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Thursday Morning Wrath


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The continuing adventures of an average female Sith hulkamaniac






Servant Two: Wasn't it? Who would have thought that a random Jedi could be a better manipulator than the Emperor's Wrath?

Servant One: Well, the Wrath generally doesn't give Jedi a lot of credit.

Servant Two: And she didn't exactly know who he was going in.

Servant One: I think the narrator really laid into that "I'm blind" gag though.

Servant Two: You didn't think that was funny? They spent a whole chapter discussing costumes and alter-egos, and the guy doesn't even have eyes. That's like a Mel Brooks level joke there.

Servant One: Yea. Exactly.


Servant Two: Oh come on. Half these kids probably haven't even seen a Mel Brooks movie. its a fresh joke to them.

Servant One: I think the fan fiction readership might be a little more mature than that.

Servant Two: Is that why this story constantly revolves around cheap jokes about humiliation and sexuality?

Servant One: I meant age, not intellectual maturity.

Servant Two: Which is overrated.

Servant One: Well, you're gay.

Servant Two: And you hate fun.

Servant One: You didn't deny it that time.

Servant Two: You didn't either, killjoy.






Hey, shut up? Where'd Jaesa and her boyfriend go?


Servant One: You didn't see?


No, I got extremely turned on when I Malavai started doing his evil-genius thing. So I had to stop him. With sex.


Servant Two: You go, girl!

Servant One: She went back to his ship with him, for coffee.


Jaesa doesn't drink coffee. It's some kind of neurotic Jedi thing.


Servant Two: I think Jedi drink coffee, that's more of a neurotic Jaesa thing, like veganism.


God, I should have rolled her dark side, then we wouldn't have to stop at the Whole Foods on the way back from Costco to pick up crap like organic potato chips and wheat grass smoothies or whatever that communist healthfood is. But seriously, she went back to his ship?


Servant Two: What's the vernacular you use? "Up for promotion to the rank of boyfriend?"


That is what I say, yes.


Servant Two: Well, I'm reasonably sure she filled the position.


Servant One: Heh. Position.


Heh, position.


Servant One: You think we're gonna have a chapter about?


You mean a chapter where we discuss Jaesa's sex life in graphic detail, the way we always deconstruct mine? ABSOLUTELY.

Now Wrath, be nice. Jaesa's sensitive.


Oh no, narrator. You don't understand. Vette and I have to know everything about it. We are going to go shopping, and then we are going to talk about the men in our lives, I can't actually think about anything else until I know everything about Chris's bedroom performance, its like a mental condition. If we had a gay friend, we would drag him along.

Servant One: That's you, Two.

Servant Two: Oh come on, wasn't that a little too easy?


Do you guys hear the holo terminal ringing?

Not now narrator, we're talking about gay jokes here.

Servant One: Nothing's "too easy" when it comes to Servant Two.


Its probably Jaesa.


Oh yea, right. Hey, drop us into actual story mode.






"My lord, Jaesa on line one." Malavai confirmed the narrator's suspicion.


Rub it in, jerk.


"Transfer her to the main terminal." The Wrath commanded. "And I swear to Lucasfilm, Malavai, if you lord me one more time, we're going to cut off your boyfriend privileges, starting with activities concerning my mouth."


"Yes my l- Girlfriend." Quinn caught himself.


"You're so bluffing. As if you could go without it long enough to make an impression on Captain Tight Pants." Vette smiled.


"Shut up Vette, you're not funny when you're right." The Wrath whispered.


Then the Wrath looked back at the terminal, blushed, and turned off the visual feed.


"Jaesa! Why are you holocalling naked!" The Wrath cried.


"But everyone was naked on the couch last night. What's the big deal?" Jaesa asked.


"Well, that was different context. Alcohol and Battletoads were involved." The Wrath explained.


"Alcohol wasn't involved." Jaesa corrected.


"It was after you ran off with your boyfriend. Who I hear is your boyfriend now." The Wrath replied.


"It's true, I haven't had any need for pants since we got onto his ship." Jaesa blushed.


"Well, as long as you're safe. You are safe right? He used protection?" The Wrath asked.


"Skip the soup and go straight to the main course- Jaesa. Tell us everything." Vette interjected.


"Vette! Don't be rude. NOT WHERE THE BOYS CAN HEAR. Jaesa is going to tell us everything, at a date to be specified later when we take a girls only shopping trip that I will arrange specifically for the purpose of gossiping like sixteen year olds." The Wrath said.


"Yes, we used protection, the telling you everything part though I'm not so sure about." Jaesa stammered.


"Jaesa, remember, I outrank you by an entire Sith Empire." The Wrath reminded her.


"Yes, master." Jaesa rolled her eyes, and she got away with it because the Wrath had turned off the video feed.


"So what's up, babe? You gonna spend the day with your boo? Afternoon delight?" The Wrath asked.


"Well... Yes. But Chris wanted to invite everyone out to dinner. Also, can you bring me clothes? For when we go to dinner, I mean?" Jaesa asked.


"But its Broonie Burger Night!" Vette whined. Her toes were stepped on by the Wrath. "Ow! What the hell, you klutz!"


"If we go to dinner with them we can gossip like schoolgirls!" The Wrath whispered to Vette.


"He wanted to do a couples thing." Jaesa explained. "You and Quinn, Vette and Pierce, the whole crew."


"That's so charmingly teenager its borderline disgusting." Vette wretched.


"What Vette means to say, Jaesa, is that aren't you moving a little fast?" The Wrath asked.


"You didn't appear overly concerned when I spent all of chapter 2 and 3 with nobody to keep me warm at night but a lightsaber hilt. I'm making up for lost time." Jaesa sneered.




"Shut up, Vette! That is not what those are for!" The Wrath facepalmed. "Well, as long as you're happy hun."


"I'm better than happy. I'm sexually active again." Jaesa replied.


"Well, I didn't know you had it in you to be so forward." The Wrath said.


"Master, Veganism and Libido aren't mutually exclusive." Jaesa explained.


"And I didn't know that." The Wrath replied. Honestly.


"So how about that Huttese place on Upper Promenade, seven o'clock?" Jaesa asked.


"See you there, babe." The Wrath said.


"Oh, and bring my good dress. Its formal." Jaesa added. Then she hung up.


"Crap. Vette, I need to borrow one of your little blacks." The Wrath turned to Vette.


"I thought you didn't think you could fit into one of my dresses?" Vette replied.


"That was before I had nothing to wear and no time to shop." The Wrath answered.


"Touche. Let's see if we can arrange a miracle." Vette smiled.


And then, the narrator skipped a long and embarrassing description about me trying to fit into one of Vette's skinny little size zeroes.


I did?


You did. You did it out of love for me. Especially since I actually have hips now, thanks to Broonmark's cooking.


I don't think we can get away with that, Wrath. Its too good. I think we can dedicate at least 7 lines to it.


3 lines.



5, and Vette gets to comment.




"Well, it doesn't look bad." Vette shrugged.


"I can hardly breathe." The Wrath gasped.


"But look at how much cleavage you have, bound up all tight in it. That's hot." Vette looked on both bright sides.


"Small victories, then." The Wrath shrugged, which almost caused her to come out of her dress.


"Beauty before Comfort, darling. That's what they used to tell the slave girls. Beauty before Comfort." Vette giggled.



