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Jango Fett. He has the same facial expression whether he's being questioned by a Jedi, or has a lightsaber to his throat.


And because they made an army of him for a reason.


I liked that about him. He was always calm and calculating, thats what made Jango.. well Jango. That also had a definite influence on Boba.

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Jango Fett. He has the same facial expression whether he's being questioned by a Jedi, or has a lightsaber to his throat.


And because they made an army of him for a reason.


Yeah, I am partial to Jango, too.


Plus, he fits the bill (for me anyway) as fanservice-for-teh-ladieeeez.


I really like Mace Windu because of how he was characterized in the Clone Wars-era EU books too.

Edited by tehjai
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