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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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Considering there are more than a few MMOs that successfully draw revenue from having additional characters (EVE, FFXI come to mind), and the decreasing ROI of allowing too many "free" characters, it doesn't seem likely to me that this request will be reviewed for implementation anytime soon.


My personal opinion on this is biased as I don't see the reason for more than three characters. In an objective perspective a tiered account model based on the number of available slots could be good for business - $15/mo for 5, $17 for 8, etc.

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Considering there are more than a few MMOs that successfully draw revenue from having additional characters (EVE, FFXI come to mind), and the decreasing ROI of allowing too many "free" characters, it doesn't seem likely to me that this request will be reviewed for implementation anytime soon.


My personal opinion on this is biased as I don't see the reason for more than three characters. In an objective perspective a tiered account model based on the number of available slots could be good for business - $15/mo for 5, $17 for 8, etc.


How can you not see the reason for more than three characters? Bioware said from the start that they wanted us to play all of the stories. How do you even know *which* three to play without playing all eight?


That said, your style of play is just that: *your* style. *My* style, and from the looks of this thread, the style of many others as well, is that we like to play many different characters. There are several different ways to play each class: advanced classes, dark/light, male/female. Legacy introduces even more options with different races and abilities, which adds even more reasons to want to play multiple characters.


And, on top of all that, as others have stated, more than one server I played on before were funneled to the same destination server with the character transfers of the last week. Now some toons are stranded on a dead(er) server while the rest are on happy new server.


I'm willing to pay for extra slots. Others have stated that they were willing to pay for extra slots. I've played other games that sold extra slots for a one-time fee, and it was fair and fine. I do not understand the pro-rated sub idea. How is it fair to penalize a customer because he wants to consolidate his characters on one server, rather than spreading them out among all the servers?

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Additional character slots would be awesome, especially considering the tiny differences in male/female stories. Also, the lack of a dual-AC-spec-option means we're rolling 2 of every base class if we want to experience both sides of a class's abilities. That's just enough for one faction. Finally, many people had set up their characters to have the factions split between 2 servers, and with the transfers, that has been mostly blown out of the water. (There's one high pop RP-PVE East Coast realm currently, with the rest being ghost towns.) Would I pay extra for more slots? Probably, but it'd better be a significant amount of slots. Like, 4-8 more, not 2.
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Yeah, we definitely need more characters slots : already having 6 lvl 50 (by the way, the legacy features are coming too late ...), all Empire side, I'm facing a dilemma for the upcoming rep toons...


Please please please Bioware, give us more character slots ! And be generous, like 4-8 (16 total slots : 2 per class !)

Edited by Shughart
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Yes, more character slots please, especially since you are pretty much forcing some people to switch server now - free transfers are fine and dandy, but they don't enable four characters on a destination server and seven on an origin to suddenly become eight characters on the destination one.


Some people do like to experience as much content as possible, and we need more slots to do that.

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So, no official word on this since the March 30, 2012 Community Q & A? Seems like 3+ months should be enough time to get some more info on this topic.


To be clear, I would like to have more character slots on my home server, move my characters from another server to my home server and perhaps make one or two more new characters.


Anyone have any news that's fresher than 3/30?

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