Ok. Now fly to Nar Shaddaa.


Ha. Not rising to that bait. Quinn is going to pilot. I'm going to stand perfectly still right here so I don't cause a breastquake and upset this tectonic cleavage.

Fine, if you want to play it like that, we arrive on Nar Shaddaa.

And Jaesa puts her dress on.



Oh come on, you think I'm not watching out for my girls?


You seem to be watching your girls very carefully at the moment.

**** joke. Ha. Any other brilliant feats of written humor, or can we eat dinner?


Go sit down and order.


Did we have a reservation?


Chris made it, he isn't useless at planning like you and I are.


Ooh, I like an organized man.


Get off him, you've already got a man.

You never let me have any fun.


You can be polygamous if you want after you discuss it with Malavai. We aren't doing that chapter tonight.


Can't I just be an awesome space wizard lady with a hot man-harem spaceship?


No, because that requires 2 things- A EULA that doesn't prohibit erotic writing, and emotional maturity.


Are you saying I'm not emotionally mature?


If I gave you extra boyfriends, you'd start force choking them every time you ran out of coca krispies, and then you'd just be down to one boyfriend again. Its a foregone conclusion.

You win this round.


Ok, so where were we? You guys all sit down and you're chatting.


Sexy chatting?


Normal people chatting. Chris is talking.


"So I was going through my holo collection, Wrath, and I think I found something you might want to see." Chris explained.


"Oh yea?" The Wrath took a sip of her champagne.


They have champagne at Huttese places?


Its a nice Huttese place. and you're not getting smashed on Hutt Tequila tonight.


"Its a comedy." Chris replied.


"I'm not really into comedy. I like 80's action movies with too much testosterone and genre cliches." The Wrath shrugged.


"I figured as much, but this comedy stars

" Chris explained.


"Chris, I give you permission to date Jaesa forever." The Wrath insisted.


"You already said that." Jaesa added.


"Its how she expresses her approval of you." Quinn indicated.


"Its called Suburban Commando. Hulk Hogan is a space mercenary that crashes on Earth and ends up as a house guest of a normal suburban family." Chris explained.




"Volume." Quinn whispered.




"This is why we can't have nice things." Quinn rolled his eyes.


"You know what? **** 'em." The Wrath insisted. "What are they gonna do? I'm the freakin' Emperor's Wrath. If Hulkamania runs wild on them, what the **** are they gonna do?"


"I had no idea you appreciated Hulk Hogan that much." Chris grinned.


"You don't understand. She has a one track mind, and when someone mentions something from the 80s, she goes off the deep end." Vette explained.


"And there's pretty much nothing more ridiculously 80s than professional wrestling." Pierce added.


"We do not use the words ridiculous and eighties in the same sentence on my ship, lieutenant." The Wrath insisted.


"We aren't on your ship right now, my lord." Pierce shrugged.


"That was a courtesy reminder. Next time, Hulkamania will run wild on you." The Wrath threatened.


"We have to watch that movie now or she won't shut up." Vette rolled her eyes.


"OH CRAP." Chris ducked under the table, putting his head in Jaesa's lap. Jaesa squealed.


"Wow, you're amazing. Didn't you guys have sex all afternoon?" Vette asked.


"I'm not trying to give her a warm-up under the table, you gutter-brained twit!" Chris whispered. "Satele Shan just sat down 3 booths up from us!"


"Who?" Vette shrugged.


"The Grand Master of the Jedi Order." Quinn contributed.


"And if she sees me here with a table full of Sith and Imperial officers, she'll kick my *** all over the core worlds." Chris explained.


"She won't notice us as long as we don't make a scene." Jaesa insisted.




"What the hell has gotten into her?" Chris asked.


"She's a loud drunk." Pierce explained.


"She's had like 2 glasses!" He added.


"From every person at the table." Vette explained, indicating to everyone that somehow all the drinks had mysteriously migrated over to the Wrath's side of the table, away from their former owners.


"And Vette is a kleptomaniac career thief." Quinn added.


"I have a problem." Vette admitted.


"That doesn't mean you have to encourage mine!" The Wrath said to Vette.


"Everyone blame the Twi'lek!" Vette retaliated. "racists!"


"But you actually DID steal everyone's drinks! Right in front of us!" Jaesa added.


"So?" Vette shrugged.


"So... Actually, I'm kind of impressed." Jaesa admitted.


"Me too." The Wrath nodded.


"And Satele Shan is staring right at me." Chris mumbled.


"How can you tell? You're blind." The Wrath asked.


"You don't see a woman giving you a death-stare. You feel it." Chris explained.


"He's right." Pierce confirmed.

"He's Right." Quinn confirmed.

He's right.


"Its ok, she's going to the ladies room." The Wrath said, standing up.


"Where are you going?" Chris asked.


"To the ladies room." The Wrath took Vette's glass, downed it in one gulp, and began walking with a proficiency that was alarmingly sober considering her state.


"What are you going to do?" Chris asked, terrified.


"First, I'm going to settle this like ladies. Then, I'm going to take a pee." The Wrath insisted.



Inside the bathroom, Satele Shan was washing her hands.




"Well. So it is the Emperor's Wrath. I didn't recognize you with your clever disguise- Its amazing how well you pull off sloppy drunk skank." Satele fired back, with venom.




"I'm not your brother. Or your sister, for that matter." Satele shrugged.


"The last thing on my mind before I started drinking heavily was pro wrestling. Just go with it." The Wrath explained.


"So this is how you want to die then, Sith? in an unprovoked attack, hammered on the floor of a restaurant bathroom in Nar Shaddaa?" Shan asked.


"Well at least its the classy part of Nar Shaddaa..." The Wrath shrugged. "I mean, NO, I don't even have my lightsaber on me. Left it on the ship. You Jedi can't attack unarmed foes. Its against your dumb rules."


"What's your game, Wrath?" Shan asked.


"I'm asking you for a free pass." The Wrath said.


"What? You're one of the most reprehensible people in the galaxy. If you want to surrender to the Jedi Council, maybe then I could grant some leniency..." Shan considered.


"Not for me, you colossal *****. For Chris." The Wrath corrected.


Language, Wrath.

Shut up, I'm being drunk and righteous.


"So that is him, isn't it? When I'm done with him, he'll be lucky if he's teaching 6 year olds to make padawan braids on Tython." Shan threatened.


"No, you won't because you're going to do me a favor." The Wrath insisted.


"Humor me." Shan replied.


"Because your Jedi is dating my apprentice. And if you get your panties knotted up over it and throw the book at him, I'm the one who has to feed her ice cream and dry her tears when her boyfriend gets put under Jedi Time Out for kissing girls." The Wrath explained.


"And that would just inconvenience you terribly wouldn't it?" Shan grimaced.


"Listen sweetheart, this is me being civil about this. I will go back to my ship and get my lightsaber and introduce you to 4 feet of pink thunder, sober or drunk, whether I can beat you or not, if that's what it takes to prove my point, but I'm not in a mood for collateral damage." The Wrath threatened.


"Your color crystal is... pink?" Shan asked.


"What, yours isnt?" The Wrath looked surprised.


"Nevermind. That's not important. Why am I doing you any favors?" Shan asked.


