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1.2 legacy, will Chiss be a species option for the Sith Warrior?


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Yes, Chiss can be force sensitive. There have been both Chiss Jedi & Sith in the Star Wars timeline, a couple of which were very significant individuals. They're alternatively evolved humans, so to speak so there's no reason why they wouldn't be. They've just lived in a very insular civilization for most of the time which by no means makes them less likely to be force sensitive.


You can look it all up, just google Chiss. I'm honestly surprised we weren't allowed to be Chiss in the SW & SI classes, especially SI as Chiss are often times diplomats & politicians as well. I'm betting this will come in legacy, and I'm hoping it's not hard to unlock because I pretty much want to roll a Chiss for most of my Imperial characters so far :)



As for the slave thing, that's not accurate. Slaves ascended to power in the Empire before, after, and in between and there are some who went on to become very prominent people in the high eschelon's of Imperial society, it's just a little harder for them until they reach significant milestones, as it would be for anyone and eventually their former slave status is probably not even known to most people. Once again if you're bored one day you can take time to read up on Star Wars stuff. I did it before SW:TOR came out because it piqued my interest for a couple of days.

Edited by Jesira
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So thats how the Sith Inqui becomes a DC member.



Anyway, to stay on topic, if Zabrak makes little sense as Warrior, why would Chiss be an available race for Warriors, seeing how they (as I already said in this thread anyway) make little sense as BH and Agent either.


the dark council is the siths governing body


the aristocracy/nobility (which your warrior belongs to) are the cultural elite


one has nothing to do with the other


a former slave being on the dark council wouldnt change the opinions the cultural elite hold towards them


and the whole point is that the race/class combos BW has chosen to use dont make any sense, zabrak warriors dont make sense, neither would chiss warriors


but gameplay options > lore, so even if it doesnt make much sense, nobody really cares

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the dark council is the siths governing body


the aristocracy/nobility (which your warrior belongs to) are the cultural elite


one has nothing to do with the other





You said


to them, a slave is a slave is a slave, nothing will change it, the people with the real power would never let a former slave achieve a status equaling their own


The Dark Council is the biggest authority after the Emperor in the Empire, superceeding any "nobility/aristocracy". That a slave (Inquisitor) can become part of the council, proves your whole argument wrong. Slaves with force sensitivity can and will rise to power in the Empire, as long as they prove strong enough. Even non-human slaves (like the Inquisitor). Point is, it is not so very unlikely as you make it out to be that a Zabrak is part of a strong Sith bloodline. Mabye quite rare, yes. But not impossible, as opposed to Chiss Sith in the Empire. Which is utter bullcrap.



On another note, sure, I'd make a Chiss Sith, cause I like Chiss, still doesn't mean it's okay for BW to make them available for it.

Edited by Ticara
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I wouldn't make one if the option was open to me, I already have an agent.


most likely, Chiss will end up on the Republic side in the legacy system. Warriors will most likely get Miraluka (as seen in video clip somewhere). Noone says we will unlock more than 1 pr. class (yet).

Edited by Fallerup
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I wouldn't make one if the option was open to me, I already have an agent.


most likely, Chiss will end up on the Republic side in the legacy system. Warriors will most likely get Miraluka (as seen in video clip somewhere). Noone says we will unlock more than 1 pr. class (yet).


They could just have it scale based on legacy level and have all races possible for all classes at whatever the max legacy level is. Story/lore be damned :p

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I would expect Voss to be a legacy race for all classes - just makes too much sense given a) their coolness factor, and b) the storyline from both sides on the Voss planet.


It could also be why legacy races have taken so long, as they needed to work out some bugs.


If not Voss (in the near future - I guarantee at some point they will be available), then likely a race that is already used by a companion. So Togruta, Kaleesh, Chagrian, Rattataki, Gand, Weequay, Houk, etc.


Note: I don't know enough about canon / lore to say which ones would be candidate for SW's, but I'm just making a general observation. I would guess Kaleesh and red Twi'leks would be top of the list given that there are force sensitive options for them already (players / companions).

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and it even makes less sense that the imperial zabraks are colored like darth maul because that variation on the species doest even exist in the old republic time period


Well, Where did you read it didn't exist, just take a Zabrak with Sith-blood in his family tree and chances are, he inherits the red skin...

Or isn't that how it works?



I think, while absolutely cool, we will never be able to play small races like Talz, Jawas or Ottolan(yay^^).

But I would love Kel'dor and Ithorians to be playable...

Sadly we probably won't see Ithorian because they're pacifists^^

Edited by Vethalon
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I just want to know if I will be able to get a race change. I want my damn ugly cyborg Juggernaut to become a Sith Pureblood so that I can make re-roll my currently level 12 Sentinel and make him a Sith Pureblood. I also want a Pureblood Sage or Shadow :p. They're just too cool.
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Well, Where did you read it didn't exist, just take a Zabrak with Sith-blood in his family tree and chances are, he inherits the red skin...

Or isn't that how it works?




the imperial zabraks are styled after darth maul


darth maul is dathomirian


on dathomir "normal" zabraks (that look more like the republic side zabraks) mixed with the local dathomiri humans, the resulting offspring are males that look like darth maul, and female that closely resemble ratataki females


and this didnt happen until about ~600 year before EP1, so that coloring on a zabrak didnt exist yet in the old republic



plus, zabrak cant mix with sith purebloods


but regardless, its better for gameplay if we just roll with it, lore ftl

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Yes, you will be able to make a chiss Sith warrior. IGN says that if you have any alien character at level 50, you'll be able to bypass class race restrictions for that species. http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html Chiss Sith warriors, Pureblood bounty hunters, Twi'lek agents.


Seems pretty cool.


to add to that BW says that even if you dont have a level 50 of that race already


you can purchase the unlock via in-game currency, they didnt say what it will cost


i really want to know because i would love a miraluka sorcerer, but im not about to go level a rep just so i can make one, i will however, pay for it with credits

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