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PVP, Bounties, And making PVP something to Take some PRIDE in !!!!


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Ok il set it out now, Im no big time PVPer...


Ive done it, had some fun, earned my stripes and done my bit....Only problem is, Ive never felt compelled to do it HERE, because there is nothing to fight for, aside from Comms and gear progression...


I have 2-3 simple proposal's to give player's a reason to fight. My personal opinion is if you don't see these basic ideas's as a way to bring the community closer, and give the Republic and Imperial's something to take some pride in, then you are simply here for the Gear grind and have no real interest in persistent PVP at all...


1. We have 3 Warzones, We have wins and Loses...why dont we have a Galactic Score Board Displaying in the Center of Fleet, the Current Server score for Reb / Imp win's..


In my time viewing these forum's and playing the game, it has become apparent to me there is no PRIDE taken in winning or losing, Once a player has completed a Daily they have nothing to fight for other than XP / Valor and Trinket's.


Set a Server Display in both Fleets for current Reb and Imp Wins / Loses, and see how many player's suddenly take pride in weather they lose or win a game.


2. Bounties....Why in a Galactic civil war do we not have bounties, (This should NEVER be exclusive to Bounty hunter's) why is it not feasible for a Jedi Knight to Hunt down a

Sith Lord or an Imperial Sniper to hunt a Rebel Trooper.


Place a bounty system in Game, attached to PVP warzones, Player voting already exist's. Have a system in place that once a player has been voted for in Warzone matches by opposition players, as a possible dangerous target xxxx amount of times, they are placed on the OPEN bounty board. Put a system in place that no 1 player can be hunted more than xxx amount of times a week, to stop any potential griefing, Only 1 player can be hunted by 1 player at a time, wins and loses count towards the GCW....See next section.


This system should surly scream out to Real PVPer's as a way to have some fun around the galaxy.


3. Introduce a GCW / kill system (see SWG) that record's player kill's, Wins loses and awards Faction players with points or comms based on there participation in the Galactic civil war. Need idea's for this..


As I said im no Big PVP'er, but with a few incentive's, I could easily be persuaded to aid the Republic in the WAR, as looking at a board on a daily basis, and seeing that we are losing might inspire me to get involved....


ATM i can get my gear from PVE....So why should I PVP....It is frankly nothing more than a Daily Gear progression system that nobody really care's about. Its taken part in because player's get something out of it and have nothing to lose....


You put people's pride on the table, and suddenly there is something other than Gear to fight for....


This is simply a suggestion, any idea's on top would be appreciated.

Edited by Nippon
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We'll..what can I say.


57 view's and no comment's at all, seem's to me that the PVP community is happy to let PVP be a Grind of token's and trinket's....


If nobody takes pride in there action's, what's the point of PVP full stop....


Enjoy the comm grind. :(

Edited by Nippon
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Usually, tbh if there's lots of views and no comments that means people have nothing to say against you. The vast majority of people won't come in and say "I like this idea" simply for the effort it takes to write that and post it vs bumping the thread and making a huge thread. You also don't really have a question at the end asking for people's thoughts or opinions, you're merely stating your opinion and then just left it for everyone to see.


I'll add that I do like these ideas (since I'm posting something with more than 4 words anyways). And in theory, Bioware reads these posts. But there's loads of ideas everywhere and a team of >100 coders (I'm attempting to be liberal with that number) won't / can't implement everything the community wants in a very short amount of time. They can add it to the list of things to do, and I hope they do for these too.

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I'm sorry, I tried reading through this a couple of times, but I never played SWG and I don't really understand what the suggestion is.



I think you're suggesting that we put in some sort of scoreboard that would track how well people do in warzones?


Don't really see how this would help much.

Edited by Aidank
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I like the idea in principle. Once warzones start getting tracked I don't see why you couldn't set some arbitrary rule up, like once someone goes 5-0 or 10-0 on wins for the day they're available for a bounty, and if you beat their team you get some kind of bonus, whether it be something simply aesthetic or pride based, or something tangible. I hate to say valor because that just makes it feel like another part of the grind. Maybe "Bounty Hunting" titles, etc.


I'm all for people posting ideas like this - I was trying to do that as well. It just seems like complaining gets a lot more traction on these forums than anything else.


If you have a good idea post it, and don't be worried about the flamers that might flame you. Pun intended. It doesn't matter if we notice it, if a mod reading the forums likes your idea.


