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Please! Nerf the imp agents "backstab" attack.


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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!

Edited by Wekeltes
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this post is just a lie. you cannot spam backstab, first of all, and their burst damage was reduced by a lot. you're just a bad, not due to your pvp skills, but your forum skills.


I don't know. But he killed by only using that attack and spaming it. But I've been up against "glitchers", hackers before so it's possible that was the problem.


But I know that the attack has been pissing me off before. But this time really got me angry. Couldn't do a ****....


And I guess you can't read...I was stunned for the whole time. Let me know what you would do if you would be in the same situation. And also the imparing remove ability was on CD. So give me a good answer

Edited by Mohahaa
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Whats OP about them is that they can basically have you in a stunlock for too long. After you get out of it you are at 1/2 health and cannot make it up.


Every class has an ability to get out of CC. Try using it when you need it most.


The Imp > Operative in question likely used the several knife attacks available to him, one of which is a CC. There is no way you can blame this solely on the backstab attack because the cool down time for that is much too long to spam it. He just rocked his Vibrobalde and you didn't react in time to stop him. Standard PvP situation. Working as intended. No nerfs necessary.


And btw, the Smuggler > Scoundrel can do the same damn thing. :cool:



Edited by Blackavaar
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But rather than asking, you title the thread asking for a nerf, because agents can just backstab over and over, NOT


Here is a tip, wait until debilitate (the knife electructuing you) before you trinket, pushback, stun them, root or slow them, most times you will survive if you l2p


Of course gear makes a difference


Just standing there ignoring an agent will get you killed.

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Every class has an ability to get out of CC. Try using it when you need it most.


The Imp > Operative in question likely used the several knife attacks available to him, one of which is a CC. There is no way you can blame this solely on the backstab attack because the cool down time for that is much too long to spam it. He just rocked his Vibrobalde and you didn't react in time to stop him. Standard PvP situation. Working as intended. No nerfs necessary.


And btw, the Smuggler > Scoundrel can do the same damn thing. :cool:





Scrapper spec'd, it's really -all- we do. Pew pew pew, vanish. We aren't very survivable, the burst doesn't last forever, and if we run out of energy, we're pretty much done.


I'd say it's fairly balanced. :) (Speaking as a 50 vanguard who has been on the receiving end, as well as a 40 scoundrel dishing it.)


If you can outlast the burst we have, there's a good chance you can take us down! :)

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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still.




So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!




Every class has an ability to get out of CC. Try using it when you need it most.


^ This.


L2P? :rolleyes:

Edited by Urael
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Every class has an ability to get out of CC. Try using it when you need it most.


The Imp > Operative in question likely used the several knife attacks available to him, one of which is a CC. There is no way you can blame this solely on the backstab attack because the cool down time for that is much too long to spam it. He just rocked his Vibrobalde and you didn't react in time to stop him. Standard PvP situation. Working as intended. No nerfs necessary.


And btw, the Smuggler > Scoundrel can do the same damn thing. :cool:




Maybe he did I have no Idea what ablilites he used that's why I wrote it like this "backstab".

A guess the first one was an attack, the second one a stun and 4 that came after was attacks and all those 4 came under the time I was stunned. But the only thing I saw was these 2,3-2,6 k crits and a dot, then I was down. Maybe it's not the attack itself that's need a nerf, maybe it's something that makes their burst damage do that sick of dmg.

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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!


So what you are saying is he hit you with one attack, and it killed you. Not two attacks, not ten attacks, but one attack, one time?


Which would be total horsecrap, since its on a 9second cooldown.



bad troll is bad.

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I agree with the op.. I play 2 toons..


1st is a Jugg w/ a full set of Bm (both tank and dps) Full Rakata Tank +Dps

2nd is a Merc lvl 35 good gear, but obviously not set..


Tried dps and tank specs for Jugg, and merc is dps /off healer


Agents absolutly molest me in PvP ..same with smglers.. i get crited on the first hit and by the time i can break Cc im 1 shot from dead.. way overpowered

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Stealth class that is supposed to burst attack someone to death before they react - Working as intended. This is why Stealth classes often end up being despised in ANY GAME because they offer a brutal first-strike capability that ends up following this trend.


I have been on the receving end of this and been the one to dish it out. Fortunatly, I have the intelligence to play the other classes so I can figure out how they work. Rather than bawl like a child for the Devs to Nerf everything that causes me to lose... rather than learn WHY I lost.


Pro-Tip: You think you were getting hit by backstab repeatedly - Roll an Agent and you might have a clue what your talking about. Dont worry, you should figure out your failings by level 10.

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It's a l2p issue


Agreed. Those of us that watched "that other game"'s PvP nerfchurn saw this every patch.


Step One. Nerf Class X.

Step Two. Class X gets nerffed 'cause less than 1% of VOCAL players cried.

Step Three. Now Nerf Class Y because same people that were pwned by Class X are crying again.

Step Four. Repeat on and on until everyone is nerfed and then the whole thing starts over again.




So in conclusion. Please BW don't listen to these calls for nerfs 999/1000 they are usually L2p issues.



Edited by Urael
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Stealth class that is supposed to burst attack someone to death before they react - Working as intended. This is why Stealth classes often end up being despised in ANY GAME because they offer a brutal first-strike capability that ends up following this trend.


I have been on the receving end of this and been the one to dish it out. Fortunatly, I have the intelligence to play the other classes so I can figure out how they work. Rather than bawl like a child for the Devs to Nerf everything that causes me to lose... rather than learn WHY I lost.


Pro-Tip: You think you were getting hit by backstab repeatedly - Roll an Agent and you might have a clue what your talking about. Dont worry, you should figure out your failings by level 10.


^ This





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