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Sorcs and Sages need 2 Stances so they cannot Heal and DPS at the same time.


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Originally Posted by Tumri

7. A bubble that provides between 3.5-4.5k absorption. Since average health pools are on average about 16k this can be looked at as an instant 20%-30%+ health gain on a 20 second cooldown. They have light armor but this skill makes them far tankier than most DPS specced players in any situation where the players aren't receiving external heals for extended periods of time and even then it's pretty much outright better than heavy armor. This bubble is not overpowered as it's essentially a counterbalance to their light armor. What makes it over powered is the talented CC that comes with it(More on that below). [static Barrier]


[static Barrier Absorb = 16.4% Maximum Health + 3.27 * Healing Power] - Source: http://www.torhead.com/ability/VIBtDV/static-barrier - See "Effect Details" and scroll down to "Action"(Subeffect 1)


Proof that you have no idea what you're talking about.


Hint: The maximum health is NOT your health after your items are equipped.


Protip: Bubble absorbs around 3.6K at full battlemaster gear.

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A full heal doesn't do good damage, a full heal or hybrid doesn't have very efficient heals.




I assume you meant "a full dps doesnt have very efficient heals". I would agree with you if it wasnt for the fact we can crit heal for 4-5k when in DPS spec and having 0 points in the healer tree. I'd call that pretty damn good all things being considered.


You are right though, a full healer spec Sorc isnt killing anyone at all.


Everyone who plays a Sorc or know the class properly understand the issue with Sorc is not any spec that spends 31pts in a single tree.


Stances will not change that issue since its a fundamental error in skill placement.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Proof that you have no idea what you're talking about.


Hint: The maximum health is NOT your health after your items are equipped.


Protip: Bubble absorbs around 3.6K at full battlemaster gear.


last time i checked, 3.6k lies inbetween 3.5k and 4.5k

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last time i checked, 3.6k lies inbetween 3.5k and 4.5k


Lol. Figures you would support misinformation from highly exaggerated numbers based on false calculations.



If a bubble caps at around 3.6K, then a bubble doesn't absorb upward of 4.5K.


It is more like starting from 2.5K - 3.6K for sorcerers based on gear. 3.5 - 4.5 is not even close.

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A sage/sorc is highly mobile though, there's LOTS of places to LoS in, especially with Force Run and a ranged character. You can pop around a corner and heal with your infinite Force. Any class with no heals has to be like "Am I out of combat yet? Am I out of combat yet?" and Operative/Mercenary will run out of resources pretty quickly doing this compared to a Sorc.


Clearly LOS is a mechanic that only exists for sorcerors

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3.6k is the upper limit of a single bubble. Most full champ geared Sorc are only going to get 3k absorption on a bubble. So the 3.5k to 4.5k figure is very misleading.


Not when you consider that it's buffed by trinkets & adrenals.



With a power adrenal, I assume 4.5k is reachable.

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This is a good point. Companion healers have the same stances. Nerf all Sorc healing by 25% and damage by 25%, then add stances that add 30% boosts.


talk about a disproportionate penalty on sorcerers. No other class suffers such high penalty for being in a different stance.

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Flat out prevent them from casting heals/shield while in DPS stance or make them take 2x as long to cast them or something. these Sorcs doing 500k Dmg and Healing at the same time is just ridiculous.


Excellent suggestion. Allows for flexibility of play style and might get sorcs and counselor abilities back in line with other pvp players.

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I assume you meant "a full dps doesnt have very efficient heals". I would agree with you if it wasnt for the fact we can crit heal for 4-5k when in DPS spec and having 0 points in the healer tree. I'd call that pretty damn good all things being considered.


You are right though, a full healer spec Sorc isnt killing anyone at all.


Everyone who plays a Sorc or know the class properly understand the issue with Sorc is not any spec that spends 31pts in a single tree.


Stances will not change that issue since its a fundamental error in skill placement.