I think there are a lot of us out there that have been wishing for some sort of Bounty system due to fond memories of SWG or just because it's so "Star Wars".


The key will be implementing it in a fair and fun way so it doesn't just feel like another grind element, and it doesn't result in people being persecuted or hunted down en masse by a zerg, because that would inevitably result in mass outrage once it happened to a few people.

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To fix pvp, they really just need to award valor/xp/comms from killing the opposing players anywhere (i.e. not Ilum and warzones), have some sort of scoreboard at the fleets that shows top guilds/players by kills/valor, and then provide some sort of incentive for guilds/players being in the top 25% (or some other arbitrary percentage).


Basically copy the GCW system from Galaxies. BW already nailed the slideshow pvp from Galaxies so this should not be much of a stretch for them.

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To fix pvp, they really just need to award valor/xp/comms from killing the opposing players anywhere (i.e. not Ilum and warzones), have some sort of scoreboard at the fleets that shows top guilds/players by kills/valor, and then provide some sort of incentive for guilds/players being in the top 25% (or some other arbitrary percentage).


Basically copy the GCW system from Galaxies. BW already nailed the slideshow pvp from Galaxies so this should not be much of a stretch for them.


I LOLed. But yeah I agree. The best band-aid fix they could do in terms of meaningful pvp outside a warzone would be to copy SWG's system. It would buy them enough time look into creating a new faction or making other major changes that would take the PVP in this game from acceptable to excellent, and make this a real RvR game. If they managed to make those changes and show that they can acknowledge where they went wrong, I may not be as bitter when I read about "the best PVP team in the business".

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The reason I think we will never see a scoreboard is because it will reveal just how unbalanced PvP is on most servers. As a republic player on Juyo it is possible for me to go 0-15 in a single play session. Now, I queue in a matter of minutes sometimes seconds which is good, but for what?
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The reason I think we will never see a scoreboard is because it will reveal just how unbalanced PvP is on most servers. As a republic player on Juyo it is possible for me to go 0-15 in a single play session. Now, I queue in a matter of minutes sometimes seconds which is good, but for what?


Exactly my Friend.....For what....People that have nothing to lose, just leaving, player's that have no reason to win because getting kill's earn's more XP and Valor...


That's the entire issue with the game atm......There's is no pride, nobody cares if you lost 15-0 because nobody see's it, or suffer's for it....I absolutely guarantee if there was record's and Faction bonus's, then people would care.


You get rewarded for LOSING, and until that changes, the PVP will just get worse, and less people will do it, until eventually it will just be another way to level or obtain Gear....Ow wait, I think most people have already figured that out...


To everyone above, thankyou for posting, as i said in my OP im no big PVPer, but I will take part now and again, problem for me is im Leveled to 50 have Columi gear, so what's the point....????

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SWG had some things right, but it really wasn't in the PVP department. You really want them to implement stuff from their PVP scheme? SWG's PVP? Where Battlegrounds were mostly barren from day 1, and PVP mostly consisted of people either baseclubbing or fighting in the med center of Restuss. Granted, the Bounty system was kinda cool, but it wasn't until the last 6 months that they added it to space too.
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SWG had some things right, but it really wasn't in the PVP department. You really want them to implement stuff from their PVP scheme? SWG's PVP? Where Battlegrounds were mostly barren from day 1, and PVP mostly consisted of people either baseclubbing or fighting in the med center of Restuss. Granted, the Bounty system was kinda cool, but it wasn't until the last 6 months that they added it to space too.


You do have a point, but your analysis is based on a flawed system that does not need to exist here, bases for busting could have been removed from SWG, or never implemented in the first place....They do not exist here and do not need to....Trust me I PVP'ed a lot in SWG and properly as well, from Sergeant to General, and back and forth again. I understand it's flaws, but it also had a lot of good point's...You certainly couldn't level in it for a start...My honest opinion is PVP leveling should exist only on a PVP server.


I don't propose my system be exactly like SWG's, but it did have some good points, and the GCW reward system was 1 of them, the issue here is nobody has any reason to Win after completing there Daily's...and even some of those don't require a WIN.


It's an alternate leveling system, and a lot of player's know that...Until the REAL PVPers get in here and back even small changes like mine, it will stay that way....