"What the hell is with you Jedi and your inability to see the big picture? This isn't about me. This isn't about you. This isn't about Sith, or Jedi. Its about Jaesa. Your whole ****** organization did nothing for her for her whole life, then I swooped in and took her from you. Now she finally has something that makes her happy, and you're the only one that can take it away. Do you really want to go there?" The Wrath waxed philosophical.


"And why should I believe you?" Shan sneered. "What do you have to prove that this isn't a manipulation, a ruse?"


"Does the name Darth Baras mean anything to you?" The Wrath asked.


"Maybe." Shan crossed her arms over her chest.


"It should. He's the only person that ever tried to hurt Jaesa, and I killed him for it. Believe it, brother." The Wrath explained.


"You're sincere." Shan said.


"And I'm a little loaded, but yea, I'm sincere." The Wrath said. "Also I really don't want to fight in this dress. It barely fits and its not even mine."


"Okay Wrath. I'll do this. For Jaesa." Shan shrugged.


"Thank you. After you." The Wrath gestured to the door.


"No, after you." Satele said.


"No, I uhm... I really actually have to use the bathroom. Don't wait up for me." The Wrath explained.


"Oh. Sorry." Shan blushed.


"Don't mention it, brother." The Wrath went into the stall.


Satele Shan came out of the bathroom and took one dirty look at Jedi Chris, and then went back to her dinner.


The Wrath's table held their collective breaths for 2 minutes, then exhaled as one when they saw her emerge from the ladies room.


As The Wrath passed Satele's booth, she leaned in unexpectedly and hugged her, surprising Shan and causing her to nearly spill her drink.


The Wrath sat down at her own table.


"I have no idea what you just did, but I hope it worked." Chris breahted.


"Oh, Satele? We had common ground. Turns out she's also a

." The Wrath shrugged.


"You're never actually going to tell us what happened in there, are you?" Jaesa asked.


"Nope." The Wrath grinned.


A waiter came to the table with a bottle of Hutt Tequila. "Compliments of Grand Master Shan." He explained.


That witch. Why does everyone always punish me for doing nice things?

Edited by Doozzer
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Well, what did everyone think?


Servant One: About what?


What do you mean about what? About what a great and self-sacrificing friend I am!


Servant Two: You got sloppy drunk in an upscale restaurant and started slurring Hulk Hogan catch phrases.


Well, besides that. See how I had Jaesa's back?


Servant One: Oh yea, well right at the end, only after you made an *** of yourself.


There's just no pleasing you guys, is there?


Servant One: I just like the episodes where you're naked better.

What the hell is wrong with you?


Servant Two: he's a horndog.

Servant One: And you're a ****.

Servant Two: Ha! You would go back to that.


WAIT. STOP RIGHT THERE. Don't go back into the gay joke.


Servant One: What, why not? its one of our best meta gags.


Because I have a hangover.

Servant Two: You didn't have to drink the Hutt Tequila.


Oh yea, that Satele Shan gave me as a peace offering? No, I couldn't drink that. But seriously, does no one appreciate what a good person I am? The things I do for my friends?


Servant One: No I just come here to hear about you being sloppy and sexy.


I was a classy Sith Lord once.


Servant One: Was that before Hulkamania or before Hutt Tequila?

Whose team are you on, anyways?


Servant Two: Team no fun. I appreciate you, Wrath.


Thanks Two, you're not bad, as far as gay friends go.


Servant Two: OH COME ON.


Couldn't resist.

Servant One: Hey, where did Broonmark go?


Ask the narrator, he's the one that figures all that plot crap out. I just shoot from the hip.


Servant One: Well where is he then?


Not in this post. Who cares? Its my story, people care about me.

Servant One: Are you always this selfish after drinking?


I figure its ok, since I'm pretty self-sacrificing and beneficent while I'm still drinking.


Servant Two: Don't you think you might have a bit of a problem?

What kind of problem?


Servant Two: A drinking problem?

No, I never leave a soldier behind enemy lines. I consider it a virtue.


Servant Two: What does that even mean?


Servant One: It means she won't turn down a drink once the bottle is bought and paid for.

That's right. No man left behind.


Servant Two: I can't decide if you're just a lush or a ****.


Can't I be both?


Servant One: Wow. So what's in store for you next, Wrath?

We're goin shoppin. And we're gonna gossip about Jaesa's boytoy.


Servant Two: After you lay down?

After I lay down. If you see Quinn, yell at him.


Servant Two: What? Why?


Don't need a reason. Just to keep him on his toes. He's sexy when he's thinking. He twitches his eye and his mole moves. Its cute.


Servant Two: You're terrible, you know that?

Psh, I'm a model girlfriend. He can get it whenever he wants it. He just never wants it often enough.


What are you guys doing in here without me?

Shut up.


Wrath, go lie down.

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Captain Quinn dismissed all of his non-commissioned officers, except for the disgrace. As the proper soldiers scattered to go about their work diligently, the remaining officer, lieutenant Wrath, stood at attention, desperate and confused.


Huh? What's going on here? This is new. And since when am I in the Imperial Navy?


"Report to my office immediately, lieutenant." Captain Quinn commanded.

"Yes sir." the lieutenant gulped, walking like a woman condemned, she knew she was in a great deal of trouble- Captain Quinn was a by-the-books man.


Wait what? What did I do wrong?

"Lieutenant Wrath." Quinn started as he shut the door of his office behind her. "Your methods are unorthodox, your attendance is questionable, and your grades on your 11th grade math exam were terrible."




"But in the past, in light of your heroic actions on the battlefield, I have found it easy to overlook these failings." Quinn shrugged. "Today however, you have crossed a line and must be disciplined."


Malavai is going to discipline me? That's hilarious... ly sexy.

"Sir, I don't understand, I know my record is very colorful but I haven't committed any recent infractions-" Lieutenant Wrath sputtered.

"You've disrespected the uniform, lieutenant." Quinn interjected. "And when you disrespect the uniform, you disrespect the Empire, and I will brook no tolerance of disrespect to the Empire."

"Sir, I-" Lieutenant Wrath began.

"Your airlock is open, lieutenant." Quinn rolled his eyes.

Lieutenant Wrath looked down to her uniform slacks and saw that her zipper was undone, and blushed uncontrollably.


Not the first time that's happened.


"You're shameful." Quinn bopped her on the head, sending her softcap to the floor. "Pick up your hat, lieutenant."

Lieutenant Wrath bent over to retrieve her softcap, but when she went to rise, she found Quinn's hand on her shoulder, holding her down.

"It seems to me you require a lesson in dressing yourself, as well as disciplinary action." Quinn explained. "Now, unzip my uniform trousers lieutenant."

No way. He wouldn't.


"Sir, both are careers!" Lieutenant Wrath protested.

"Interesting how it took you up to this point to consider your career." Quinn shrugged. "Rest assured lieutenant, no one will find out about this, provided there is a plan. And I always have a plan."




Lieutenant Wrath unzipped his trousers.

"Now open your mouth, close your eyes, and think of the Emperor." Quinn commanded.

Suddenly, Lieutenant Wrath was struck in the face with something long, fleshy, and floppy.

"Wake up, sleepy head!" She heard a familiar voice.

She opened her eyes momentarily to see Vette staring at her from Malavai's trousers, in the area that should have been his crotch. The object that struck her was a lekku.




"Wake up sleepy head!" Vette poked the Wrath again.


The Wrath rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "What? No! No! Ah, dammit! The cyan text was a dream, it was all a dream!"


