 25% actually plays the game.


Unless the guild summit and/or patch 1.2 shows great things, the game is going to continue bleeding subscriptions and it won't be that much better than WAR when GW2 launches.

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We went from most servers being heavy and quite a lot full to maybe one full at peak time and most light.


My feeling from in game and how the forums are stalled is around 50% left and mostly 25% actually plays the game.


Unless the guild summit and/or patch 1.2 shows great things, the game is going to continue bleeding subscriptions and it won't be that much better than WAR when GW2 launches.


Dude you must be playing in an alternate univers. Im in Australia +10GMT and during my deap time all the Oceanic servers are heavy or full, and i see about 7 NA which are standard and the rest light...


During our offpeak time I see AT LEAST 3+ heavy and the rest jumping between standard and heavy throughout the day.


Though there are those that remain standard/light.

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A single EB games store here in Ausrtralia that my friend is assisstant manager of sold over 300 copies of this game on release 3 days ago (1 march). over 300 in one day... Its now 4 March and they are still selling copies.


If ONE store sold that much how many other EB games stores sold large amounts as well?


How many other retail stores sold copies as well?


How many retail stores in the Oceanic area are now selling copies?


A couple hundred in April is a drop in the Ocean. You lose 200 but gain 400... Seems pretty healthy to me.



The issue was the initial surge that every MMO has. They had too many servers to accomodate the surge and now that its plateaued off (and them opening Oceanic servers) servers are dying. Swifture was ALWAYS full... Now its ALWAYS dead... Why? because all those players went oceanic. Same with Ajunta Pall during the NA off peak time... Its a ghost town.


So stop speculating and throw some hard facts or simply shut up.


And no dont bother linking the site that has server load graphs and ****. Everyoen does it and then people like me simply cpy and paste the disclaimers on their FAQ's and destroy any credibility you have!


There is no way the Oceanic playerbase has more then 200,000 and that is me being very generous. I'd say probably 50,000 at the most after the people who bought it previously. I dont' think you realize how people are having grouping issues and faced with 2 options, quit or re-roll/tough it out. Making your character on another server is not an option for so many since playing your character again is identical to a weak single player game.


Bioware hasn't announced the games numbers, that's bad. Bioware shouts to the world and proclaims every achievement, so why aren't they saying "we got this". They're probably down to about 1.3m+ with a base of 100k~ from Oceanic.

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At this point in time 9.32am AEST (+10GMT) I count 21 servers that are Light across EVERY server for SWTOR. I count 9 that are Heavy. And the rest are Standard.


And this is Offpeak for alot of people.


Thats ALOT of server... So there are still ALOT of players.


Its all right in front of you. So stop making stupid claims.

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I just wonder where were those 1.7 million people yesterday night? I was questing on Belsavis and there were only 6 people online. My guild is having problems finding new members and forget about finding healers and tanks. PVP open world area on Tatooine was entirely desert two days ago. In the mornings it is impossible to PVP at all, there are some players that farm Ilum at that time. Please, merge the servers.... krayiss obelisk server is dying :'(


Dead servers means little- there's always been a handful of dead WoW servers too. It's impossible to make it so all servers are balanced.

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At this point in time 9.32am AEST (+10GMT) I count 21 servers that are Light across EVERY server for SWTOR. I count 9 that are Heavy. And the rest are Standard.


And this is Offpeak for alot of people.


Thats ALOT of server... So there are still ALOT of players.


Its all right in front of you. So stop making stupid claims.


What are you talking about? It's the weekend and the NA servers should be more heavy.

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Dead servers means little- there's always been a handful of dead WoW servers too. It's impossible to make it so all servers are balanced.


Except SW's has quite a few more then a handful of dead servers, 3/4 or so are dead or dying.

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What are you talking about? It's the weekend and the NA servers should be more heavy.


Its weekend here in Oceanic time as well!!!!! But i gurantee you in 9 hours the Oceanic servers will be Full like they are EVERY NIGHT at that time


I logged in at 5am AEST and the 3 NA servers I play on were all Heavy (bar swiftsure which was light... And has been since Oceanic servers came).


Do your homework and pay more attention rather than just taking a quick glimpse and thinking that its set in stone.

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