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This game is TWO MONTHS old.


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WAR released with the unfulfilled promise of a capital city for each race and multiple bug fixes that were being worked on in beta. Do not compare WAR to SW:TOR release. Especially when SW:TOR had a much more smooth launch.


The only thing "bumpy" would have to be the constant whining I see on the forums of all the people who are incapable of rolling on servers with more people on them, and the lack of UI customization. The lack of UI customization I can understand.


If your server doesn't have enough people on it, and you're a level 50 waiting all day to do something, make a new character on a higher populated server and wait until they bring in server transfers. It's not that hard. Do not expect SW:TOR to have everything these 5-7 Year old MMO's have been given over the course of their time in two to three months. It's just not going to happen.


I'll smile when you all come back for Guild Capital Ships though. :D



Didnt SWTOR have unfulfilled promises too?

And yes i do have 2 lvl 50s on a server that used to be high pop now empty, and no i will not invest time into making another char on another server and trying to get battlemaster again.


This is 2012, SWOTOR is missing features that a common in mmos, like proper warzones, a lfg tool etc.

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WoW at release had terrible FPS issues with high population areas. Don't make me mention Ironforge.


I signed up in December of 2004. Horde on Archimonde... I never went below 30 FPS. We would have epic battles at Southshore and at the Lighthouse in EPL. I never went below 30 FPS.

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Didnt SWTOR have unfulfilled promises too?

And yes i do have 2 lvl 50s on a server that used to be high pop now empty, and no i will not invest time into making another char on another server and trying to get battlemaster again.


This is 2012, SWOTOR is missing features that a common in mmos, like proper warzones, a lfg tool etc.


Name the promises they didn't fulfill.

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1) TOR is BY FAR the smoothest MMo launch I has ever witnessed.


In what sense? and in comparison to what? It has its fair share of bugs like any other MMO and I can't say it seems any more or less smooth than AoC or WAR was.


2) TOR has the most content I have EVER seen a game launch with.


Now that's just ridiculous. WAR launched with the same number of battlegrounds in tier 1 than SWtoR has in its entire game.


3) Until TOR I have NEVER seen an MMo where there was no grind.


Right, because there's so little of it that you blast through in a matter of days/weeks rather than months like most MMOs.


Now, I see plenty of nay sayers and trolls on these boards, loadsa kids from WoW and other games telling everyone who will listen thier tales and opinions. However they cannot escape these facts, TOR is the best MMo at launch that anyone has ever seen, has more content at launch and looks to be in the top running for a long time to come.


That's your opinion rather than a fact. It also reduces your credibility to jump on the "lol everyone who likes WoW is an 8 year old spoilt child" bandwagon.


I have heard the usual "WoW clone" jibes and comparisons yet they are flawed comparisons, IF TOR was a wow clone they would have released it 3 years ago with no content........


It is a WoW clone. SWtoR brings nothing new of any substance to the table and instead tries to distract everyone with a reasonable story and lightsabers. Look beyond that and it's the same tank/healer/DPS setup, the same PvE/PvP carrot on a stick gear grind, the same uninspired questing that has been the norm for years and the same pet system that now calls itself "companions."


The WoW generation makes me wanna spit sometimes, they burn through content and yap about nothing to do, while us normal people are quietly lvl our toons havin a great time. They should stop being petulant and get a life. The devs have done a great job, show some respect and maturity or go back to wow where your attitude will be appreciated.


Rather than telling everyone how spoilt and idiotic they are try reading your own comments and see how they look. You seem to be claiming that you're an adult; I would be ashamed if my 14 year old nephew spoke like you do.

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In what sense? and in comparison to what? It has its fair share of bugs like any other MMO and I can't say it seems any more or less smooth than AoC or WAR was.




Now that's just ridiculous. WAR launched with the same number of battlegrounds in tier 1 than SWtoR has in its entire game.




Right, because there's so little of it that you blast through in a matter of days/weeks rather than months like most MMOs.