"Cyan text?" Vette asked.


"It was a sexy dream! and it was good! There were uniforms, and tight pants, and Malavai was in control!" The Wrath moaned.


"Was I in it?" Vette asked.


"Unfortunately." The Wrath groaned.


"Well, it couldn't have been a sexy dream without the galaxy's cutest twi'lek. You sleep off that hangover?" Vette asked.


"Did you open the airlock and let yourself out into the blistering cold abyss of deep space?" The wrath mumbled under her breath.




"Nothing." The Wrath forced a smile.


"Come on, get up, you said we were going shopping today." Vette pleaded.


"Fine. Go get ready. Just let me take a shower and throw on a black robe or something." The Wrath replied.


Then she rolled over and put her arm around Quinn.


"Quinnie-Pie. Hey." She whispered into his ear.


Quinn yawned. "What is it, my lord?"


The Wrath forced down her irritation at the title momentarily. "If I was your subordinate officer in the military, would you take advantage of your rank to have sex with me?"


"Of course not, my lord." Quinn replied.


The Wrath hit him with a pillow. "WHY NOT?"


"My lord!" Quinn squealed. "What prompted this assault?"


"You not taking the lead more often in the bedroom, I imagine." The Wrath grumbled.


"My lord, if you want me to be more forward, you need only request it." Quinn replied.


"Haven't you ever had a girlfriend before? I don't want you to request it, I want you to do it!" The Wrath said.


"That's unreasonable! What if you're not in the mood?" Quinn asked.


"Hasn't happened yet. We need a lot more boyfriend training." The Wrath mumbled.


"My lord, I'm an officer, not a pet." Quinn protested.


"Boyfriends are pets." The Wrath commanded.


See, this is why I don't let you have more than one.

You shut up.

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Okay, I am totally loving this. I'm so glad the Wrath is good friends with everyone. =D My Sith Juggernaut is level 44 and light side IV. She's just married and talked legacy with Quinn and now he's sending her love letters. lol


The weird thing is, apart from the grocery shopping and 80s movies, this all seems familiar in my head canon as well. Except my Sith and Quinn are married and have a kid who Vette and Jaesa baby sit. Jaesa and Vette share Pierce and Broonmark is in his icy quarters. lol


So, I'm totally loving this. May I use your ideas (mainly the parodying each class) to write my own? I have 8 characters, one of each class, and so far 4 have their hunnies and kids in my head and 4 don't yet. But my trooper hasn't gotten that far with Jorgan yet.


My Smuggler, Sith War and Imp Agent have married and received love letters. My imp agent married the youngest, she finished chap 2 at 36. heh


But enough about me! You rock and PLEASE keep going. I would LOVE to see more interaction between the Wrath and Quinn, but then I find his default looks hot for a computer drawn character.


Good job!!!

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Okay, I am totally loving this. I'm so glad the Wrath is good friends with everyone. =D My Sith Juggernaut is level 44 and light side IV. She's just married and talked legacy with Quinn and now he's sending her love letters. lol


The weird thing is, apart from the grocery shopping and 80s movies, this all seems familiar in my head canon as well. Except my Sith and Quinn are married and have a kid who Vette and Jaesa baby sit. Jaesa and Vette share Pierce and Broonmark is in his icy quarters. lol


So, I'm totally loving this. May I use your ideas (mainly the parodying each class) to write my own? I have 8 characters, one of each class, and so far 4 have their hunnies and kids in my head and 4 don't yet. But my trooper hasn't gotten that far with Jorgan yet.


My Smuggler, Sith War and Imp Agent have married and received love letters. My imp agent married the youngest, she finished chap 2 at 36. heh


But enough about me! You rock and PLEASE keep going. I would LOVE to see more interaction between the Wrath and Quinn, but then I find his default looks hot for a computer drawn character.


Good job!!!


What do you mean I share Pierce? I am NOT into that! That's crap!

Wait, there's a parallel universe where I'm married with children? I can barely get Malavai into the bedroom as it is, how did he manage to knock me up?

Guys its another writer. Its not always my rules.


Oh of course you're into it, they're stroking your ego!


Don't go there Vette, you aren't even supposed to get colored text.


What are you gonna do, put the shock collar on me?


Then that would be kinky. Like, against the EULA get you banned kinky.


You tell him, Vette!


I don't understand what has you guys so wound up. What if you're both responsible adults in that other writer's head?


Oh, and I'm NOT a responsible adult in your story?


You're a spoiled alcoholic crybaby that pouts when she runs out of chocolate cereal, you're nearly incapable of conveying your sexuality to your significant other in any reasonably communicable fashion, and the judgments you make about people are often shallow and ignorant, and then you complain when people make judgments about you that are shallow and ignorant. Your only noble trait is that you're self-sacrificing and loyal to the people you love. If another writer wrote you, you could only be improved.





He sure put you in your place.

Shut up. Do Vette next.


Vette's fine. She just has colorful tastes in the bedroom, and a teenage anti-authoritarian attitude stemming from a lifetime of slavery. She's remarkably well adjusted for someone of her experiences.




Eventually you just build up a tolerance to the shock and start to associate it with pleasure.



Jaesa is the biggest freak on the ship, you guys just don't know it yet.



Well, if you're so great and you know everything, why don't you just date this other writer, and then you can tell them everything about knowing everything.


I only know everything about you, Wrath. I'm the writer. And why do you always attack my dating life?


Why do you always attack mine?


Because 9 times out of ten, the story is about YOUR dating life!



apology accepted.


I didn't say I was sorry for anything!


You'll apologize for being born if I decide that you get your monthly visitor next chapter.


Don't do it!


Apologize to the nice writer or you'll be on the 11:00 nonstop to Cramp Town.


Only because my uterus is being held hostage.


I don't really care about the motive, just the results.


I'm sorry Eanelinea, you can write me as married with children. But I have to have lots of sex.




And I want a Dessler Turbo in your story.




And in your story Malavai has to be rich. Like the CEO of Czerka Corporation or something. And he has to be like the galaxy's greatest lover, and all the other women in the galaxy are like super jealous that I get it from him every night.





Oh. Right. And give Vette a nice, full C bust.



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To the writer: I love you. You just don't know how much. I think I died from laughing.


Hey, Wrath? In my head canon you not only get lots of hot man loving from Quinn, probably more than what would be considered healthy, but you laid the smackdown on him after his little scheme that naturally backfired. The kid was not expected and you thoroughly thwapped Quinn for it. And it's just one kid each class. Too much to keep track of if I have you all popping them out like wompa rats.


Vette and Jaesa are like little teen aged girls, gossiping and helping out my Sith when possible. My Sith considers you both little sisters. Jaesa, she spared your parents, your old Master, and those two annoying plebs in Tatooine. By the way, why does no one believe I'm a GOOD Sith? I'm always having to fight Republic people because they think I'm faking it.


Also, Wrath? You're a red head with green eyes. The baby is so purdy. Dark haired and green eyed. =D


Vette and Jaesa share Pierce but not each other. It's all about the man, baby.


Yes, I'm a girl gamer in real life. ^_^


Writer? More really soon please.

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Well I really can't tell her no if she made you a redhead, Wrath.


Oh, so that's what you like then?


In a word- Yes.


I'm red all over and you never pay any attention to me!


