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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are you against a LFG tool?


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I can not EVER understand those people so paranoid with ninjas and with the"death" of the community.

I have played this game on 4 lvl 50s since release on full and heavy servers; my guilds are decently full and my friend list is bigger than the who list on most(but almost completly lacking ppl who are actually online) of them and still there are days when i CAN NOT even finish one single HM for the daily.

With every passing day that the game lacks a LFG tool my interest in the game dwindles more and more; something that was enjoyable is becoming a chore and every time i have to log without even getting one single HM done my deception with the game grows.

Now for all the selfish paranoids that say LFG "killed" wow; i have played wow since TBC; in wow we could actually make due without a LFG tool; but when it came out it was like the breath of fresh air that made the game the masterpiece it is. Also is over 5K dungeons i ran on all my wow characters with the LFG tool; i found maybe 4,5 ninjas across years of plying; so to all the people afraid of jerks or ninjas you are eigther paranoid or just plain a selfish liar.

Also this is one of my first posts since all my rage and plain hatred on the selfish bastards who advocate people to not run flashpoints and be a "social" person in the game(and not in the real world) just burst.

I have coped with this for two months but enough is enough. Not beeing able to do ONE flashpoint in a week is just depressing.

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LFG will be very popular...for a couple of months. Once most people have the stuff they want from Flashpoints it will be just as hard as it is now to find groups. And so Bioware may do what Blizzard did: turn small-group content into grinding spots as loot vending machines and expecting people to run them over and over and over.


The same community issues that it created in WoW--elitism in particular--will be created in this community as well.

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Do what a lot of us did and move on. Tera, Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, The Perfect World are all coming soon. I was a huge fan of this game b4 I actually played it. I put $1300 into my computer just 4 this game and as much as it hurts the game is just bad. I will be upset for a long time but will eventually get over it. Just move on. You're right, enough is enough. Edited by Balashark
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The same community issues that it created in WoW--elitism in particular--will be created in this community as well.


Elitism existed in WoW long before the Dungeon Finder, to blame it on the Dungeon Finder is at best uninformed.


The primary issue in WoW is that people feel they are more entitled to loot then the person who won the roll, this has nothing to do with cross server or LFG or anything else other then pure greed. In short, the vast majority of the "issues" WoW has is greedy people upset that other greedy people won the roll. And from reading General here, those people are already in this game, asking Bioware to spoon feed them loot cause god forbid that random pick up wins something they want.

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My default position on issues like this is too keep as much in the hands of the players as possible. Don't make the devs spend a lot of time coding decision making tools that are better left up to the players.


^^ This, while a x-server lfg might or might not be a good idea, if were just talking same server I dont see why the devs should spend time making an automatic system just becuase most players are too lazy to use the one we already have. Which by the way works just fine, if people actually take the time to use it.

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Elitism existed in WoW long before the Dungeon Finder, to blame it on the Dungeon Finder is at best uninformed.


Elitism in WoW existed but for the most part there was almost zero mixing between the elitists and the non-elitists aside from the elitists happy to stomp their faces in PvP.


What the LFG tool did was throw them all together, and THAT is where the community issues started to arise.

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As long as they dont implement a tool that i can literally log into the game and stand in 1 spot and run an operation and 15 FPs in a row without having to move from the spot i logged in i dont necessarily have a problem with it. Assist tools to find people you need to run things im all for but not a tool that does it for you. If you are so anti social or lazy that you can't ask people to help you do something then get the hell out of MMO's. Edited by solidkjames
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I don't see how having a same server LFG tool would change the game in any way shape or form other than making heroics and flashpoints more accessible.


Think about it, it's not like we have to venture out into the world to discover the flashpoints, they're all available from the fleet. It would just kill the annoyance of facing 20 loading screens to get to the instance.

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I can not EVER understand those people so paranoid with ninjas and with the"death" of the community.

I have played this game on 4 lvl 50s since release on full and heavy servers; my guilds are decently full and my friend list is bigger than the who list on most(but almost completly lacking ppl who are actually online) of them and still there are days when i CAN NOT even finish one single HM for the daily.

With every passing day that the game lacks a LFG tool my interest in the game dwindles more and more; something that was enjoyable is becoming a chore and every time i have to log without even getting one single HM done my deception with the game grows.

Now for all the selfish paranoids that say LFG "killed" wow; i have played wow since TBC; in wow we could actually make due without a LFG tool; but when it came out it was like the breath of fresh air that made the game the masterpiece it is. Also is over 5K dungeons i ran on all my wow characters with the LFG tool; i found maybe 4,5 ninjas across years of plying; so to all the people afraid of jerks or ninjas you are eigther paranoid or just plain a selfish liar.

Also this is one of my first posts since all my rage and plain hatred on the selfish bastards who advocate people to not run flashpoints and be a "social" person in the game(and not in the real world) just burst.

I have coped with this for two months but enough is enough. Not beeing able to do ONE flashpoint in a week is just depressing.


Why are you against posting in the threads that already exist on this topic? Are you too much of a forum elitist that you can't post in an existing thread? ;)

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^^ This, while a x-server lfg might or might not be a good idea, if were just talking same server I dont see why the devs should spend time making an automatic system just becuase most players are too lazy to use the one we already have. Which by the way works just fine, if people actually take the time to use it.


You have clearly never ever tried it or had to rely upon it. I did everytime i logged on. Guess how many groups i was able to form with it? If you guessed 0, you would be correct. A tool no one uses, is a useless tool.

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I would love a group finder. Definitely don't feel like spamming in a major city when I hit Max level. I'm more or less playing this as a single player with multiplayer options. When I hit Max level, I will most likely suspend my subscription until this gets implemented. Mmo's have changed. This is the one thing the game is missing that would make it my primary if it was there. We aren't in the stone age anymore; no need to walk 50 miles barefoot in the snow just to get a watermelon-- or a group for that matter.
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You have clearly never ever tried it or had to rely upon it. I did everytime i logged on. Guess how many groups i was able to form with it? If you guessed 0, you would be correct. A tool no one uses, is a useless tool.


I've actually used it alot and gotten close to 3-4 dozens groups with it. And my point, it is ENTIRELY the players fault for not even trying to use it. It's there and it works, if you don't use it and proceed to blame BW, you just look like an idiot.

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The whole reason behind an MMO is the community. Otherwise its just another RPG. What the dungeon finder does is remove the need to interact with your servers community. I get that spamming chat channels isn't as easy as pushing a button and being thrown in a group with random people, but you meet your community that way. The appeal of the dungeon finder in WoW was quickly lost when you realize your not playing with your friends anymore. Your playing by yourself essentially; the other group members may as well be bots that loot your gear and throw tantrums when you dont play your class the way they want you to play.


I've met a lot of actual real life friends by spamming chat channels and grouping with my servers community. I've also sat through a dungeon with an LFG group that never spoke to each other numerous times.


To be perfectly blunt: i hate the dungeon finder. Yes it offers convenience that most "instant gratification" players crave, but it does cost a game its community, and in an MMO the community is everything. Without it there is no game.

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I've actually used it alot and gotten close to 3-4 dozens groups with it. And my point, it is ENTIRELY the players fault for not even trying to use it. It's there and it works, if you don't use it and proceed to blame BW, you just look like an idiot.


But if you do use it and it fails to work as intended, who should be blamed? Its no better than spamming General chat. You are certainly unique as a success story. You may want to play the Lottery.

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