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How are the guilds on your server?


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Hello, everyone!


I'm curious about your opinion of the guilds on your server, because I'm wondering if you've had the same experiences I have.


Put simply, I'm having a very hard time finding a decent guild. On my server, they tend to fall into three categories:


• massive (over a hundred members, a revolving door membership);

• vanity (low membership with an embarassingly uncreative/gimmicky name); or

• "pro" (lots of very serious gamer types, hardcore PvP or endgame).


I'm just not interested in these types, but haven't had any luck finding something different. Other players seem to agree with me- a large majority of the people I've played with are guildless, too. So, I'm wondering if people are encountering the same problem on other servers.

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I've only been in the one guild, but we're of a type you haven't mentioned. We all reunited here at SWTOR. The core of my guild were guildies in another game and we migrated here. Since then we've added assorted friends and such.


So we're the type of guild you didn't mention. A guild of friends. Some of us are more dedicated than others, but we all like each other and we all play well together.


My advice to you is that you deliberately found a guild that reflects what you want in a guild. If there are as many unguilded players as you say looking for a home, then start recruiting.



Edited by mousestalker
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Hello, everyone!


I'm curious about your opinion of the guilds on your server, because I'm wondering if you've had the same experiences I have.


Put simply, I'm having a very hard time finding a decent guild. On my server, they tend to fall into three categories:


• massive (over a hundred members, a revolving door membership);

• vanity (low membership with an embarassingly uncreative/gimmicky name); or

• "pro" (lots of very serious gamer types, hardcore PvP or endgame).


I'm just not interested in these types, but haven't had any luck finding something different. Other players seem to agree with me- a large majority of the people I've played with are guildless, too. So, I'm wondering if people are encountering the same problem on other servers.


On my server, we don't have any "pro" guilds. For my own guild we have exactly 100 characters, not sure on the exact member amount, but we haven't lost any members in over a month when some opted to not subscribe.


We also do have some of those uncreative and gimmicky guild names on our server, can't think of any right off of the top of my head though, I just know I've seen some around at The Fleet.

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So we're the type of guild you didn't mention. A guild of friends. Some of us are more dedicated than others, but we all like each other and we all play well together.


You're right, I didn't mention this kind of guild, because they are rare but wonderful things. I wish that I had such an opportunity, but nobody from my previous, other-game guilds seems interested in SWTOR.


You are indeed lucky, and I hope that you and your friends will have many more years of fun.


My advice to you is that you deliberately found a guild that reflects what you want in a guild. If there are as many unguilded players as you say looking for a home, then start recruiting.


Yes, I've thought of this (putting my money where my mouth is) often, but to be honest, my real-life responsibilities mean that I cannot be online consistently, which means I wouldn't be able to devote the time and effort that a good GL must: I'd be doing a disservice to my members.


Anyway, the point of the post wasn't to whine about poor me: I was sharing a curious observation, and wondered whether it was common to other servers.

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On my server, they tend to fall into three categories:


• massive (over a hundred members, a revolving door membership);

• vanity (low membership with an embarassingly uncreative/gimmicky name); or

• "pro" (lots of very serious gamer types, hardcore PvP or endgame).


I'm just not interested in these types, but haven't had any luck finding something different. Other players seem to agree with me- a large majority of the people I've played with are guildless, too. So, I'm wondering if people are encountering the same problem on other servers.


I think the kinds of guilds you get on a server are really strongly influenced by the server type. I play on an RP server, and we have those three types, and a few others.


  • RP centric. Very heavy RP.
  • Social. Broad category, this could mean a party guild, a religon-based guild, an IRL based guild (your flag-football team's guild), a family guild, or a "chill" guild.
  • Balanced. Some of everything, but no primary focus.


Some of those are large (200+ people), some are small (<30 people). I'd say, though, that most of our guilds are balanced (and I'm actively involved in a guild leader coordination project, so I know our guilds).


Try this, as an intellectual exercise, take the Ideal Guild Quiz.




Don't set your server, leave that open, and see what comes up. That may help you get at the root of what you want in a guild. Sadly, not all servers and not nearly enough guilds are represented, but it's an interesting place to start, and the time investment is very small.


Good luck,



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I think the kinds of guilds you get on a server are really strongly influenced by the server type. I play on an RP server, and we have those three types, and a few others.