You don't have any hair Vette, you technically can't be a redhead.


Wait, you're really into gingers?


I like all kinds of women. Mostly I like women that are attracted to me. But I like women who are attracted to me that are redheads best.


So if I dye my hair red, I could control you and get a Dessler Turbo?


I'd like to see you try, you and both your sisters have your mother's coal black hair. You'd have to bleach it first, and when it came back in your roots would look icky. You all got dad's freckles though.

SO THAT'S WHO I HAVE TO BLAME FOR THOSE. When are we meeting my third sister anyways?


Don't hate on freckles, they're cute. And your sister is coming chapter after next.

You would think freckles are cute, you subhuman gingerphile.




You know they're VAMPIRES right? They carry the rakghoul virus. They can't go out in the sun.


That's a laugh coming from you, Snow White. I've seen Dark Side 5 girls that aren't as pale as you. You'd burn up like a roman candle if you didn't wear a hood everywhere.

At least I'm not ginger.


All three of your mother's daughters are pale with freckles. You and little sis both got mom's grey eyes, and your big sis got dad's green eyes. Red hair is a recessive trait. You're probably all secret carriers of gingervitis, someone on dad's side was probably a redhead. Obi Wan never told you about your father.



Wrath, your father was ginger.



Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

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You know I look forward to reading this almost every day. It cracks me up to no end and my husband is always asking me what I am laughing about. We need to see more Quinn loving cause that boy is fine.


Sister, you don't know the half of it... He's married to his job though! Do you have any idea how many extra 'duties' I've written into his protocol manuals? I think I might have to re-write the dress code so that it prohibits imperial officers from wearing pants.


But I've got a plan...

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The terrifying secret of a normally mousey, quiet, and sensitive ancillary character.





Servant One: Are you back to doing the cryptic thing?

Servant Two: Huh? Not really. Its totally going to happen.

Servant One: She told the guys they were just going to buy some clothes.

Servant Two: And you call me the gay one. Do you have any clue?

Servant One: Huh?

Servant Two: The ship is full of clothes! There's 3 women on it! How much more clothes could they possibly need?

Servant One: Well, they're women.

Servant Two: Come on, really?

Servant One: Ok, if you're so smart about girls, what are they going to do?

Servant Two: The primary purpose for any social outing involving heterosexual females and no men in sight is to talk about sex.

Servant One: That's just shallow.

Servant Two: Says the guy who constantly accuses me of being gay because I watch Runway. Go on, do the gay joke.

Servant One: The Wrath wouldn't have just arranged a shopping trip to get away from the boys so she could talk about sex. She's the busiest Sith lord in the galaxy!

Servant Two: Please. She has a one track mind- Honestly, what has she done since she killed Darth Baras?

Servant One: Well, she was contributing to the war effort on Ilum...

Servant Two: For about a half hour, then what?

Servant One: She wandered off, got loaded on Hutt tequila, and spent the last 2 weeks sleeping in until noon and watching huttball.

Servant Two: Its like Married With Children, excpet she has a Twi'lek and a muppet instead of Bud and Kelly.

Servant One: She really would arrange a shopping trip just to gossip about sex, wouldn't she?


"So the reason I arranged this shopping trip." The Wrath explained, "Was to gossip about sex."


"You said we were going to have a girls only day! Vette wanted a jacket that didn't have Empire logos all over it, and you wanted to get a casual minidress for nice dinners." Jaesa complained.


"Well, we're still going to do that." Vette answered.


"But really, the primary reason we're here is so that you can tell us everything about Chris. Everything." The Wrath added.


"I can't believe you guys!" Jaesa blushed. "If I had known you were going to do this, I wouldn't have gone!"


"Well, we know. That's why we didn't tell you." Vette shrugged. "But now that you're here, and its a 20 minute cab ride back to the spaceport, you might as well tell us."


"You planned this!" Jaesa gasped.


"Yes." The Wrath nodded.


"I can't believe it. I never would have expected... I mean you, Wrath. To have a plan." Jaesa grimaced.


"I plan things all the time! Just not things that involve numbers, or strategy, or studying, or times and dates." The Wrath protested.


"I think we're losing her, Wrath." Vette worried.


"Its ok, I have a plan." The Wrath replied.


"Oh, that's just great." Jaesa rolled her eyes.


"Come on, there's one of those goofy little Japanese stores in the bazaar, she'll never recover from a cutegasm." The Wrath gestured.


"What's a cutegasm?" Jaesa asked pensively.


But then it was too late. They arrived at the funny little Japanese pop culture shop.


"Look Jaesa! Hello Kitty earrings!" Vette pointed.


"OH MY GOD. SOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!" Jaesa exploded into the biggest pair of watery puppy dog eyes on Nar Shaddaa.


"How did you know that would work?" Vette asked.


How did you know that would work?


"I have a gift for reading people. Also, she has a Hello Kitty personal holocom and a Hello Kitty diary." The Wrath shrugged.


"OH MY GOD! CAN I PLEASE?" Jaesa squealed.


"You know the price of Hello Kitty earrings." The Wrath grinned an evil grinchy grin.


"Are you offering me a bribe to sell you my carnal secrets?" Jaesa asked.


"Don't think about it like that. Think about it as an opportunity to get paid for this information while its still valuable, before I have Klepto the Twi-lek here pop the lock on your diary and just get the information for free." The Wrath pointed to Vette.


"Vette would never..." Jaesa stammered.


"Normally no, but Wrath's diary is pretty boring, and she can hardly spell. Dear Diary, today I complained, and then I got loaded, and then I blacked out before my boyfriend finally got the idea to have sex with me." Vette volunteered.


"Am I really that bad?" The Wrath asked.


"Only when you've gone 4 or 5 days without sex." Vette shrugged.


"You see Jaesa, its not news. You're the only hot commodity. Everyone else's sex life is in an open book, in my case, literally." The Wrath explained.


"And I'm a screamer, so nobody on the ship has to ask about me." Vette volunteered.


"Oh hey that reminds me, we should buy earplugs!" The Wrath added.


"Just admit that you're jealous of how much more I get it than you." Vette brushed her shoulder off.


"I'd rather just shove you out the airlock and buy Pierce a mute Twi'lek girl and see how long it takes her to make him forget you." The Wrath mumbled under her breath.




"Nothing. You're my BFF, I could never be jealous of the fact that you get it almost every night." The Wrath sneered.


"Fine." Jaesa surrendered.


"Oh don't be like that." The Wrath hugged her. "I'll let you get the nice ones, with the rhinestones."


And then they bought Jaesa the Hello Kitty earrings, and they were cute, and she wore them out of the store and felt much better about herself.

Wait really?

Of course. Now get her to start talking. We all want to hear about it!


The Wrath bought the girls soft serve ice cream, and then sat down at a picnic table in the middle of the bazaar.


"So Jaesa, tell us about the time Chris took your virginity." The Wrath teased.


"I'm not a virgin. It's just that up until Chris I was on a really long dry spell, what with my master and my family in hiding from the terrible Sith lord that was burning down half the galaxy looking for me." Jaesa grimaced.


"That terrible Sith lord put your parents in a penthouse on Dromund Kaas, where they live like princes." The Wrath added.


"Thanks for that, by the way. I guess I owe you." Jaesa shrugged.


"Oh honey, its nothing between friends." The Wrath said.


