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which is the easiest class to play?


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the two easiest to lvel are any kind of trooper/bh, or an operative/scoundrel



the reason being is these two ac's have the least amount of abilities they rely on to accomplish anything and overall will require the least amount of keybinds.


powertech/vanguard + healer will feel easier at first, but starts to suffer on voss+. you can level with any spec but do NOT use tank gear until yo are 50. as the game gets harder you need more damage since the healing companions scale horribly.


commando/merc + tank will be able to solo every heroic 2 you come across if you use the recommended hybrid build (arsenal/gunnery up to tm/grav, rest in bodyguard/medic) and keep yoru tank pet up to date. mercs dont get a tank until after hoth though which is fine, becaue it isn't until after hoth you really need a tank. the commando gets a fantastic tank after nar shadda.




another thing to consider is that in general, troopers are the easiest to level overall. they get their companions faster than any other ac and all of their companions use the same gear as you - all aim statted heavy armor. this makes crew skills easy, gear selection easy and gearing companions STUPID easy. if this is a new character, you will have more money by the time you hit 50 due to the savings from being a trooper than any other ac in this game. (i speak from personal xperience, i hae 4 level 50s 3 of them republic, one of them imperial)



as for looks, a commando with the full set of tatooine moddable gear is quite sweet looking. the tattooine set (onslaught) looks very much like legit stormtrooper gear without the added shoulder pads and other goofiness of later armor. also the columi set (except the helm) is one of the best looking end game sets


operative/scoundrel can both heal and both start with great tanks immediately. corso has it over kaliyo due to the harpoon. going up sawbones to emergency medpack then rest in scrapper makes for really easy levelling and the ability to solo most heroic 2's AND heroic 4's thanks to stealth, cc and the heals. you also have an interrupt, which becomes quite important after hoth as mobs start to have some seriously nasty cast time abilities. after the fight if your tank is beat up, dismiss and resummon it. full health and all cooldowns reset. as an operative/scoundrel you sould never need to use your recuperate ability after level 20

Edited by Corran
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I am at a moral crossroad because troopers get the following cool things:


+Bigarse cannons.


+Cyborg eye-patch.


+Crab-tank droid mech pet.


+Hottie imperial healer babe.


+Pretty nice looking armor (especially compared to the trash heaps and duct tape the BH have to wear)




They are republic. So not only will I be fighting on the wrong side of my beliefs, but I will be alone because nobody plays republic : (


Plus I don't like the guy's machoman voice. I would miss my posh British accent.


Still that is a lot of + points. I have to seriously consider trying it.

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1. DPS in SWTOR is not "lol DPS". If your DPS lack awareness they will die constantly. This isn't WoW, you don't just stack up and burn on every boss.


2. If you can't manage *your buttons* Tanking is not for you. All Tanks have TONS of buttons because you have multiple taunts, DR cooldowns (which you need to understand, including what types of damage they prevent and how long they last). As a Tank not only will you have to maintain a DPS rotation, but you will also have to throw in guards, CDs, taunts, active mitigation and constantly retarget between different enemies and friendly players, all while watching the fight, calling when you need externals and watching phase transitions, mechanics, etc...




So... yeah. None of the tanks are easy. Jugg has a ton of buttons. Assassin as a CRAP TON of buttons. PT has multiple buttons and various ranges. It's not the role for someone who is concerned about having to have 20+ keybinds, because that is mandatory regardless of which tank you take.


This. The tank classes are hard to play because if you didn't have 30+ buttons to memorize, it means you don't have the tools to be able to tank.


If you're having trouble memorizing the buttons at 30, that's normal. It really does become second nature by the time you hit 50, and don't forget that everything always seems harder to learn than it actually is - one day you realize you're hitting every button at the right time without even thinking or even looking at your bar.


Tanking is not for the faint of heart, as none of the classes play themselves for you so that you can have an easier time watching everything else. The reason tanking is such a challenge is you have to train your mind until everything feels automatic, so that your hands can go on autopilot while your eyes scan everything else.


I'm a 50 Juggernaut. Tank spec the whole way. :) I went through everything you did, my friend, and I lamented it myself. Now I can tank in my sleep - the only thing that ever stops me from being perfect is the inconsistency of tab targeting, and lag.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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It's barely debatable. Arsenal Spec Bounty Hunter


Yes. You spam Tracer Missile until it procs something or stacks high enough, hit a cooldown, then go back to tracer missiles (because Tracers also refund their own resource whenever they critical). Every so often, you can do Thermal Sensor Override + Sweeping Blasters, but your rotation is basically Tracer Missile over and over again.

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Easy questing / Leveling / Fast DPS = BH


More fun, more skill, more bragging rights = Juggernaught


/thread :p


Throwing stuff around in pve/pvp > everything ( I enjoyed pugging with my jug (when I leveled) and throw the mobs to the BH/dps so they could melee it and just for lulz.

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Knights and Warriors rely upon careful management of their Force power. I'd suggest Trooper or Bounty Hunter as they have less energy management and very few context sensitive abilities.


Heat is more difficult to manage than force for my shadow. That being said, neither is particularly hard. The biggest problem with shadow is the UI and watching tiny icons that are not separated from everything else.

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1. DPS in SWTOR is not "lol DPS". If your DPS lack awareness they will die constantly. This isn't WoW, you don't just stack up and burn on every boss.


:rolleyes: I hate this generalization because it's not true.


Tanking's not that hard. The hardest thing about it is that you have to pay more attention on trash. Less Hulu, more pew pew.


If you're really pushing content, then dps is just as hard as any other role.

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Easiest to level and easiest to play well are two different things entirely.


If you role any tank you are responsible for all aggro management and taunting mobs off your team mates. If your the healer you're responsible to keep everyone alive. When someone dies or your group wipes those two roles get blamed. DPS is the easiest and least stressful because your role is basically to blow away the trash mobs then jump on the main mob the tank has been holding.


From what I can see all classes are pretty easy to level so just pick the role you want.

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the only other thing I'd mention is if you plan on solely tanking (both AC's do have very effective DPS trees, don't forget that is also a viable option!), then the best thing to do is level as your chosen tank spec...or a decent hybrid that will still help you train the necessary skill set.


Even though the Juggernaut has allot of skills to track as well as the other skill challenges of the class, in normal leveling you get fed them one at a time, with time in-between levels to get used to them.


Each spec is different enough in playstyle that you will have 2 very different creatures once their skill set is capped. I find that when I play my jugg as a tank (I prefer DPS on my jugg atm, its just lots of fun), I have a learning curve do to the cycle changes and resource limitations. So if you really plan on going tank, then start off as one. Many people have done this, and they do great with the DPS companions available. Vette is just a crackup, and does serious damage when geared well (especially at lower levels), and Jaina is a meat grinder, again, once geared well.


the key is to keep your companions geared up well. When I leveled my Shadow consular (assassin), gear for my companion was really an afterthough. On my Jugg, it can make or break my leveling process.

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