I think you may be right- I'm considering rolling on an RP server- not because I'm interested in RP (it repels me), but because I've noticed that players on RP servers tend to be a bit more 'serious' about their gaming than players on other server types. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that RP players are more considerate of others, and that appeals to me a great deal.


Try this, as an intellectual exercise, take the Ideal Guild Quiz.




You know, I actually did try this site, and I think it's a great idea- I wish more guilds participated in it.


Unfortunately for me, of the guilds that I found, the three most interesting appear to be defunct- which is what led me to post this thread.

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I think you may be right- I'm considering rolling on an RP server- not because I'm interested in RP (it repels me), but because I've noticed that players on RP servers tend to be a bit more 'serious' about their gaming than players on other server types. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that RP players are more considerate of others, and that appeals to me a great deal.


You are not the first person I've heard say this. In fact, for being a RP server we have a number of guilds (I'm lookin' at you, Mischief Empire) that are decidedly anti-RP, but are on an RP server for the same reason. A lot of others are don't focus on RP, but it's not unwelcome if some folks want to organize it on their own time (New Dawn, Delusions of Grandeur).


Even if you don't "do" RP, you might consider some of the RP-optional guilds. There's a lot of folks who like to lurk and watch RP, or who just quietly ignore it all together. That's fine. The rule, whether unspoken or codified, in a lot of guilds is that you don't have to like RP, you don't even have to participate in RP, you just have to not grief the RPers. Becomes a very live-and-let-live sort of system. Having said that, of course, steer clear of any guild that advertizes as heavy RP. If it "repels" you, you will have a hard time avoiding it.



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Found guilds on my server seem to be pretty unstable and overall lacking in leadership


Think there are a lot of players who have come to this game without much background in setting up teams and organising groups generally


Heaps of people seem to be playing it almost completely as a solo game too


Hopefully as the game matures, people will gradually gravitate into guilds that are working together


Not necessarily as intense raiding groups, but more organised by the officers and leaders of the guild


But one of the most successful guilds on the server at the start - had increasingly lost heaps of level 50s as a decent raiding schedule was not set up early enough - and understandably people left


This has gone from a guild with 45+ on a peak times to only about 10+ now

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Hello, everyone!


I'm curious about your opinion of the guilds on your server, because I'm wondering if you've had the same experiences I have.


Put simply, I'm having a very hard time finding a decent guild. On my server, they tend to fall into three categories:


• massive (over a hundred members, a revolving door membership);

• vanity (low membership with an embarassingly uncreative/gimmicky name); or

• "pro" (lots of very serious gamer types, hardcore PvP or endgame).


I'm just not interested in these types, but haven't had any luck finding something different. Other players seem to agree with me- a large majority of the people I've played with are guildless, too. So, I'm wondering if people are encountering the same problem on other servers.


Not sure about any other guilds on our server since I've been in the same one since pre-launch. We don't seem to fit any of the types you listed. We have members who are very interested in hardcore raiding and others that are taking a more casual approach to the game. However, I've found members more than willing to help each other out whenever possible.

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I am just about at the point where I am thinking about starting my own guild due to the the time I play and lack of "cooperation" of individuals.


I joined a guild when i was around level 15ish figuring that there would be members on there that would be willing to help out with heroic 2/4's or flashpoints. At any givin time, there would be 3-4 individuals on and at peak times 12-14 however, when I asked any questions or asked anybody for help with something, there were 0 responses. Because of this, I was doing exactly what I was trying to prevent which was playing a solo game. All the fp's i were in, all the heroic 2/4's, anything that dealt with having a group were not formed from guild members but pug's.


I'm going to give Almar's guild a try to see how I like it and can only hope for the best. If I enjoy it, then I will be staying for the long haul but due to the time I play (mornings from 9am-5pm), I can only hope for the best.


All in all, I have yet to find a single day time guild but if I get to the point of making one, everybody is welcome to join. Anybody else looking to join a day time guild and later on raiding guild? Would be no attendance requirement because I understand things come up and we all have busy lives.


BTW, I defiantly agree with the uncreative/gimmicky name. Those really don't appeal to me.

Edited by haliy
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Hello, everyone!


I'm curious about your opinion of the guilds on your server, because I'm wondering if you've had the same experiences I have.


Put simply, I'm having a very hard time finding a decent guild. On my server, they tend to fall into three categories:


• massive (over a hundred members, a revolving door membership);

• vanity (low membership with an embarassingly uncreative/gimmicky name); or

• "pro" (lots of very serious gamer types, hardcore PvP or endgame).