"Assuming you tell us all your dirty secrets." Vette added.


"Yea, start from the beginning and don't skip anything."


"Well, we went back to his ship, and right after I closed the airlock door behind him, I kind of shoved him." Jaesa blushed.


"You shoved him?" Vette asked.


"Yea, I pushed him into the common room on his ship, and I started talking really dirty." Jaesa said.


"Oh come on! What did you say?" The Wrath asked.


"Well, I forget the specifics, but I think I said, 'I HAVEN'T BEEN LAID SINCE ALDERAAN, NOW TEAR MY ROBES OFF AND-"






"Wow." The Wrath said.


"So he practically tore me out of my robes, threw my clothes on his pazaak table, and shoved me down on the couch, and he grabbed my-"



"-Sucked so hard I almost passed out, then I pulled his shorts off and-"



"Swallowed it all but he kept going, so he pinned me up against the wall and-"




Vette dropped her ice cream.


"-And I told him to put his finger in-"



"-Then we got out the handcuffs and-"



The Wrath's icecream was melting in her hands, but she didn't notice.


"So we put fresh batteries in the-"



"-pretty much made me-"




"So I grabbed his-"










"After I-"




"Just knocked me right out. Fell right to sleep afterwards." Jaesa finished.


Vette's ice cream was on the floor. The Wrath's was all over her hands. She hadn't noticed. Jaesa shrugged, licked all the ice cream out of her cone, and then swallowed it whole without chewing.


"How are you still alive?" The Wrath asked.


"Huh?" Jaesa shrugged.


"That was the single filthiest, most vile, disgusting, and amazingly scorching hot night of sexual perversion I've ever heard of, and all the women in my family spent their lives as slave prostitutes." Vette added.


"I'll never look at you the same way again. You're a total freak." The Wrath admitted.


"Oh yea, Chris said something about that, but I didn't understand it at the time. 'Its the quiet ones you've got to look out for' I think it was." Jaesa said.


"Is that why he hasn't called for a couple days? Is he still recovering?" Vette asked.


"Oh, I didn't tell you guys? He got his hip x-rayed and found out he fractured his pelvis. Had to spend the weekend in a kolto tank." Jaesa shrugged. "Do you ever have that problem? It seems like every guy I date has that problem, I thought it was just normal, like guys didn't drink enough milk or get enough calcium or something."


"Jaesa, nothing about anything you do with a man is normal. In Republic space, what you do to a man might actually be considered a war crime." Vette explained.


"Is that... bad?" Jaesa asked.


"Only if you hate getting 8 hours of sleep and don't want every eligible bachelor in Hutt space offering to take you out to dinner." The Wrath replied.


"Well what do you guys do?" Jaesa asked.


"Well, for starters, we don't hospitalize our boyfriends." Vette explained.


"And we don't cause property damage and vandalism every time we change positions." The Wrath added.


"And I'm pretty sure I've never had to clean a ceiling after anything I've done." Vette contributed.


"Oh. I thought all that was normal, and that you and Quinn didn't have sex every night because you didn't want to break the furniture." Jaesa shrugged.


"Jaesa I don't think you understand. Someday, you are going to marry a man, and make him the happiest person in the galaxy for a day, then murder him on your wedding night with your superhuman sexual prowess." The Wrath said.


"Technically if its an accident that's only manslaughter." Vette corrected.


"Either way, you should get a really good attorney." The Wrath added.




Oh my god. Did you hear all that? It was filthy!

nope. and nobody else did either.

huh? Why not? I mean a lot of it was completely depraved, but there were a lot of other really good ideas, I might even try that thing with the-

interjections. From the ambient environment, a bunch of vendors walking by, stuff like that.

Oh. So none of the audience knows?

And they never will.

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Ha! I knew Jaesa wasn't so innocent! lol


BTW! Tell Wrath I said both she and Quinn are complete virgins in my head canon before they get together.


I mean, my Sith was basically a newb at the Sith Academy, and was too busy doing Darth Bobo's, I mean Baras' dirty work to get laid. Plus, no one seems to want to flirt with a female Sith Lord for SOME reason. She came close to some fat officer in Hoth and some creepy dude on Nar Shadda, but alas, no takers.


Plus, you know, Quinn was with her and she doesn't cheat.


As for Quinn. Well...tell HIM, I knew he was a virgin since he acted like no woman in the Galaxy had ever showed interest in him. Every time my Sith flirted with him, he acted amazed sex existed. Don't think he'd ever seen girly bits before my Sith.


I'm sure the boinkage was amazing between them once he finally stopped resisting her and got all forceful on her.


And...dude, you are my hero! Keep them coming! Can we get a side scene with Quinn, Broonmark and Pierce talking about the girls? Oh, oh, that'd be awesome. =D

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Ha! I knew Jaesa wasn't so innocent! lol


BTW! Tell Wrath I said both she and Quinn are complete virgins in my head canon before they get together.


I mean, my Sith was basically a newb at the Sith Academy, and was too busy doing Darth Bobo's, I mean Baras' dirty work to get laid. Plus, no one seems to want to flirt with a female Sith Lord for SOME reason. She came close to some fat officer in Hoth and some creepy dude on Nar Shadda, but alas, no takers.


Plus, you know, Quinn was with her and she doesn't cheat.


As for Quinn. Well...tell HIM, I knew he was a virgin since he acted like no woman in the Galaxy had ever showed interest in him. Every time my Sith flirted with him, he acted amazed sex existed. Don't think he'd ever seen girly bits before my Sith.


I'm sure the boinkage was amazing between them once he finally stopped resisting her and got all forceful on her.


And...dude, you are my hero! Keep them coming! Can we get a side scene with Quinn, Broonmark and Pierce talking about the girls? Oh, oh, that'd be awesome. =D



WOAH. SLOW THE HELL DOWN. Me. A virgin? Honey, when I go over to your thread, there better be a Dessler Turbo in my apartment garage to make up for all the hot loving that isn't going on in my personal garage. And I don't mean the chump package either, I'm talking $40,000 price tag full leather interior, stereo, the sport package, and the red racing stripes.


Wrath, what did I tell you about different writers and different rules?

You told me a lot of things, but you didn't tell me that I couldn't make extravagant demands like owning a hot-as-balls muscle speeder like a Dessler Turbo.


When did you become such a gearhead anyways?

All women pay attention to cars. We just pretend like we don't to keep men guessing. You think its coincidence or magic that the bad boy in high school that drove the crappy old Mustang was the one who got laid?


Actually at my high school, he drove a Camaro. The kid that drove the 'Stang died of a staph infection.


Point still stands, regardless of tragedy.


Eh. Honestly he was a douchebag. Who gives a vintage Shelby GT500 to a kid? If I had a car like that, I'd be happy to die young.

Amen, brother.


What were we talking about again? We got sidetracked on cars.


You still trying to get that writing job at the car magazine?


Still haven't heard from the Ed-in-chief. He'd said he'd have me write a freelance piece and then we'd go from there.


That sounds nerve-racking.


It totally is. But seriously, what were we talking about?


You were agreeing with me that Eanelinea needs to write the Emperor's Wrath as owning a hot-as-hell Dessler Turbo speeder with the sexy factory grey paint and the red muscle stripe.


I don't think that's what we were talking about at all.


I don't remember asking you anyways.


Well, you just behave yourself, okay?




















