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I like the end-game bosses, here is why.


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Everyone seems to critcize the end-game but so far im enjoying it. We have done the normal and hard mode operations except SOA which we keep wiping. Yes there are some bugs but i dont remember the last truly original type boss that WOW has come up with, and ive killed them all. 3rd, 4th and 5th boss in EV are all pretty original.


3rd is the puzzle boss. you split up into groups of 4 and solve a puzzle at same time. Not a hard boss but even the haters must admit its a good idea and something that WOW has never tried.


4th boss, same thing, another great idea. Everyone in group has to kill one guy and you need to assign people to the right ones or its a fail. I dont think its the best boss in the world but again, its a new, different and unique idea.\\


5th boss in EV,,,SOA. If you dont think this is an original boss your are nuts and you havent played MMO's. The platform drops and the way the group needs to work together in this boss is really creative and fun (except for the bugs of course)/


There are a couple boss's in karaaggs palace that are the same way. The 1st boss and the droid on the conveyor belt are both original bosses and pretty unique.


For being creative and original i honestly give BW a very high grade,,maybe 9/10. Ive been raiding in WOW for years and years so this is my main comparision. So far i love this game. I dont get what everyone hates so much about the end-game.


So people just hate these bosses? Whats your gripe about them? Other than that is it that you just want more content? I know some of the content is a little easy but thats what nightmare mode is for right? Even the haters must agree that alot of these bosses are great ideas and pretty original compared to WOW. Its not the same old tank boss/kill adds/avoid damage. I for one am optimistic b/c of this, they really are trying to do things differently.

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