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Obi-Wan's age...


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Probably already been posted, but I couldn't find it...


Why is it that, when Luke/Leia are born, Obi-Wan looks about, maybe, 30, but 17-18 years later, when Luke-boy goes looking for him in the desert, he looks like he's about 65ish?


I know all that sun will dry you out a bit, but not THAT much !! LOL

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Acording to wookiepedia (BBY = Before Battle of Yavin. 1st Death Star battle)


57 BBY Obi Wan is born

46 BBY Padme is born

41 BBY Anakin is born

31 BBY Lando is born

29 BBY Han is born

19 BBY Luke and Leia are born

19 BBY "Darth Vader puts his last clothes"


So Sir Alec Guinness is supossed to have 57 years in A new Hope (he had 63 in 1977)


Desert treated him bad. But Vader was 41 so ..... Dark Side treated him even worse.

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Also the Worry of Being Found And Killed would have Put Year's on him,


(i should know i got a nice white streek in my beared After only a Week worrying about someone in the Hospital)


Edit: Stress also Contributes.

Edited by Lasarith
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Well, we could always come up some fanboy explanation, like that Obi-Wan stopped using the force for some time so that Vader and Emperor would not be able to sense his location and him not using the force caused withdrawal symptoms that caused his body to start aging more rapidly.


But this is just BS I just made up on the spot. The movies themselves don't give any explanation.

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Some people just don't age all that well. Plus fighting on the front lines of a war for a bunch of years, then living in a desert probably didn't help.

Yeah, lots of factors can contribute. Qui-Gon was, I think, supposed to be older in TPM than Obi-Wan was in ANH. But he looked way younger. When my grandmother was 83, we went to lunch and there was a birthday celebration a couple tables over for an 80-year-old woman. You'd think she was celebrating her 90th, she looked so much older than my grandma.

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Acording to wookiepedia (BBY = Before Battle of Yavin. 1st Death Star battle)


57 BBY Obi Wan is born

46 BBY Padme is born

41 BBY Anakin is born

31 BBY Lando is born

29 BBY Han is born

19 BBY Luke and Leia are born

19 BBY "Darth Vader puts his last clothes"


So Sir Alec Guinness is supossed to have 57 years in A new Hope (he had 63 in 1977)


Desert treated him bad. But Vader was 41 so ..... Dark Side treated him even worse.


If I recall correctly Sir Alec Guinness was only 60 when he played Old Ben. I could be mistaken though.

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If I'm not mistaken, Palpi is supposed to be 50-ish during the Clone Wars. And that is considering the fact that humans in SW live up to 120 years.

So yeah...


Did you know Count Dooku is older than Palpatine?


Here is Palpatines page: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Palpatine


Here is Obi-Wan Kenobi's page: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Obi-wan_Kennobi



I have a theory as to why Ben looked older than he really was: Stress. You couldn't have gone through what he went through and come out unscathed, nearly everyone he knew was killed and the person that was like a brother to him was largely to blame.


I am too lazy to do the math, I just got home this weekend from college so you guys can figure it out :p

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