You're not hitting 4-5k crits in combat with DI, ever, as a DPS build with no points in the healing tree. OOC you're lucky to get a 5k crit with no adrenal/relic popped.


That said I think a shadow form would be something nifty, as it's an extra thing to micro manage to play well.

Edited by TetraCleric
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I can also easily tell that you feel that using caps lock and raging at people will make you feel that you are right- since I have read the entire thread. Please, don't flame/insult me when I respond here.


It's a poor proposal, however you want to call it. I never used the word nerf. I doubt you have played the class, I don't think you understand the limitations of what a sorc/sage can do under full heal, full DPS or hybrid. A full heal doesn't do good damage, a full heal or hybrid doesn't have very efficient heals.


Not everyone has to agree with your proposal, if you can't live with that, don't post in a public forum.

*sigh* in your first post you said "so nerf them because they annoy you...." and a full healer shouldnt mind a healing stance due that it would benefit them more since it would focus them on healing specifically and they still have their utilities in oh **** situations but ...as for a dps is could go either way since they would get a little bit more damage but it costs them to give up their heals and a heal is a heal no matter how little...and as for using caps it was used to point out a fact in which you clearly never comprehended since ive been stating that in a couple of my other post want me to do it the formal way and use italics? read comprehend then respond before you posts :) oh btw full heals do still have good sustainable damage not burst damage sustainable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8C7yi79bnQ&feature=related ima say this for the last time a stance would just focus the player into either dpsing or healing so that they cant do both

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You're not hitting 4-5k crits in combat with DI, ever, as a DPS build with no points in the healing tree. OOC you're lucky to get a 5k crit with no adrenal/relic popped.


That said I think a shadow form would be something nifty, as it's an extra thing to micro manage to play well.




as dps spec and in full champion, i crit 5.2K with relic popped ooc. I do that for healing medals.

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Ofc not, but Sorcs are the only ones that can spam-heal themselves while LoS'ing to full-health, while still in combat, as a non-healing spec.


lolwut? 3 second cast is a spam? 2.5 second cast for 1.5k-2k is spam? Are you not interrupting or doing damage? Or are you just letting them freecast? Are you alone or do you have teammates?

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One last thing, are people honestly silly enough to think Sorc are actually doing 200k healing, real healing while putting out 400k damage?


No they are not. Those figures are nonsense and its counting the damage prevented by bubbles and listing it as healing. If you dont believe this, ask a Sorc to bubble themselves and then run over the fire at the start of hutball... 2.5k healing medal instantly.


Its a very very stupid feature and they should fix it.

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didnt know sorcerors used adrenals just to bubble for more.


apparently adrenals have an 18s CD as well yeah?


bro. this is theorycrafting. the point of theorycrafting is to construct the best possible environment for a particular class, match them against an opponent with everything on cooldown and played by someone with down syndrome, then call that particular class OP.

Edited by Acyu
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didnt know sorcerors used adrenals just to bubble for more.


apparently adrenals have an 18s CD as well yeah?


I didn't realize that adrenals only let you use one ability afterwards.


edit: Are you going to get 4.5k bubbles every time? of course not, but is his 4.5k figure reachable? Yeah, it is.



People complained their asses off over 7k buffed shoot first crits, and scoundrels got nerfed, I'm not sure why you think sorcerers should get preferential treatment.

Edited by Aidank
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One last thing, are people honestly silly enough to think Sorc are actually doing 200k healing, real healing while putting out 400k damage?


No they are not. Those figures are nonsense and its counting the damage prevented by bubbles and listing it as healing. If you dont believe this, ask a Sorc to bubble themselves and then run over the fire at the start of hutball... 2.5k healing medal instantly.


Its a very very stupid feature and they should fix it.


I agree the bubble shouldn't count towards anything really.

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bro. this is theorycrafting. the point of theorycrafting is to construct the best possible environment for a particular class, match them against an opponent with everything on cooldown and played by someone with down syndrome, then call that particular class OP.


you do realise sorcerors use crit/surge adrenals for pvp which has no effect on bubble at all.

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