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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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This is what I find hilarious.


Every one of the people who were screaming "omgzorz mass exodus!!!!11111eatatjoes" on this thread months ago are still screaming it today. But they canceled oh how they canceled; yep two weeks left...and then you'll see.




Meanwhile rumor has it that BioWare will be announcing a growth in subs at the next investor call.


And the beat goes on.


Really now, because the rumor mill is saying just the opposite for actual investors in EA. Or do you have any stock with them?

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I don't care about how many subscribers there are. I care about how easy it is to find a group for a Flashpoint, my opportunities of OWPvP and queue times for PvP.


I want the option to transfer my character or a server merge to happen ASAP.

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How do you explain a growth in subs and a lower amount of active subs?


I play much less than I did in the first couple of months and I still love the game and have absolutely no intention of quitting.


I've just settled into anormal rhythm where the game adjusts to my life.


You'll find this quite normal and common behaviour.

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I don't care about how many subscribers there are. I care about how easy it is to find a group for a Flashpoint, my opportunities of OWPvP and queue times for PvP.


I want the option to transfer my character or a server merge to happen ASAP.


It's called do "Do Some Research Before Joining a Server". Nice book, you should read it sometime. It takes less than 2 weeks to level a character to 50. It's not hard to roll on another server. I got full rakata in under a month on starting PvE. If you would quit because you're too lazy to roll another character then good riddance to you. I can picture you whining when you don't get your way all the time lol.

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Really now, because the rumor mill is saying just the opposite for actual investors in EA. Or do you have any stock with them?


What rumor mill?


You mean the 15 Astroturfers that have been chanting doom since day one? I do own stock in EA but that wasn't who I was referring to; some of the larger fan sites have a pretty good relationship with the devs and it seems that huge exodus that the hate machine has been wanting still didn't happen also Daniel Erickson said that they would have something noteworthy to say about subscriptions soon on Google + So translation expect a increase announcement at the next investor meeting.


Which will be called lies because Bubba Joe who is a "scientist" has the really real numbers. :rolleyes:

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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What rumor mill?


You mean the 15 Astroturfers that have been chanting doom since day one? I do own stock in EA but that wasn't who I was referring to; some of the larger fan sites have a pretty good relationship with the devs and it seems that huge exodus that the hate machine has been wanting still didn't happen also Daniel Erickson said that they would have something noteworthy to say about subscriptions soon on Google + So translation expect a increase announcement at the next investor meeting.


Which will be called lies because Bubba Joe who is a "scientist" has the really real numbers. :rolleyes:



Seemingly Bioware have found the goose that lays the golden egg, MMO subscribers that pay, but don't play.


Impressive. :csw_vader:

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Seemingly Bioware have found the goose that lays the golden egg, MMO subscribers that pay, but don't play.


Impressive. :csw_vader:


Oh we play, just not 24/7.


I think the problem most of the people complaining about population is their relative age.


I imagine most are 21 and younger with little to no real-life responsibility, where as the majority of the SWTOR's players are 30+ with family and work.


This is pure speculation based on how comments are phrased and the 'it's the end of the world' attitudes.


I could be wrong, it's happened before.

Edited by Azzras
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Seemingly Bioware have found the goose that lays the golden egg, MMO subscribers that pay, but don't play.


Or, there is a small, vocal minority of disgruntled players with disregard for facts who have hijacked the general discussion forum.

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Seemingly Bioware have found the goose that lays the golden egg, MMO subscribers that pay, but don't play.


Impressive. :csw_vader:


Dunno what you're talking about Charlie I'm two servers and they are rocking most of the time.


Not my fault you picked a dead realm.

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Oh we play, just not 24/7.


I think the problem most of the people complaining about population is their relative age.


I imagine most are 21 and younger with little to no real-life responsibility, where as the majority of the SWTOR's players are 30+ with family and work.


This is pure speculation based on how comments are phrased and the 'it's the end of the world' attitudes.


I could be wrong, it's happened before.



Maybe it is that. I just know of the 20 people that came here with me only 3-4 still play (at all), whether they are keeping up their subs I don't know.


My 2 main server populations are down too, not to the point of been bad..... but then they were servers that had 4-6 hours queues every day for the first 3-4 weeks.


Maybe all that population is still subbing too..... but they aren't playing at the moment.


Or, there is a small, vocal minority of disgruntled players with disregard for facts who have hijacked the general discussion forum.


They can't change the numbers, active peak players doesn't seem to match up with sub numbers, but then, of course, sub numbers include anyone that had played within a month of the date, anyone that in in first free month and most likely anyone on a free trial.


Even so it seems like a lot of people are still subbed but not playing much or at all. Which at the end of the day is brilliant for EA if it stays that way, profits-wise.

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People aren't used to the new phenomenom in mmos- people who don't play 24/7. Of course it seems like you have few people playing when there's more and more people with jobs and families and lives playing mmos than there were even 5 years ago. In WoW- you were used to seeing people on 8 hours a day- so of course if you have 100 people playing 8 hours, that's 800 hours a day worth of people.


With people with jobs though, they might average 1 hour a day- so even if you had 100 people playing, that's only 100 hours.



They made a casual friendly game aimed at casuals- they got a casual audience. This just might not be the game for the 18-25 year olds living in mom's basement with no job.

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Dunno what you're talking about Charlie I'm two servers and they are rocking most of the time.


Not my fault you picked a dead realm.


Not sure what you're talking about either, Clifford, both my servers are early-access servers that had 4-6 hours queues every day for the first 3-4 weeks.