Is he gone? Yea, he's gone.



You see how I manipulated him, Eanelinea? He isn't hard to figure out. I can run circles around him.


You just remember that.


You remember it good.



Because otherwise, its gonna be like Stephen King's Misery, all up in your face.






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The mundane and normal afternoon of male ancillary characters.

The door opened, breaking Pierce's concentration, and causing him to drop the tiny stick shift from his tweezers. "Dammit." He huffed under his breath.


"Lieutenant, I must speak with you." Quinn asserted as he walked into the crew bunks.


"I'm a little busy at the moment." Pierce rolled his eyes.


"I'm afraid this will not wait." Quinn commanded, trying to look over Pierce's massive shoulder to peer at what he was doing. "What are you doing, anyways?"


"Dessler Turbo. 1:16 scale. I was about to install the stick, until you stomped in here." Pierce breathed, trying to pick up the tiny piece of plastic with his tweezers again.


"Isn't that the speeder that the Wrath is always ranting about?" Quinn asked.


"She has good taste in cars." Pierce shrugged. "Doesn't know booze from mouthwash, but she has good taste in cars."


"Well regardless, this bunk area is depressingly under standards. I'm going to need you to clean up this mess and make this room ship-shape this instant." Quinn commanded.


"Not happening." Pierce grunted.


"Are you disobeying an order, lieutenant?" Quinn asked.


"No sir, only preventing a future tragedy." Pierce explained. "That mess over there, as you call it, is the spray booth for my air brush. Without it, that whole corner of the room will be covered in hot rod cherry red paint."


"And did you secure permission to set up your spray booth there, lieutenant?" Malavai asked.


"From the highest authority, sir." Pierce sneered. "I asked the Wrath herself. She said it was alright. It's only been there for the past 3 months."


"And why wasn't I notified?" Quinn asked.


"Two reasons. One, because she never tells you about half the things she does anyways, and Two, because it was before you were dating, and I had the pleasure of asking her permission personally. Intimately." Pierce explained.


Quinn blushed. "I think the Wrath would have told me if she had granted such a permission, despite extenuating circumstances."


"The Extenuating circumstance was that she had a crush on you, but you never made a move, so I asked her if I could set up the spray booth while I was on top of her. She wasn't in the mood to say no to anything I asked her for at the time, which is probably why she never told you about it, as it would involve her admitting that she was keeping another pitcher in the bullpen while she was waiting for you to get the guts up to kiss her." Pierce explained.


"That's..." Quinn blushed.


"Don't feel bad about it." Pierce shrugged. "Its not personal. Nice guys finish last. Although, I admit that I do feel pretty great explaining that to you now."


"Well regardless, I'm going to have to insist that you clean up your modeling supplies." Quinn commanded.


"Nope." Pierce grunted, applying a drop of superglue to the center spar of the model speeder. "Vette doesn't mind, Jaesa moved into the medbay, Broonmark lives in the cargo hold like some kind of Oscar the Grouch, and you sleep with the Wrath."


"Lieutenant, I'm really trying to be lenient with you on this, but your gross insubordination will be brought before a higher authority if you persist in your behavior." Quinn threatened.


"I do my job. You do your job. Go ahead and tell the Wrath I've been a bad boy. She'll roll her eyes and tell you to sit on it. We don't need to be doing this." Pierce finally installed the shifter.


"I'm your superior officer." Quinn insisted.


"And your authority is constantly undermined by your own superior officer, who tells me at every turn to politely ignore you and carry on." Pierce added another drop of super glue to the model.


"I don't think you understand, lieutenant." Quinn grasped.


"I understand perfectly sir, but I don't think you understand- I'm not just your subordinate officer, I'm your roommate. Its something the Wrath understands a lot better than you. Its a small ship, and we all live on it, and nobody minds that my hobby supplies are monopolizing that corner over there, so unbutton your uniform collar and loosen up... Sir." Pierce sneered.


"You're the one who makes this difficult, lieutenant." Quinn started.


"I know. I find it amusing. The Wrath used to tell me all the time, 'Keep it up, I love it when he does that, it makes him have to come over here and talk to me!'" Pierce imitated.


"What the Wrath and I talk about are not your concern, lieutenant." Quinn huffed.


"Well, Malavai, you see actually, it is. Because before she was going steady with you, she was coming to me. And if you screw this up, guess where she'll be going right back too? Do you think I'll tell her no? You see Quinnie-Pie, its not that I don't like you- Except when you pull rank, you're an alright guy. You just need to make a distinction between the Wrath your boss, and the Wrath your girlfriend, and start paying more attention to the second one." Pierce replied.


Malavai was flustered. "Well, in your entire sordid career, I can at least say there was one time where you actually tried to help me, as dubious as your advice was."


"More than once, sir." Pierce corrected. "I've helped you plenty."


"Name one instance where you've directly contributed to making my life easier, lieutenant." Quinn commanded.


"You know that thing she does with her tongue? You're welcome." Pierce grunted.


Malavai left the room.

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Alright, I died laughing so hard. Good thing I wasn't drinking my soda. God I love Quinn and Pierce interacting. Course when Pierce *****ed about Quinn giving him orders I told him he either obeyed them or he dealt with my Sith. (I was pretending I don't know what happens in future levels/chapter progression).


We MUST have Quinn talk with Wrath now, or something hot! =D


More Quinn! There can never be enough of him!


Great job btw!

Edited by Eanelinea
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Oh I forgot to ask! Do you do requests? Like class requests? I'm assuming you've played the Sith War to know so much about these guys, but I'm DYING to see your humorous take on a female Chiss Imp Agent, and a female human Smuggler. Both Light Side, both with their hunnies.
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Oh I forgot to ask! Do you do requests? Like class requests? I'm assuming you've played the Sith War to know so much about these guys, but I'm DYING to see your humorous take on a female Chiss Imp Agent, and a female human Smuggler. Both Light Side, both with their hunnies.

Normally we would say no, but those new loco dorritos tacos at taco bell have made us susceptible to bribery. If you live in the 310, and you bring us loco-ritos, we'll do anything.



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The average female Sith warrior's call from her little sister.



"No, I don't think its unhealthy to keep drinking after you puke, its like a challenge. You have to refill that gas tank." The Wrath explained.


"That's the most profoundly unhealthy thing I've ever heard of. No wonder you get hangovers so often." Jaesa replied.


"Listen to you, I'll tell you what's unhealthy. Dating Jaesa Wilsaam. Poor Chris, you screwed him in half!" The Wrath retorted.


Jaesa smiled. "I haven't gotten any complaints yet."


~I'm your turbo lover! Tell me there's no other! I'm your turbo lover! Better run for cover!~


"What's that?" Vette asked.


"Its my personal holo. The Judas Priest ringtone means that someone's calling from the ship." The Wrath explained.


"Aren't all your ringtones Judas Priest?" Jaesa added.


"Well yea, but Turbo Lover is the ship." The Wrath answered.


"Wait. Which one am I?" Vette asked.


"Breaking the Law, obviously, klepto." The Wrath shrugged.


"Don't you ever get tired of Judas Priest?" Jaesa asked.


"Don't you ever get tired of having a boyfriend-mauling car crusher for a ******?" The Wrath mumbled under her breath.




"Nothing. Besides, getting tired of Judas Priest are what AC/DC and Iron Maiden are for. Duh." The Wrath replied.


