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Why are you against a LFG tool?


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The whole reason behind an MMO is the community. Otherwise its just another RPG. What the dungeon finder does is remove the need to interact with your servers community. I get that spamming chat channels isn't as easy as pushing a button and being thrown in a group with random people, but you meet your community that way. The appeal of the dungeon finder in WoW was quickly lost when you realize your not playing with your friends anymore. Your playing by yourself essentially; the other group members may as well be bots that loot your gear and throw tantrums when you dont play your class the way they want you to play.


I've met a lot of actual real life friends by spamming chat channels and grouping with my servers community. I've also sat through a dungeon with an LFG group that never spoke to each other numerous times.


To be perfectly blunt: i hate the dungeon finder. Yes it offers convenience that most "instant gratification" players crave, but it does cost a game its community, and in an MMO the community is everything. Without it there is no game.


I would definitely take it up with whoever forced you to use it. That is just not right.

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But if you do use it and it fails to work as intended, who should be blamed? Its no better than spamming General chat. You are certainly unique as a success story. You may want to play the Lottery.


The community, the failure you describe is, I guarantee, not even remotely connected to BW or the mechanics of the LFG. If nobody else uses it, yea it wont work for you, but if everybody actually used it, it would work perfectly fine.



But people don't use it because either they dont know it exists or they would rather press one button and have the computer do everything for them, rather than actually make the effort to find a group themselves.

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The community, the failure you describe is, I guarantee, not even remotely connected to BW or the mechanics of the LFG. If nobody else uses it, yea it wont work for you, but if everybody actually used it, it would work perfectly fine.



But people don't use it because either they dont know it exists or they would rather press one button and have the computer do everything for them, rather than actually make the effort to find a group themselves.


Whose fault is it that people dont know about it? Maybe something in game like that, a tool, should be more obvious or taught to players.

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Community is overrated! If you really want community meet your neighbors, hang out at the mall, play Facebook, or attend church. I would never rely upon a video game to make friends or create a community.


Then why play an MMO? Whats the reason behind it if not to play with other people? If you really want to play by yourself and "click a button get a treat" then why not just play Skyrim?


It's impossible to have a massive multiplayer online role playing game without a community of players.

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This is what I agree with.


But, I do understand that on some low population servers, a server only LFG tool may not be enough.


And this is the heart of the problem, I have no doubt that most if not all of the people against this tool are.

A) In a very good guild, with plenty of people to pool from.

B) On a very populated server...and Empire faction.


My Republic 50 which is on a heavy-very heavy server prime time, has next to no Republic players on it.


I really don't think most of the people against x-server lfg understand how fracking bad it is on a lot of server.


It was so bad that after 5 days of being 50, I abandoned him. And drank the kool-aid and went Imp.

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I'm not against an LFG Tool, I'm against a cross server LFG tool.


This a million times! I dont think ANYONE really has a problem with LFG, I think most people dont want a CROSS SERVER LFG. But some people seem to think that it has to be cross server for it to work, Which is just total bs imho.

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Elitism in WoW existed but for the most part there was almost zero mixing between the elitists and the non-elitists aside from the elitists happy to stomp their faces in PvP.
No, I ran into them plenty, pugging both dungeons and raids.
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It magically transforms good people into EVIL people!


It turns us into LAZY gamers!


LFG is a Tool! A tool of the DEVIL!


We are only human and cannot resist this power - KEEP IT AWAY FROM US!




sounds like everyone on these forums.


fyi check my sig, in response to these people.

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And this is the heart of the problem, I have no doubt that most if not all of the people against this tool are.

A) In a very good guild, with plenty of people to pool from.

B) On a very populated server...and Empire faction.


My Republic 50 which is on a heavy-very heavy server prime time, has next to no Republic players on it.


I really don't think most of the people against x-server lfg understand how fracking bad it is on a lot of server.


It was so bad that after 5 days of being 50, I abandoned him. And drank the kool-aid and went Imp.


I played on a low pop server on WoW before the implementation of the dungeon finder in a small guild with only one or two friends playing at a time and still managed to run stuff almost every night.

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This a million times! I dont think ANYONE really has a problem with LFG, I think most people dont want a CROSS SERVER LFG. But some people seem to think that it has to be cross server for it to work, Which is just total bs imho.
No, I saw how much of a failure the rift one was on underpopulated servers when it was single server.


6 hour queue for a healer and then giving up without finding a group? In wow, I'd have had a group in minutes if not seconds.

Edited by ferroz
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And this is the heart of the problem, I have no doubt that most if not all of the people against this tool are.

A) In a very good guild, with plenty of people to pool from.

B) On a very populated server...and Empire faction.


My Republic 50 which is on a heavy-very heavy server prime time, has next to no Republic players on it.


I really don't think most of the people against x-server lfg understand how fracking bad it is on a lot of server.


It was so bad that after 5 days of being 50, I abandoned him. And drank the kool-aid and went Imp.


You also have to understand that if there was a server only LFG, people would be queing while doing dailies meaning more FP being run. As it stands right now you cant do dailies and que/be on the fleet. Hence why i think players are having a hard time finding groups.


Also I dont think players like yourself quite understand that a cross server LFG breads very bad/rude players. Ninjas, Trolls, and all around idiots. I'm sorry but if I wanted that I'd go back to WoW. As it stands (on my server anyhow) people know each other and know whos a good person to group with and who's a ninja/tool. With Cross server thats just not the case.

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Whose fault is it that people dont know about it? Maybe something in game like that, a tool, should be more obvious or taught to players.


I listed that as a possibility. I don't know how many people know about it or not, just that everytime I ask people why they don't use the LFG tool the response is "it doesnt work" not "what lfg?", but I'm sure theres some people out there that dont know about it.


And just to note the whole lfg not working is circle logic or self-fullfilling prophecy or w/e ie: "it doesnt work" because nobody uses it, and nobody uses it because "it doesnt work"

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Even if they do come out with a LFG system plenty of people will come to the forum to complain about it, either it is not good enough, or there is no way to find those same people again, or it is destroying the community, or it does not have the feature that someone want, or...... You get the idea.


I would like a same-server LFG, but am not a fan of cross-server LFG. But I can already hear the Bit**ing and moaning over whatever LFG system they implement.

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I played on a low pop server on WoW before the implementation of the dungeon finder in a small guild with only one or two friends playing at a time and still managed to run stuff almost every night.


I guess your experience should apply to everyone then.

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sounds like everyone on these forums.


fyi check my sig, in response to these people.


PVP can, and normally is, played solo with the exceptions of pre-mades.


Dungeons and raids dont work this way. Your sig's argument is irrelevant because it's like comparing a car to a tricycle. "Well they both have wheels" yeah but that doesn't mean there the same thing.

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