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200$ millions project, 75% went into Voice Acting, srly GJ!


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Seriously BioWare, this is sad. I am a huge fan of Star Wars, and I was hoping that this game would be such exceptional, but it is not sadly you killed the SW franchise.


How can a 200$ milions budget ''mmo'' be so badly made, not ready and simply aweful? If 75% of your initial budget went into production, game engine, et AQ Tester instead of Voice Acting all arround the world, perhaps this game would have been the most succesfull mmo on earth. Sadly, this wont happen anytime soon and i bet SWTOR will go Free 2 Play, sadly


And please for the haters and BioWare / EA Fanboy, dont tell me the usual crap: bla bla bla the game is only 2 months old! bla bla bla. Who cares? dont you see and understand the game that you're currently playing? 80% of all the bugs / empty worlds / missing contents and bad low rez graphic SHOULD have been fixed in production / beta and be ready at the launch. This game was released at the end of 2011, at least expect to deliver a game that reach the current timeline.


Remember guys, I play mmorpgs since 12 yrs+ and such a huge project like SWTOR with arround 200$ millions on their side is just not normal seeing the result. Something went stupidly wrong in the process (voice acting perhaps?)


Say what you want, but by seeing how many players are leaving the game so quickly, ToR will die within a year (i've seen this scenario on Age of Conan and Warhammer, the same story is just repeating)


A sad customer :( I wish you the best with your remaining players.

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This disproportionately large spending on voice acting was known even by the bulk of the fans following development, years ago. But the voice acting that's in it is really good. It's just that voices, as great as they are for initial immersion, do little to enhance replay value. Things like better mechanics and better optimization so it runs better would have been a better choice. I still like Bioware though and hold out some hope. Not gonna type more cuz the thread'll probably be gone by the time I hit Submit Reply.
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It's almost as sad as somebody who doesn't know the difference between a suggestion forum and a general forum.


You've killed my hope for mankind.


See what I did there?


Btw: pulling numbers out of your arse with no facts or actual numbers, makes you look like more of a fool than you're already doing. 75% on voice acting, really? Grade school is your friend.

Edited by Zachajariah
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I don't even care if the OP is right. If they spent 75% of their budget on voice acting then I think they made an excellent choice. I'm not a power gamer, so I play this game for the story and the immersion into the setting. The voice acting is, for the most part, superb, and that dramatically increases my enjoyment of the game. If they had released a game with all sorts of mechanical balance and game engine issues supposedly perfected, but had bad voice acting or no voice acting at all, I can pretty much guarantee it would not have held my interest for very long. I see dozens of complaints on these forums about narrow technical issues people are having that they say ruin the game, but I haven't encountered a single thing that's more than simply an expected nuisance.


So thank you, Bioware, for spending so much money on quality voice acting to go with your largely well-written stories.

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what i want to know is what causes people like you to make these types of threads? not only is your post rife with just complete drivel, but there is this deeply seated emotional outpouring that is also contained within, a trait shared with many of your peers.


i think that the SWTOR forums, if anything, provide a great place for people to use their "issues with the game" to provide a sweet library of various personality disorders. this forum should be archived and studied.

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I heard they spend a good 125% on voice acting. Thats 250 million out of 200!


Stop trolling OP, you have no idea what your talking about and this is one of the more lame provocative threads ive seen so far. You even lack the creativity to come op with a new way to troll.


Even so, I dont care if they spend 99% of the money went to ergonomic chairs, the game is what it is.

Edited by Gokkus
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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic thread for suggestion lists and a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to continue your discussion in one of these locations.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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