The Wrath hit the button on the side of the holocom and Quinn popped up.


"My lord, your sister is on the line. Shall I patch you through?" He reported.



" The Wrath insisted.


An unfamiliar woman in traditional Sith robes popped up on the holo. "So then I told him, 'What if I'm a colicoid?' and he thought I was crazy! scared the crap out of him, it was hilarious!" She was saying to someone out of the picture.


"Ohmigawd, Little Sis, is that you?" The Wrath squealed.


"Middle Sis!" The inquisitor replied.


"Zoom in, let me get a good look at you!" The Wrath insisted.


"She's so pretty!" Jaesa squeaked.


"Oh my god, that's no fair. How come I don't have lips like yours. You won the family genetic lottery, sis." The Wrath lamented.


"Yea... she's pretty cute." Vette ran off to do something else, intimidated.


"What crawled up her ***?" The Wrath asked.


"Is the Twi'lek your slave?" Little Sis inquired.


"Nah. I mean she was a slave. I freed her. She's my best friend." The Wrath thought it was a strange question, then she remembered that their mother had sold her into slavery as a child.


"So we should have dinner some time! Catch up! I'm the Emperor's Wrath you know, I bet I could pull some strings for you, get you a good apprenticeship." The Wrath insisted.


"Thanks, but I'm apprentice to Darth Zash and she's awfully nice. Has me going around digging up artifacts. Work is boring, but the hours are great. I actually make the dashade do most of the work." Little sis shrugged.


"Ooh, so you're that up and coming inquisitor that the Dark Council is gossiping about! I can't wait to tell Servant One and Servant Two. Is it true you killed Darth Skotia, and the dashade does your bidding?" The Wrath asked.


"Oh yea, I killed Skotia. Nobody believes it though, so much the better I guess. And the dashade... You want him? He's just a big, ancient, complaining grampa. Always whining about how Tulak Hord cooked better, or Tulak Hord didn't make him clean his room, or Tulak Hord got him a bounce house for his birthday party. I had no idea there was a planet in the galaxy that could produce a walking, breathing, pain in the ***, but apparently there was." Little sis explained.


"No thanks hun, I've got a full house myself. I think its some kind of weird rule in the Sith bureaucracy, everyone has to have some kind of freak on the team. Mine's a giant muppet. He cooks a killer barbeque though." The Wrath replied.


"So Big sis says you're dating some guy in the Imperial Navy. How's that working out?" Little Sis asked.


"He's hot. Looks good in uniform, looks better when I peel him out of it. Still needs a lot of house training though. What about you? You dating anyone now that you're out and about in the galaxy?" The Wrath asked.


"Well, I met this pirate on Tatooine. Prone to violent outbursts, handy with a blaster, shoots before he thinks. Real bad boy type. I'm just keeping it casual right now though, gotta work on my career." Lil Sis shrugged.


"Atta girl, there's not enough Lady Darths in the galaxy." Wrath cheered.


"Darth Zash always says the same thing." Lil Sis replied.


"Well she's right. Just make sure you betray her soon, okay? That's how the system works, you know, get her before she gets you." The Wrath insisted.


Vette returned, but stayed out of line of sight of the holo com.


"Well hey, I'm out shopping with my girls. Call you later okay? We'll set up a dinner date. Bring your pirate boytoy." The Wrath insisted.


"I'll be around." Lil Sis hung up.


"Well she seemed nice. I'm a little worried about who she's dating, but she can't be any worse than my older sister." The Wrath nodded.


"Yea, and can you believe those lips? That pirate boy must be in heaven." Jaesa said.


"God I know. But I was too polite to ask- Did you see those weird brands she had on her face? I was like why did she do all that body modification when she had such gorgeous, full lips?" The Wrath gossiped.


"Your little sister's a bad seed. Even worse than your older sister." Vette mumbled.


"What makes you say that?" The Wrath asked.


"That line of brands that started at her throat and went all the way up her chin to her lips? Those are Hutt discipline stripes. The location and length of the brand are relevant to the behavior being punished, they start it small, only about a square inch, and then lengthen the brand in a direction for each further crime. They generally don't use them on women, to preserve their use as pleasure slaves, but for your sister to have a strip like that as long as she does, she'd have to be incredibly violent, insubordinate, and the last one..." Vette trailed off.


"What? What about the last one?" Jaesa asked.


"Well, they only brand a woman's lips if she's a biter." Vette mentioned.


"Wow." Jaesa gasped.


"Holy crap." The Wrath sighed.


"Yeah. There's Belsavis prison gangs busting out of cold storage that haven't seen a woman in 20 years that would run the other direction if they saw your sister walking down the street." Vette explained.


"Why is it always my family?" The Wrath moaned.

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Came here from Reddit. You are amazing sir.


Holy crap we're on reddit now?

No wonder the pageviews suddenly exploded.


I bet I knew who it was too, its that other bounty hunter that my sister hangs out, with she's a total nerd- like 400 slicing and everything.

huh? You mean Mako?


No, the one she plays huttball with... Has a weird name... Eau?


Not ringing a bell.


The chubby platinum blonde with the terminator eye?


OH HER? She's hot.


What? You think she's hot?


Are you kidding? She' smoking.


She's body type 4. She probably weighs like 120 pounds!


120lbs all in the chest and the hips. That's what you call a woman, none of those twiggy runway model body type 1 twelve year old girls. Men need protein in their diet.

Oh, so I'm not attractive?


You're a figment of my imagination. I write stories about you getting drunk and having sex with non player characters.


Then why don't you make Malavai get it in more often?


Because that's YOUR relationship, and one of the core themes of our story is that despite the fact that you're a rampaging hedonist and manipulative alcoholic, you're at heart an emotionally healthy good person that cares about people. I can't just flip a magic switch that makes Malavai put out, that's part of the story. You have to resolve it.


So you're saying...


...there's a magic switch that makes Malavai put out?


That's not what I'm saying at all, but on most men, that switch does exist. Its called a phallus.


Is there another secret switch that makes you give me a Dessler Turbo?


The switch is a metaphor. It doesn't exist.


Don't try to poison my mind with all that 'writing' garbage. I'm just trying to make my boyfriend show some initiative and get a hot-as-balls muscle car.


Say thanks to the redditors, Wrath.

Thanks nerds!


Be nice Wrath, they're not nerds. More importantly, they're fans.




As if you could talk, I've seen the history on your holo-browser.




I wouldn't what?



I wouldn't tell them you browse the Uniform Sex section of the Imperial **** Wall, or I wouldn't tell them that you're ****** cancer that's been on /b/ all summer?


Oh. Thank god. I thought you were going to say ergonomiclightsaberhilts.com


Is that the site where you can order the little beeper motors to install in your lightsaber to make it vibrate?




Say thanks to the redditors and I'll edit out the part where you just accidentally admitted your favorite shopping site for stress relieving devices.


You promise?


Of course.













































Is she gone?


heh, sucker. As if I would edit that out. The lightsaber gag is solid gold. THANKS REDDIT!

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HAHA! You rock! I love these so dang much. You MUST keep them coming!!


Funny thing is, all my girl characters, which is 8 of them, are all sisters too. Even my Chiss Imp Agent, she was adopted though. ^_^


Great job and I look forward to more.


More Quinn! =D

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