I mean honestly, be honest, do you like grinding for BM bags....Because that's what your fighting for...and the player's around you that are using the system to level couldn't give a monkey's if you Win or Lose....


There bagging XP and gifts for killing people over and over......With no care, or actual cost if they lose.

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I think one of the major flaws of warzones is the fact that you can get almost as many comms just going on a killing spree and losing the match.


You can also abandon the warzone without any consequences.


The ONE thing that SWG's system had right was that you could examine someone and ascertain exactly what type of PvPer you were dealing with...a general with 22 PvP kills...c'mon now. BASE-BUSTER!


And that is where the root of the problem is with SWTOR's PvP. No repair costs, no penalties for quitters, no personal "scoreboard" attached to your character, no real reason to PvP other than...better gear to PvP more.


True, the developers are working on ways to address this apparently, but having a permanent sign attached to your character that screams "I am a bad self-centered player, and you do not want me on your team" is really the only way to stop people from being bad self-centered PvPers.


Just too "care-bear" the entire system in this game tbh. I could sit on the fleet and PvP to Lv50 without a single adverse affect from doing so...never winning a single match and still getting comms/bags/valor/armor.


It really is poor to be honest.

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I just love your ideas OP. Would be so great if we were able to hunt down some enemies while questing and get some xp and credits for it (or some comms) :D

That would be a way to make leveling more enjoyable for PvPers and also on lvl 50 it would be awesome

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You could even extend the bounty system to open world pvp,

Say high lvl toons are ganking lowbies a bounty gets placed on them and the bounty gos to the board which tells you what planet they are on.


Sounds good mate, and tbh keep the support up, because the Dev's don't see every thread and there are a lot of bad post's on these boards...


To many player's are keeping the front page littered with "when do i get my gear thread's" as long as there bumped nothing will change and the Dev's will never see the ideas....


This is the PVP forum...


Not how do i level quickest with all the best stuff forum.

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I think one of the major flaws of warzones is the fact that you can get almost as many comms just going on a killing spree and losing the match.


You can also abandon the warzone without any consequences.


The ONE thing that SWG's system had right was that you could examine someone and ascertain exactly what type of PvPer you were dealing with...a general with 22 PvP kills...c'mon now. BASE-BUSTER!


And that is where the root of the problem is with SWTOR's PvP. No repair costs, no penalties for quitters, no personal "scoreboard" attached to your character, no real reason to PvP other than...better gear to PvP more.


True, the developers are working on ways to address this apparently, but having a permanent sign attached to your character that screams "I am a bad self-centered player, and you do not want me on your team" is really the only way to stop people from being bad self-centered PvPers.


Just too "care-bear" the entire system in this game tbh. I could sit on the fleet and PvP to Lv50 without a single adverse affect from doing so...never winning a single match and still getting comms/bags/valor/armor.


It really is poor to be honest.


Completely agree with everything you say...


Let's hope the Dev's have the foresight to realize what a PVP system should be, and that allowing anybody to level in it by standing AFK on fleet and jumping into warzones, is not HEROIC, FUN, or anything to take any PRIDE in....

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seem's to me that the PVP community is happy to let PVP be a Grind of token's and trinket's....


I read your post; I simply don't share the same opinion. I do take pride in my faction and I pvp for fun, not for the "grind" of gear.


That being said, I think your ideas actually sound awesome. I love the idea of bounties - like an MVP vote but for the opposing faction.


Even if not bounties, it'd be cool to vote for an MVP on your team as well as your least favorite on the other team, to have some sort of consequence.

Edited by Shlamorel
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The scoreboard might not be popular on RP servers. Unless they thought a bit about how to present it without being quite so immersion breaking.


I do like the bounty idea. I would love to be able to post a bounty on some player and see half the WZ go after him. Yes, I am thinking of the full BM BH who is seemingly indestructible and repeatedly handed me the smoking remains of my rear end. I'm not jealous, or bitter. Nooo. Now all we need is a way to make it so that the bounty's own side can stab him in the back and collect...

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The scoreboard might not be popular on RP servers. Unless they thought a bit about how to present it without being quite so immersion breaking.


Really? If anything I thought it would cater perfectly to RP servers. I mean, isn't having some sort of public record serve as propaganda to join the war effort the perfect recipe to inspire patriotism?


I could be wrong, I just thought that it sounded pretty good for bother RPers and those who don't RP.

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