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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vanguard/Powertech shared tree BURST is OP


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Deer op and Affics.... this going on and you qq about powertecs?




Jeez, nothing wrong with pw,s they are ok balanced for PvP I give you that but need some dmg in the non shared dps tree for pve. If anything powertecs could use a dmg buff on their burst. Yes I play powertecs and yes i do some dmg but its not op in any way.


Think its a matter of "I died to x class so now it need to be nerfed".


It's not QQ from me, and if i meet him 1v1 i can beat him, but in some situations their burst really high and damage after this burst remains on high level. And i dont want to nerf them.

Edited by Affics
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Even in full assaulttree vanguards have way more survival and utility than commandos, so its a legit concern. Vanguards/powertechs are monsters atm, and once geared top dmg done about every match. Theyre dps is throgh the roof, and theyre tough enough to be left alone to do their *****, as opposed to commandos and gunslingers which gets zerged round the clock due to no survival/escapeutility.



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Are you claiming they should nerf thermal detonator which...


does 500 more damage than stick grenade?


Woot. 500 damage.


Lets also nerf chain lightning, tracer missile, snipe, ambush, clairvoyant strike, hidden strike, force sweep, rail shot, and every single marauder attack.


what why would you want to nerf ever marauder attack?!?!

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Even in full assaulttree vanguards have way more survival and utility than commandos, so its a legit concern. Vanguards/powertechs are monsters atm, and once geared top dmg done about every match. Theyre dps is throgh the roof, and theyre tough enough to be left alone to do their *****, as opposed to commandos and gunslingers which gets zerged round the clock due to no survival/escapeutility.


Are you claiming that Commandos (healer) get less survival and utilty than vanguards?


We have the exact same cooldowns, except commandos get a knockback.


What is wrong with you people?

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Yes, but i think u have medpack, some def cds to survive for ur burst.


omg, i fell for a troll. took me a while to realize :) well my bad.


that you brought up medpacks now just nailed it for me, since only vanguards can use medpacs and scoundrels cant ? also they cant stun and cast self heals while target is stunned ?

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omg, i fell for a troll. took me a while to realize :) well my bad.


that you brought up medpacks now just nailed it for me, since only vanguards can use medpacs and scoundrels cant ? also they cant stun and cast self heals while target is stunned ?


You are forgetting all the extra survivability that Vanguards get over commandos.


I mean what moron would trade a 2 second stun (neural jolt) for self-healing?

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Even in full assaulttree vanguards have way more survival and utility than commandos


could you please list what makes assault vanguards more survivable then assault commandos ? i think im missing something here.

Edited by Psionic_X
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omg, i fell for a troll. took me a while to realize :) well my bad.


that you brought up medpacks now just nailed it for me, since only vanguards can use medpacs and scoundrels cant ? also they cant stun and cast self heals while target is stunned ?


As u mentioned earlier and u are right - your sustained damage much higher than Ops, so its a good thing for u. They can cast heals, but dont forget that, while they are healing u dont get any damage from them.

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who cares about 1 OP pt/vg if there are 7 sorcs around? ^^

don't have any trouble with pt on scoundrel, sometimes they burst me down, sometimes I burst the same person down. - pretty balanced.


and then comes the lightning...


This thread is built upon the pvp from other games.


Players die faster than in WoW, so the obvious reaction of most of these players is to nerf everyone so they can feel safe again.

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Above is a link to me AMAZING survivability.


15.5k health unbuffed in full champion gear with 30% mitigation. I might as well be a brick wall right?


2 things.


1.) I am wearing commando gear for the 15% crit increase to high impace bolt

2.) My title is Sergeant so people dont know what my actual valor rank is.




LOL i accidentally clicked my crit adrenal.

Edited by Halofax
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Above is a link to me AMAZING survivability.


15.5k health unbuffed in full champion gear with 30% mitigation. I might as well be a brick wall right?


2 things.


1.) I am wearing commando gear for the 15% crit increase to high impace bolt

2.) My title is Sergeant so people dont know what my actual valor rank is.




LOL i accidentally clicked my crit adrenal.


It's 58!


I know your secret!

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who cares about 1 OP pt/vg if there are 7 sorcs around? ^^

don't have any trouble with pt on scoundrel, sometimes they burst me down, sometimes I burst the same person down. - pretty balanced.


and then comes the lightning...


hehe yeah, exactly my thoughts. it evens out at the end of the day.


personally as dps vanguard i dont even have as much of a grudge for sorcs as other ppl seem to have.

let them force speed away, ill hook them back. some play better then me .. im loosing that 1v1... some play worse then me... im winning the 1v1.

when i beat my rifles stock at them they feel exactly as squishy as they should considering they wear robes.


i think the only thing that really makes sorcs/sages OP is the synergies when you get packs of them. much worse even if they play as team. it all just gets a mess of friendly pulling, bubbletossing, healtossing while damagesnaring with some aoe zapping mixed in, all while force speeding across the countryside.

i dont care much for standalone sorcs.

Edited by Psionic_X
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I dont think you guys have seen a good healer Sage/Sorc before then...


Dots -> shield -> heal -> dots -> shield -> heal


I mean, i get it, most of you play empire and deal with a larger comparative population of bad players...


Not as in the Republic is better, just that more players = more bad players by percentage.


But really. Assault Vanguard isnt even the 5th hardest hitting dps class, and this nonsense is on us now too.

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For 1v1?


You obviously have bad healers on your server.




Or it could be because your European server is extremely high population an everyone on the Empire side is sporting full BM gear.


I dont live in entitlement land where everyone gets free gear and complains about maintenance times.

Edited by Halofax
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