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People aren't used to the new phenomenom in mmos- people who don't play 24/7. Of course it seems like you have few people playing when there's more and more people with jobs and families and lives playing mmos than there were even 5 years ago. In WoW- you were used to seeing people on 8 hours a day- so of course if you have 100 people playing 8 hours, that's 800 hours a day worth of people.


With people with jobs though, they might average 1 hour a day- so even if you had 100 people playing, that's only 100 hours.



They made a casual friendly game aimed at casuals- they got a casual audience. This just might not be the game for the 18-25 year olds living in mom's basement with no job.


Ding Ding Ding


And we have a winna!


I don't often do this but I'm going to quote myself. I had just returned from SDCC and this was my observations.


TOR simply isn’t going to be for everyone; many traditional MMO players who want to power level then spend their time running heroics and raiding are going to be disappointed.


I was told I was insane lying and even called a Heretic. But hey I was right and apparently the game is doing pretty damn well by taking that track and if BioWare doesn't screw up and start turning this into yet another Raid or Die MMO it will continue to do well.

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Not sure what you're talking about either, Clifford, both my servers are early-access servers that had 4-6 hours queues every day for the first 3-4 weeks.


Hey call me Cliffster all my friends do; see you are a victim of server expansion. Most rational folks got tired of waiting in lines and went to new servers. I went through that too; but instead of crying in my beer I rerolled on a populated server and now things are aces. You should too I mean all of your friends in your six thousand man guild has left so what do you have to lose right?


Or you can vote with your wallet

Either is cool.

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with all the games coming out very soon , diablo 3 , mop , guild wars 2 and what ever else , any game would take a hit tho. right now the 50 game is so stale and boring. 1.2 isn't really fixing any of that , the legacy system will be fun for about 20mins for some. right now i stopped my sub but i do have hope for this game hopefully in year or something they will have stuff straighten out and have a much more rich end game.
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Gotcha, just wanted to give you chance before writing you off as a fool. :rolleyes: Don't stop believing though, we wouldn't want you to leave this game.


Hey your'e that guy who said mass exodus two months ago!!!


Maybe not you all kinda look the same.

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Hey call me Cliffster all my friends do; see you are a victim of server expansion. Most rational folks got tired of waiting in lines and went to new servers. I went through that too; but instead of crying in my beer I rerolled on a populated server and now things are aces. You should too I mean all of your friends in your six thousand man guild has left so what do you have to lose right?


Or you can vote with your wallet

Either is cool.


Hmm... no, not really.


My twos server are still up there with the most populated servers (usually standard with heavy sometimes most PTs)...... they just don't have the population they had.


So there's no reason to re-roll, and I don't really see why that's relevent.


My guild wasn't 6000+, but it was full of commited people very, very hyped to play SWTOR.


Like I said maybe all the people not playing on my servers are still subbed, what's not in question though is that they are NOT playing.

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Hmm... no, not really.


My twos server are still up there with the most populated servers (usually standard with heavy sometimes most PTs)...... they just don't have the population they had.


So there's no reason to re-roll, and I don't really see why that's relevent.


My guild wasn't 6000+, but it was full of commited people very, very hyped to play SWTOR.


Like I said maybe all the people not playing on my servers are still subbed, what's not in question though is that they are NOT playing.


Not playing or not playing as much?


And how do you know actually......


I mean really do you have a GPS on all of them to see exactly what they are doing? if so that's kinda creepy...just sayin

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with all the games coming out very soon , diablo 3 , mop , guild wars 2 and what ever else , any game would take a hit tho. right now the 50 game is so stale and boring. 1.2 isn't really fixing any of that , the legacy system will be fun for about 20mins for some. right now i stopped my sub but i do have hope for this game hopefully in year or something they will have stuff straighten out and have a much more rich end game.


And a lot of those games I will probably try out. But I like SWTOR so I expect to be subscribed until further notice. I think a lot of people will just let their accounts be inactive for a while and still pay for the service. That's how I do it, unless I know I'm just done for months.

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Not playing or not playing as much?


And how do you know actually......


I mean really do you have a GPS on all of them to see exactly what they are doing? if so that's kinda creepy...just sayin



Well the people in my guild haven't been on at all in between 2 to 6 weeks, so that's easy enough.


As for the general population I've no idea, but then that's what I'm saying, if the subs are what they are claiming (ignoring them likely including trials, anyone that played last month and those still in first month), then people just aren't playing much, if at all. The server pops just aren't high enough.


Which is excellent for EA profit-wise, so long as it's sustained.

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Well the people in my guild haven't been on at all in between 2 to 6 weeks, so that's easy enough.


As for the general population I've no idea, but then that's what I'm saying, if the subs are what they are claiming (ignoring them likely including trials, anyone that played last month and those still in first month), then people just aren't playing much, if at all. The server pops just aren't high enough.


Which is excellent for EA profit-wise, so long as it's sustained.


Dunno guy I guess it's a your mileage may vary thing....I hope you are not going by the zone number up in the upper left corner cuz that thing don't work. We had sixty people zone into Anchorhead for a guild meeting and it told us 9 was there....it's the same thing when we all show up to fleet.


I wish BioWare would fix it or remove it.

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If the me of today went back to the me of two months ago and said "you'll be unsubbing because all your friends are leaving" I'd have died of laughter. The me of today had the last laugh however. After the RL friends stopped showing up, the guild dwindled and the game got a bit stale... I pulled the plug. I'll keep an eye on it but until then I'm going to polish up my star gazing hobby. :)
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