That's your opinion rather than a fact. It also reduces your credibility to jump on the "lol everyone who likes WoW is an 8 year old spoilt child" bandwagon.




It is a WoW clone. SWtoR brings nothing new of any substance to the table and instead tries to distract everyone with a reasonable story and lightsabers. Look beyond that and it's the same tank/healer/DPS setup, the same PvE/PvP carrot on a stick gear grind, the same uninspired questing that has been the norm for years and the same pet system that now calls itself "companions."




Rather than telling everyone how spoilt and idiotic they are try reading your own comments and see how they look. You seem to be claiming that you're an adult; I would be ashamed if my 14 year old nephew spoke like you do.


One question for you: When GW2 comes out are you going to change to that game?

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Basically the OP is saying come back in 7 years, then TOR might be worth playing. Because that's natural. Just let a new product get nearly a decade to become as good as an older product.




That is not how business works. A product is better or worse very quickly, and that decides its fate. SWTOR will be lucky if people come back to check on it in 6 months. Right now everyone I know is canceling subs like crazy because this doesn't compare to WoW or Rift. People are going back to check up on RIFT (which had its own problems) because even that seems better than paying for this game.


I knew 50 people going into playing this game. Only 9 have active subs left (yes, those are accurate numbers, we have a facebook group to keep in contact because we all don't play together).


So yes, OP, you are right, this game is two months old. But know that very few people are willing to PAY for this game to take forever to get better. People will unsub and come back later. Which may just cause EA to sink the project's budget all together.

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Yup, they did and still do. Go through SWTOR's CS forum or search on youtube for "SWTOR lag issues" most of them are FPS issues.


Here's a perfect example...




I'll say it again, I was talking about WoW, in high pop areas with a lot of particle affects. Perfect example of FPS issues, which are the same areas in SW:TOR atm where we usually have FPS issues, high pop areas with lots of particle affects.

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Warhammer Online release date Sept 18 2008, on November 18 2008 people were saying "This game is TWO MONTHS OLD"............. and now look at it.


The first two months are critical for any mmo these days. You fail the first two months and everyone will leave in flocks.




Warhammer, Age Of Conan, Rift, Aion, And the list goes on, all games that have been Expanded over time but have a way Smaller playerbase than they deserve.

(Well I guess Rift had a pretty smooth launch, But still they inplented a lot over the year that noone knows or care about).


On the other hand you got Guild Wars 1 (Not really a true MMORPG but still), Perfect launch, Insta Win!

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I'll say it again, I was talking about WoW, in high pop areas with a lot of particle affects. Perfect example of FPS issues, which are the same areas in SW:TOR atm where we usually have FPS issues, high pop areas with lots of particle affects.


Again, I don't have any SSs from 2004... so we can agree to disagree on that aspect. You can say you had terrible FPS.... I'll stand by my 30 FPS. The issue at hand comes down to this in 2012...













Processor : AMD Athlon II X4 @ 3200MHz

Physical Memory : 8192MB (2 x 4096 DDR3-SDRAM )

Video Card : Radeon HD 6870

Operating System : Windows 7 (64-bit)

Connection: Fiber

Average Latency: 50ms



SWTOR (HEROengine)

All Settings: High



SWTOR World (55- 65 FPS):









SWTOR PvP (15 - 18 FPS):










SWTOR (Opening closing bags - 2 FPS):








DC Universe Online (Unreal Engine 3)

All Settings: High


DCUO World (75 - 90 FPS):







DC Combat (FPS 70 - 80 FPS):









DCUO (Opening closing inventory - 85 - 90 FPS):







Diablo III Beta

All Settings: High


D3 Mini-Boss (78 FPS)




D3 (Opening closing inventory while DPSing - 88 FPS)









WoW (v4.x Proprietary Engine)


Settings: Ultra


50 FPS +






Opening and closing bags...











Videos across Youtube:











Edited by Sizzurps
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You seem to be the type of person that wants to jump ship from this game to something more your style, something "new" "fresh" and "hip".


