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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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3 months from now, end of May... Tera will be out, Aion f2p, TSW 3 weeks from launch, GW2 will have a launch date and Blizzard will be gearing up for MoP.


Sales of new boxes have already heavily declined and there are big issues with server pops and faction imbalance, along with still existing bugs and tech issues, so pop will drop below 1.7 million.


I'm predicting 800k to 1.2 million in 3 months depending on how active BW is in patching the game.


I'm sorry but I couldn't even get out of the starter zone of Tera... it's just bad... all in my opinion of course.


Lol at blizzard gearing up for MoP...that is a year out at least. But blizzard will bring in subs with the Pokemon On-Line.. to me it's laughable.

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Game still hasn't launched all over the world.


They didn't release it everywhere at once so that this sloppy terd could float for a few more months and thus maximize profits. Asia will go through this in about a week and the Austrailians dedicated to this game already got it at launch. Not much of a future for this game.

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You mean like WoW? Or you mean low budget MMOs that failed everywhere? :rolleyes:


WoW is the exception not the rule. Star Wars but it isn't quite as well received outside of the States as people would like to think. Add in a leveling model that any grinder would laugh at and endgame so easy you can train a dog to do it and what you have is a lackluster MMO with potential once you take the blinders off.

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Less than 1 million, the number will only decrease until they actually implement cross server pvp and cross server dungeon tool, until those 2 things happen, i don't see any hope for the game to actually grow.


I'm on the fullest eu pve server and it almost feels empty at times, and i'm not talking about lelveing zones, those are basically always empty, but endgame ones. Putting a group togheter for some hard mode is a nightmare or simply impossible even at reasonable hours, and warzones have fairly long queues at times, not to mention that is terribly boring to see always the same 20-30 people, and of course playing at off hours is out of the question.

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They've sold 2mil copies. Active ones out of 2mil is probably around 1mil and falling.


Also, Guild Wars 2 and Tera will be launching this comming summer and if things go according to the plan, that will have a BIG impact on SWTOR's subs. Maybe going as low as under 500k. I also don't rule out F2P in less than 2 years.

Edited by Traven
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They've sold 2mil copies. Active ones out of 2mil is probably around 1mil and falling.


Also, Guild Wars 2 and Tera will be launching this comming summer and if things go according to the plan, that will have a BIG impact on SWTOR's subs. Maybe going as low as under 500k. I also don't rule out F2P in less than 2 years.


Ya I dont see swtor surviving both their launches especially when so many are having problems.


How many games in recent years was the main complaint about the game, the game engine and game performance?


None come to mind.


Bioware dug their hole and I dont think they will climb out of it with new gen mmo's launching this year that are actually offering something new and innovative. Tera lacks quest immersion but they make up for it with the combat/pvp systems. GW2 has voice overs and immersive questing and events that actually change the world your on. They also have a unique pvp system that is realm vs realm vs realm on a massive scale. They are actually being innovative if you ask me swtor just ripped off 90% of its game from wow and added voice overs + story and called it a day.


Theres nothing really innovative about it lol.

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I'm sorry but I couldn't even get out of the starter zone of Tera... it's just bad... all in my opinion of course.


Lol at blizzard gearing up for MoP...that is a year out at least. But blizzard will bring in subs with the Pokemon On-Line.. to me it's laughable.


I agree. I think the competition couldn't be better for Bioware coming up.


- WoW is getting more terrible.

- Tera Online has an irrelevant intellectual property that will be a 1-2 month and done product.

- Aion FTP? Who cares?

- Blizzard cant even get Diablo 3 right. It's a mess.


Guild Wars 2 is the only real competition in the next 6 months. Diablo 3 if it's released.

Edited by islander
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just because its star wars you will have people who will never give up on it. I'd bet that will keep this game going for a long time.


3 months from the 1.7 I predict less than 750k if 1.2 offers anything, if 1.2 is bad then less than 500k.

Edited by stickyickytricky
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Ya I dont see swtor surviving both their launches especially when so many are having problems.


How many games in recent years was the main complaint about the game, the game engine and game performance?


None come to mind.


Bioware dug their hole and I dont think they will climb out of it with new gen mmo's launching this year that are actually offering something new and innovative. Tera lacks quest immersion but they make up for it with the combat/pvp systems. GW2 has voice overs and immersive questing and events that actually change the world your on. They also have a unique pvp system that is realm vs realm vs realm on a massive scale. They are actually being innovative if you ask me swtor just ripped off 90% of its game from wow and added voice overs + story and called it a day.


Theres nothing really innovative about it lol.


You do know all the past 'new and innovative' MMOs have failed miserably. Right?


I don't consider Eve Online new, btw.

Edited by islander
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You do know all the past 'new and innovative' MMOs have failed miserably. Right?


I don't consider Eve Online new, btw.


You do know all the past MMO's that copied WoW *cough* swtor *cough* Have failed miserably. Right?

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You do know all the past MMO's that copied WoW *cough* swtor *cough* Have failed miserably. Right?


I thought it was failing because it didn't have LFG cross server or recount or add ons

Edited by corbanite
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I agree. I think the competition couldn't be better for Bioware coming up.


- WoW is getting more terrible.