I'm just not interested in these types, but haven't had any luck finding something different. Other players seem to agree with me- a large majority of the people I've played with are guildless, too. So, I'm wondering if people are encountering the same problem on other servers.


I don't know if we (or others for that matter) fall into the "vanity" category you describe. Our name may not be super creative but we thought it was funny and fitting (both sides). From what I can tell, my server (Jedi Covenant) has a pretty large community. I see guilds that would fall into all three and plenty of guildless people. I also see many many guilds that I think are good names.


I couldn't say what all of their recruitment or guild themes are though. Mostly the only guilds I see that annoyingly spam general chat for recruits are one of two types. Either self proclaimed hard core raiding guilds or ones just starting up.


You probably already know everything I would suggest but have you tried the guild recruitment section of your server forum? Many of the guilds that don't spam chat looking for members maintain a thread there. I couldn't say what the guilds on your server look for but my guild prefers the direct personal approach. We look at guildless people in game and if we think they might make a good fit, we send them to tell to hopefully get some talking going. If they seem like the right sort, we ask if they have interest in joining a guild and maybe even send them a trial offer. =)

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I joined a guild when i was around level 15ish figuring that there would be members on there that would be willing to help out with heroic 2/4's or flashpoints. At any givin time, there would be 3-4 individuals on and at peak times 12-14 however, when I asked any questions or asked anybody for help with something, there were 0 responses.


This is the problem I've run into- I joined a couple of guilds that seemed promising, but even then I ended up in pugs for FPs and heroics.


I don't know if we (or others for that matter) fall into the "vanity" category you describe. Our name may not be super creative but we thought it was funny and fitting (both sides).


I guess I should be more specific, so as not to offend too many people. When I wrote "uncreative/gimmicky", I had in mind guilds such as <Don't Tase Me Bro>, <Futt Buckers>, <Nucking Futs>, and <Eat Sith and Die> - all of which are actual guilds on my server.


If your members are satisfied with your name, then that's great, I hope you do well. But on my server, there are dozens of guilds with names like those I've listed- and all of them scream "I need attention," or "Emotionally, I'm 12 years old"- in other words, they serve the founder's vanity.

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From what I have seen, our server (Tarro Blood) seems to have a great mix of styles in guilds. I have seen some pretty crazy guild names which tend to match up well with character names but hey, that is what they want. lol


If you find yourself on Tarro Blood and are interested in joining a very friendly, relaxed, yet goal oriented guild. We are looking for link minded new members. Obscurum Cado (Darkness Falls) is the guild name and we are Imperial.


Feel free to send me a PM on the forums or email/tell me in game on Cyyn if interested. :D

Edited by Cynomen
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Seen a few guilds that seem good, but then again i also seen 2 guilds called Havoc Squad and Dark Council.


Other then the fact that both guilds are named after things already in the game make me wonder if they lack the imagination to come up with original names. they also seem to consist of people that stand behind groups waiting for them to start fights so they can run in to take quest objectives.

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Ive already started to setup a guild website for a daytime guild i plan on creating in the future (when i get home off the boat). I am really really new to the website creation and would love for anybody to pop over to see what they think of it and drop some constructive criticism if you could. That why I know what i could do better. The link to the guild website is http://mosaic.guildlaunch.com


The guild wont be made until around the 26th of March so getting all the bugs out of the way early on would help.

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From what I have seen, our server (Tarro Blood) seems to have a great mix of styles in guilds. I have seen some pretty crazy guild names which tend to match up well with character names but hey, that is what they want.

Of course, you're right- if they really want that name for their guild, then I'm glad they were able to have it. I mentioned them for two reasons:

  • first, such uncreative/gimmicky names are a clear sign that I don't want to be associated with them, and
  • second, while I've seen such names in every MMO I've played, there seem to be a lot more than usual on my server.


Seen a few guilds that seem good, but then again i also seen 2 guilds called Havoc Squad and Dark Council.


Great examples! What's worse is that sometimes someone else has already taken the name, so the new guild has to use special characters- <Dârk Cøuncil>, etc.


Ive already started to setup a guild website for a daytime guild i plan on creating in the future (when i get home off the boat).


Hally, I think this is great! I wish I could play during the day so I could join, but the best I can do is wish you luck!- I hope your guild thrives!

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