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Four-man group size. Bad design.


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I have a dps toon.. just one.

I have 3 healers and 3 tanks.

All are 15+ and run flashpoints.. except for the dps...

Personally I prefer to tank.. Im a better healer than I am tank.. but I prefer to tank...


So tank vs heal vs dps..



Except targeting in this game is ****house..

Half the time you cant actually SEE what it is your targeting...

Marking mobs is a slow arse procedure and half the time the dps cant SEE the marks anyhow.

You have NO idea how much of a threat lead you have on each mob so even IF you could tab target properly you wouldnt know WHICH mob to tab to.

You cant zoom out far enough to see all mobs in most fights and there is no graphical indication of when someone else gets threat...



You cant mouse over players to heal.

You cant SEE companions in the raid list to heal.

Dps pull threat because they have NO idea what the tank is actually targeting and has threat lead on.



Long wait times for group.



So who is it REALLY harder to be?


4 man group design is a bit of a ***** if your a dps toon.. but heals and tank are happier because they have less to worry about. 2 idiots vs 3...


Tank doesnt have to deal with 3 people on 3 different targets even tho one is marked for kill. While keeping track of cc timers, looking for adds and trying to keep threat on that one caster thats sitting down the back that noone has cc'd for fk knows what reason :p


Heals doesnt have to deal with healing 3 dps AND the tank because the dps arent on the marked target/tank cant SEE the mobs and has no idea the dps have pulled threat.

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GW2 has a lot going into it. And thus far all I'm hearing from people who have tried GW2 is that it's the MMO everyone has been waiting for.


No. Not everyone. For instance, don't have the slightest interest in playing it. Don't assume that just because it appeals to you and your playstyle that it appeals to "everyone."

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Group size should have really been 8 to 24 for raids. Other games have tried the smaller groups and well it just doesn't work. Along with that content should be much harder then it is now. Solo play should not be something that's in an MMO.


Yet another person that does not understand the difference between "solo" and "single player" and who thinks that only his preferred gamplay style should be allowed in a game.

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So you are saying that you'd prefer the group size to increase so that you can just zerg everything with a bunch of DPS' because you don't like playing a Tank or a Healer?


Thats pretty much how I read it


One of the best things TOR does is the 4 man group size.


Now to be honest I would prefer 6 character OR 4 people + 4 companions group size, 4 feels a bit small. But thats it.


I get OP wants the 10-15-20 person groups and then we into raiding and all the anti productive behavior and attitudes that come with modern day raiding (Gotta have specific equipment, gotta do specific amount of damage, your kicked if you think or use any tactic not approved by what ever cheat site the group currently using, stupid loot rules, ect).


As for the healer and tank stuff


I group up fine (Im a healer) with Jedi consular shadows and Jedi Knight sentinals. They can be a tank just fine if the healer has any sense and ability at all (and the jedis are not breaking CC and screaming for higher dps output by all).


Never tried with a smuggler or Trooper tanking to be honest (except when solo and playing my trooper or smuggler characters, but both of them are heal based anyways) but doesnt strike me as being overly difficult to figure out workable tactics for content.


Lets face it, unless a mob is 3+ levels over you and heroic, combat isnt really that hard in this game for a full group, excluding a few flashpoint mobs designed to be difficult.


4 man group great design!

6 would have been perfect but 4 is great!


If they only startagy you can come up with is zerg something with DPSs, maybe someone else should be planing the tactics for a fight or encounter.

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Ideal group size seems arbitrary, guided solely by the design of the content and not esoteric ideals regarding the genre. Four players hasn't posed any problem to me.


Now the desirability of roles, that's a different conversation.

Edited by ohpleasework
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  • 2 months later...

Half the time you cant actually SEE what it is your targeting...


Marking mobs is a slow arse procedure and half the time the dps cant SEE the marks anyhow.

You have NO idea how much of a threat lead you have on each mob so even IF you could tab target properly you wouldnt know WHICH mob to tab to.


You cant zoom out far enough to see all mobs in most fights and there is no graphical indication of when someone else gets threat...


You cant mouse over players to heal.


Dps pull threat because they have NO idea what the tank is actually targeting and has threat lead on.



No visuals? how about this, when the guy runs away from you to another player, you have lost threat :p

They do have target of target now too.

The easier they make it to heal or tank, the harder they have to make the encounter.

Heaven forbid you have to look around and adapt to what the enemies are doing.


I agree with having larger group sizes for a simple reason . . . sometimes you have more than 3 friends online.

How is that for a fricken awesome reason. 5 people online means one guy left out or 2 groups short of a full team.

It shouldn't be hard to have mob size adjust to party size. And they SHOULD more often.

They want you to play with friends but play with one friend and that elite nemesis of yours in your class quest is your *female dog* in seconds. Very anti climactic.

And why does it say "Reinforcements arriving" sometimes?!?

Edited by Evgen
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