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Is sniper worth it?


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Well i tried my lv 25 Sniper, ya i dont got most of the skills still and havent played him in a WHILE, the dmg was nice, did around 200k just spamming snipe, I play a PT and the Tank is real nice just kinda boring doing 1-2k crits >.>. Sniper is kinda fun spamming for 10-25% of there Hp with a shot. The thing is i noticed the Cover system is kinda , well, ****. Got doted by a sage in middle of Voidstar and tried to go into cover but just kep saying Not Eligible, same thing alot of times. Also the LOS is kinda buggy, having mara just run in circles cancels snipe is kinda mad annoying. In the end kinda asking, does it get better @ 50? The Damage is kinda sick spamming 1/4 of the enemies hp in a shot but most plp in guild/friends say Snipers/Gunslingers get rocked, they own em bad, and they get **** on in 50 Wz. I saw 2 PVP vids of them and made me fking wana go 50 on one, but im guessing this is just a 1/1000 skill player with battlemaster?




Also if anyone has some vids of good snipers/GS pls link em, the one on top is an example, most of the others just either kinda suck, or just , well suck lol


thx in advance



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The sniper's cover mechanics have some issues that will probably be sorted over the coming months, but I still find it really fun to play (I also have a lvl 50 Jedi Shadow, which I have all but abandoned to play my sniper more).


The only drawback for this class, in my opinion, is if you like to play huttball a lot. There are a lot of more preferable and useful classes for huttball, that also can do ranged DPS. Though I will say I played a round today where I managed to do 360k damage and get 56 kills in huttball (and we won, for those saying damage and kills don't mean anything).


I have a blast with a decent group in Voidstar and Civil War, though. Defending the cannons as a sniper is always fun, and bunkering in to defend a door in Voidstar is great too - as long as you have decent teammates who will help bail you out when guys get too close.


And PvE is a breeze as a sniper.


Don't let the loud complaining discourage you. Sniper has some problems, just like every other class (you should take a look at some of the other class forums sometimes - everyone thinks their class is broken, and other classes are OP).


Another nice thing about snipers, is they are usually pretty rare on any server. Everyone wants to be a glowstick class, or Boba Fett. No one wants to be a work-a-day soldier. And it's their loss, because our storyline is (IMHO) the best in the game.

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Just dinged 50. Had my bag and 1000/1000 saved with 44 valor when I dinged. I only have correlia mods and some purple ones + a few pvp pieces. Spec'd 0/16/25 lethality hybrid.


I have almost the worst gear and can be a glorified target dummy when a BM melee gets on me who is well played.


I still never regret playing this class and it's my new main. I have a 50 marauder who is cent geared. And my sniper is still more fun :)


Id say it all comes down to playstyle and how your situational awareness is


With my spec...the most annoying thing really is smart assassins and ops who use their ability that removes all negative effects. VS a premade...usually I am attacking the guy being focused...so their heals usually never cleanse due to the need to spam heals. Making me more support. Which I am more than happy being :)

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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I have a 50 sniper and lethality is very viable in pvp, but I can't help thinking that I just should have been an operative for lethality and get some stealth and heals along with the dps. The cover system is just so annoying and gets you killed (like a big bullseye), so i hardly ever use it (except for ambush + explosive probe).


That said, the 2pts for 3s frag grenades and 3 pts for +15% aoe dmg is quite nice...

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Need a revisit by Bioware along with all agents? Hell ya.


A fun alternative to play when not wanting to a fotm drone? Hell ya.


The grass will always be greener when looking for it. I've even tried the other sides as ultimately I wanted to try other classes and their stories. I have a near level 40 commando ... BORES ME TO DEATH! I tried 3 times to level an Inq/Con in both AC's and I found myself having a greater interest staring at the wall.


For some bloody reason I just find the so called most faulty classes the most fun. There must be a reason for it and I find it worth sticking with. The up side of course is that if you are the least played class you are most likely to get some buffs in the future and not be in the shadow of nerfs.

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I have a 50 sniper and lethality is very viable in pvp, but I can't help thinking that I just should have been an operative for lethality and get some stealth and heals along with the dps. The cover system is just so annoying and gets you killed (like a big bullseye), so i hardly ever use it (except for ambush + explosive probe).


That said, the 2pts for 3s frag grenades and 3 pts for +15% aoe dmg is quite nice...


Lethality for op plays dramatically different though. You would be amazed. You could do what I did and simply roll one for an alt. Although I picked the other side for the different story as well.


Stealth and heals are great (although healing is very inefficient without spec'ing it). Honestly the greatest benefit is the vanish for escaping but you would be pulling your hair out as well for needing melee range to proc TA and most your range being 10m. Ops have no knockback as well and are susceptible to kiting (but honestly it takes a really smart player to do so and luckily they are rare). There is a ton of utility snipers get over ops that they seem to take for granted.

Edited by Tamanous
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Playing sniper since day one of early access (and gunslinger (though only to level 18) on the beta weekend)... I don't regret it and I am currently the only agent in our raid group. Edited by Aiwan
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I originally leveled an operative got it to 37, envied assassins and leveled on to 50, got to rank 54, and then made a PT got it to 27, a marauder got it to 33, and now a sniper to 35. In my opinion i enjoyed sniper the most.


With the cover system, the only reason why (imo) people think its bad is cause theyr not sure how to position themselves, right now in lower brackets pvp(10-49) I always end up being highest dmg, and or highest medal with 7-8 medals on average. The only downside is, as a sniper you cant really run the ball to the goal line because youre very squishy, but I however just stay at max range and try to get the ball back, or run ahead and cc people and knock them back to provide clear path to the goal line.


I really enjoy the sniper game play, I do miss vanish though, sometimes when my CDs are down, specially against a sorcerer/sage I end up just giving up and /dance just because we have no magic cleanse skill. But yeah we wreck people in wz's!

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