And you seem to be implying that I should allign myself with one MMO and stick with it to the hilt. If I encounter poor quality goods I'm not going to pretend it's ok just because it might get better months or even years down the line. If GW2 is a good game then I'll find out sooner or later when I get round to playing it. Until then I'm under no obligation to play a sub-standard MMO just because...

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Again, I don't have any SSs from 2004... so we can agree to disagree on that aspect. You can say you had terrible FPS.... I'll stand by my 30 FPS. The issue at hand comes down to this in 2012...













Processor : AMD Athlon II X4 @ 3200MHz

Physical Memory : 8192MB (2 x 4096 DDR3-SDRAM )

Video Card : Radeon HD 6870

Operating System : Windows 7 (64-bit)

Connection: Fiber

Average Latency: 50ms



SWTOR (HEROengine)

All Settings: High



SWTOR World (55- 65 FPS):









SWTOR PvP (15 - 18 FPS):










SWTOR (Opening closing bags - 2 FPS):








DC Universe Online (Unreal Engine 3)

All Settings: High


DCUO World (75 - 90 FPS):







DC Combat (FPS 70 - 80 FPS):









DCUO (Opening closing inventory - 85 - 90 FPS):







Diablo III Beta

All Settings: High


D3 Mini-Boss (78 FPS)




D3 (Opening closing inventory while DPSing - 88 FPS)









WoW (v4.x Proprietary Engine)


Settings: Ultra


50 FPS +






Opening and closing bags...











Videos across Youtube:












I don't understand why you're posting a whole bunch of garbage that I'm not going to look at? I never said WoW has FPS issues now, and I never said that SW:TOR didn't have FPS issues. I said that WoW had FPS issues at the beginning, which is more relevant to discussion at hand.

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And you seem to be implying that I should allign myself with one MMO and stick with it to the hilt. If I encounter poor quality goods I'm not going to pretend it's ok just because it might get better months or even years down the line. If GW2 is a good game then I'll find out sooner or later when I get round to playing it. Until then I'm under no obligation to play a sub-standard MMO just because...



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I don't understand why you're posting a whole bunch of garbage that I'm not going to look at? I never said WoW has FPS issues now, and I never said that SW:TOR didn't have FPS issues. I said that WoW had FPS issues at the beginning, which is more relevant to discussion at hand.


And I said neither of us have SSs from 2004... so you can talk until you're blue in the face. *Shrug*

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And you seem to be implying that I should allign myself with one MMO and stick with it to the hilt. If I encounter poor quality goods I'm not going to pretend it's ok just because it might get better months or even years down the line. If GW2 is a good game then I'll find out sooner or later when I get round to playing it. Until then I'm under no obligation to play a sub-standard MMO just because...


Then get off the forums of the sub standard MMO because you and the like aren't productive at all.

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That is not how business works. A product is better or worse very quickly, and that decides its fate. SWTOR will be lucky if people come back to check on it in 6 months.


This, and it is the same reason there are so many F2P MMO's out there now. TOR has plenty of good about it, but it is simply missing too many things, things people expect in their MMO's these days. When people come to check the game out the first time, it better have what they need, because it won't matter if it is added 6 months from now after they have already left.


I'm not even speaking directly to volume of content, basic quality of life things are just as important. Overall I thought the launch was rather smooth, the number of bugs acceptable, and the game is pretty stable. It doesn't really try to do anything revolutionary, and that is okay, though a little ho-hum at this point. I do like the setting, and of course light sabers, but it is simply missing the basic things I was looking for.


If they add it 6 months from now, well, I'll already be gone and it won't matter anymore. Maybe in 12 months when the game is F2P I'll come back and see if they actually caught up. :rolleyes:

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Then get off the forums of the sub standard MMO because you and the like aren't productive at all.


Calm down Lucis... sounds like you're mad. If you cared about the product you would see the lack of optimization of the engine which I demonstrated in the post that you said you wouldn't read.

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