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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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/signed 16 character slots would be ideal. Every level 50 reached a new slot is unlocked. I even support a one time real money fee to purchase extra slots. I like the idea of unlocking an extra character slot by reaching 50 with one character. I would like to play both ACs for a few classes. I only have 2 50s atm but 4 others are close. My lowest characters are 18 and 26 and I do not want to delete them to play another AC. This would be a great addition to the legacy system and much needed because of the legacy system.
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Ok i said it before and i'll ask again, wen are we gonna get more character slots, and i'm sure that i em not alone in the matter.

and i really really need more slots!! i started to delete my lower level to remake other class yet to want to play/make the class again i'v just deleted :/

The storys are so great i don't mind doing them more then once! anyways i'v link to a few other threads where people are asking more slots so i'm not the only one asking.


Please give us an Official statement (are we gonna get more slots or not?)


Summary of more Character Slots Threads :









- i don't want to see "use search function" as reply, clearly i did use search.

- don't dare to reply "making alts is not the mmo way" or similar reply, you don't like alts fine keep that info for your self.

- Oh and no "8 slots is fine" reply either please, clearly 8 slots is not fine look at all the threads on this forum. the cry's for more slots is obvious by now.


all other reply's welcome :D support this again to clearly make the point!


How do I sign up?

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Unless I missed something, there are multiple threads on this topic and 28 (29 now with this post) pages on this one alone. I would like to have more slots as well. 16 would be perfect. The thing that bothers me is, I have yet to find one official response from BW acknowledging it. Has anyone else seen any posts from the DEVs?


MORE SLOTS!!! That is all.:)

Edited by nicomikni
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I too would like to be able to purchase more character slots (Yes, I'm willing to pay for em) especially with new playable species being brought into play, the Cathar. So what is the word? How about 16 slots?


Thank you for your time


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Unless I missed something, there are multiple threads on this topic and 28 (29 now with this post) pages on this one alone. I would like to have more slots as well. 16 would be perfect. The thing that bothers me is, I have yet to find one official response from BW acknowledging it. Has anyone else seen any posts from the DEVs?


MORE SLOTS!!! That is all.:)


BioWare has acknowledged the issue, but they don't think it's a priority. My guess is that they'll maybe get around to it in 6-12 months. All while adding more and more reasons to make more and more characters on one server.

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Probably the most amiable solution to this issue is to keep the stating amount of slots at 8. At a certain legacy level and a level 50 open up a ninth. For every 50 after that another one is opened, up to 16. This way you can play both factions, many races, and even go through the same classes story doing both dark and light side options. Because BW has given us so many customization (in therms of game experience) options it seems, that atm, we need to delete some character once all 8 are filled to experience something new. I think the above proposed system could work, but 16 would be it. Any more would just be getting a little silly.
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Oh yes, I definitely need more character slots. All 8 are full and with Cathar coming...I don't know which one of my beloved characters to delete (I really wanted to roleplay a Cathar Jedi forever).


Probably the most amiable solution to this issue is to keep the stating amount of slots at 8. At a certain legacy level and a level 50 open up a ninth. For every 50 after that another one is opened, up to 16.
This was exactly what I was thinking/hoping they'd do when I first heard about legacy unlocks. Alas, I was disappointed. Edited by Glzmo
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Not a high priority what a cop out? It's quick easy money for them. Just sell em 1 time flat per slot people will buy them I love exploring all the dark and light side stuff and the different feels. I also LOVE certain classes I have 3 Trooper for example *DPS Commando, Tank Vanguard and DPS Vanguard* I love how differently they all play. There is no reason to stifle people with only 8 slots. I like the each character you get to 50 unlocking though.. that's quite a brilliant idea too. That way it could keep alt farmers down but, in reality I dont see that as an issue. I don't know about your servers but you can tell buy our GTN we don't have macro farmers lol.


Oh well keep up the posting maybe when this post gets to 100+ pages bioware will take a break from adding new bugs.. I mean content ;) ...

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How hard is it Bioware to halven the ammount of servers we can play on and double the amount of slots we get per server? Database-wise there's no increase of new items, only per server.

Btw, I want double the character slots per server more than i want update 1.3 and I want this yesterday.

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How hard is it Bioware to halven the ammount of servers we can play on and double the amount of slots we get per server? Database-wise there's no increase of new items, only per server.

Btw, I want double the character slots per server more than i want update 1.3 and I want this yesterday.


This. Forums don't support the use of less than ten characters in a post.


P.S. I would much rather a good number of character slots be added for free or be made available for purchase as an account service or something.

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I would be willing to place in 3 million credits or [X] amount of money for just one character slot. I haven't made a jedi knight and if I'm going to I will have to delete my lvl 50 trooper. Don't make this hard on me Bioware.:mad:

Edited by Akantis
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I have to add my vote to the request for more character slots per server, even if that means reducing the overall limit across all servers (as some have suggested).


1) As has been frequently mentioned, this allows players to get the best use out of their server-bound Legacy story.

2) Honestly, how many players actually create characters spanning THAT MANY servers anyway?

3) With the increasing trend of players re-rolling on the few servers that actually have a population, and the upcoming ability to do server transfers in the 1.3 patch, how many servers are there really going to be anyway, when all is said and done? On the American side alone, it appears that population is already consolidating to a mere handful of servers.

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Made one of the new threads as i too want/ NEED more character slots stil think its stupid to make a game around alts and then limit the number of characters to only 8 as you need 8 as a minimum if you want to play all classes.

If you want to play all sub classes you already need 16.

And now with HK coming you will need at least a 50 on each side.

Also if you realy want replay to be a thing you need to give people the option to relevel with out having to delete there old characters.

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My son and daughter play on my account so we can have the same legacy, this means I have 2 Consulars, 3 Knights a Gunslinger a Sorc and a BH. Please for the love of all things holy give me 16 slots, personally I wanted to play through all 8 stories and then have an additional Sent so that means I wanted 9 slots (main is a Guardian) plus add one for each of my kids and I'm already up to 11.

I would slip you a sly $20 for the increased character slots as well if that would sweeten to deal <nudge><nudge><wink><wink>

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I am totally signing this too.


I've nothing constructive to add here, all has been said in previous posts.

We need more Character Slots per Server.


Thank you.


- Indrani


Edit: Oh I have something to add:


Seeing that now the slots are already too few. Imagine how it looks in many many many years? I am certain BioWare will bring dozens of playable Races in the future. Seeing that some people already used up their 8 Slots (especially with Legacy / Family Tree), it will get tricky the longer ToR goes on.

More Character Slots = VERY critical (especially for RP Servers, the crazy Alt-o-holics we are...)

Edited by Indrani
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I agree. I have a lot of friends who play this game and have characters reserved for each friend I play with so I can have a character at their general level. This has gotten me to one of each of the subclasses already. I will now have to have two legacies. I'd be willing to pay real money for the extra slots on the one server and have 16 total.
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Made my #7 character last night as finally on a busy server!


Thats my FIRST imp on that server (other 6 characters are republic characters)


So yeah, even if I go 4 imp/sith classes, ill still need 10 slots because of legacy and what not.


Normally Id just play different server but legacy makes it meaningfull to have both sides togather!


So yup, need more character slots

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