- Tera Online has an irrelevant intellectual property that will be a 1-2 month and done product.

- Aion FTP? Who cares?

- Blizzard cant even get Diablo 3 right. It's a mess.


Guild Wars 2 is the only real competition in the next 6 months. Diablo 3 if it's released.


GW2 will probably HELP SWTOR short term, and be irrelevant long term.


It's F2P, so people will maintain their P2P subs while playing GW2. Since they'll have something to do while waiting for more SWTOR fixes/content, Bioware will be given a bit of time and reduced pressure.


People didn't quit WoW longterm to play Skyrim. They simply shifted much of their non-raiding hours to Skyrim for a month, and then went back to WoW. I suspect GW2 will be mostly the same. It will be the game people play while waiting for more to do in their "main game".

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Sorry but DAOc was a mere blip on the MMO circuit. Basically around 100K at its peak. so opinions from people which hailed a crappy game as good have no merrit imo. I played it and considered it crap. Returned to EQ within a few weeks.


Shadowbane had better PvP than DAOC except it was a crappy buggy engine.



Sorry but if you only played DAOC for a few weeks you have no clue what DAOC pvp was like. Your opinion is based on nothing and has 0 merit.

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They've sold 2mil copies. Active ones out of 2mil is probably around 1mil and falling.


Also, Guild Wars 2 and Tera will be launching this comming summer and if things go according to the plan, that will have a BIG impact on SWTOR's subs. Maybe going as low as under 500k. I also don't rule out F2P in less than 2 years.


Thank you that, "Analyst". We always have room for one more biased hater fantasy of SWTOR's downfall here on the forums... :rolleyes:

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Ya I dont see swtor surviving both their launches especially when so many are having problems.


How many games in recent years was the main complaint about the game, the game engine and game performance?


None come to mind.


Warhammer Online comes to mind.

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You do know all the past 'new and innovative' MMOs have failed miserably. Right?


I don't consider Eve Online new, btw.


Indulge me.


Remember I said recent years so if you start popping off mmo's from the early 2000-2005 area im not even going to acknowledge your post.


The point im making is theres more advanced engines out there that run mmo's smoother and better out there and other mmo devs are using them.


Swtor is literally like the first big mmo using heroengine.


And so far people are not impressed with its performance.... or are you saying 1-15 fps in ilum pvp is good performance lol.

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This game is great for people who dont know any better. Nubs love the fact that they can get to 50 fast, it makes them think they are actually skilled. Nubs also love the fact that they can do a raid with junior high level difficulty because, since they are nubs, they probably never did real end game in another MMO and they think that they are actually doing something. Nubs also love a loot pinata, and this game delivers, giving so many drops per boss that you can raid for a few weeks and be done (if the operation doesnt bug out)


Long story short: Nubs are gonna bring in the most money, not endgamers. That is why aftter 2 months they still cannot get Soa to work right, yet they tout all the new features coming to polish this turd with. This game will be just fine.

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Indulge me.


Remember I said recent years so if you start popping off mmo's from the early 2000-2005 area im not even going to acknowledge your post.


The point im making is theres more advanced engines out there that run mmo's smoother and better out there and other mmo devs are using them.


Swtor is literally like the first big mmo using heroengine.


And so far people are not impressed with its performance.... or are you saying 1-15 fps in ilum pvp is good performance lol.



I don't get low FPS on Ilum, so not sure what you're talking about. It's dropped low one day. When there were about 60 people on screen. It was hit/miss that day. Then again, I never bothered to lower my graphic settings - I wanted to test my system out.

Edited by islander
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I just wonder where were those 1.7 million people yesterday night? I was questing on Belsavis and there were only 6 people online. My guild is having problems finding new members and forget about finding healers and tanks. PVP open world area on Tatooine was entirely desert two days ago. In the mornings it is impossible to PVP at all, there are some players that farm Ilum at that time. Please, merge the servers.... krayiss obelisk server is dying :'(


gee i dont know, maybe cuz the count is for ALL regions , not just NA ?


your server is empty , doesnt really relate to active subs..



if anything they have TOO MANY servers and the population PER REGION is too spread out, doesnt neccesarily mean that there are few people playing ...

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Wasnt that created by some of the same devs working on swtor?


From my understanding Mythic worked on the PvP portion of SWTOR.... but technically Mythic and Bioware have been merged to being the same development house, which is why Warhammer Online is now considered an EA/Bioware MMO, and only has Mythic attached to that game for branding reasons.

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This game is great for people who dont know any better. Nubs love the fact that they can get to 50 fast, it makes them think they are actually skilled. Nubs also love the fact that they can do a raid with junior high level difficulty because, since they are nubs, they probably never did real end game in another MMO and they think that they are actually doing something. Nubs also love a loot pinata, and this game delivers, giving so many drops per boss that you can raid for a few weeks and be done (if the operation doesnt bug out)


Long story short: Nubs are gonna bring in the most money, not endgamers. That is why aftter 2 months they still cannot get Soa to work right, yet they tout all the new features coming to polish this turd with. This game will be just fine.


And with this, what he means is:


Nubs: Normal people with jobs, families, school etc.


What he means when he says "endgamers" is up for speculation, but the dude's post should say a lot.

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