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Well, I can see how it (LFG tool) did destroy the community in the eyes of some people. Mostly eyes of Tanks and Healers who were begged (I played a healer, we were begged and offered money) to run an instance.


So sure if you get form "everybody loves me and wants me in their group" to "you are exchangeable like a screw" you sure are hurt and loose all the social interaction you had. I do however not think the lfg tool killed WoW community, there was not really anything special to begin with. Sure 10-50 people per server were pretending like they are the community, but they were a fraction in the end.


I personally had good groups and bad groups with both systems, but I liked the LFG tool way better. Especially as healer or tank it was a gods gift. No more doing boring quests of finding wolf paws of demon infested uber wolfs, where only every tenth wolf is actually born with said paws, all other hoovering over the floor.

You queue you run the instance, you queue again. And... I do not need anything more. Maybe some communication if someone goes AFK (shortly), maybe boss explaining if it is needed. But that is it. No need to talk about how work/school was, no need to chat about the weather. If I want that, well there are platforms for that.


And for the more social version of Star Wars. Well they spam in General chat, then if you are lucky and really run a FP it is usually very quiet, beside the occasional "lol" "Z****! Noob!!!111" and my favourite "Need it for my companion."

So, yay, social interaction.

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most of the People seem to forgot what the lfg tool did to wow it destroyed ALOT of the social aspect of the game :(

get of ur lazy asses and look for a group or join a decent active guild and dont ruin the game for the ones that actualy want to do that and not just be lazy and click on ur lfg tool


NEY to lfg tool !!!!


ps. i do like the idea of a serverwide lfg channel but for godsake no lfg tool


What people here seem to fail to perceive is the lack of a social aspect in this game. You can Ignore everyone till 50, level to 50 within 2 months of very casual gaming and once at 50 see how hard it is to do anything on your time.

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most of the People seem to forgot what the lfg tool did to wow it destroyed ALOT of the social aspect of the game :(

get of ur lazy asses and look for a group or join a decent active guild and dont ruin the game for the ones that actualy want to do that and not just be lazy and click on ur lfg tool


NEY to lfg tool !!!!


ps. i do like the idea of a serverwide lfg channel but for godsake no lfg tool


tool didnt destroy the social aspect of wow , time did. times have changed many ppl started unsubing from wow b4 they added tool due to the fact that most ppl who played mmos were around the same age and as they got older they had less time to sit around and spam due to rl things such as work and so forth. ffxi numbers started die around that time as well. Without the tool the numbers the game has now arent likely to increase no matter how much content you have if u cant make a group to do it than itmight as well not be there. Ill admit im republic so our numbers suck but without the tool its just gonna come down to everyone huttling to heavy server and making nothing but siths. if u want heavy sith servers and huttball all day long than i guess saying no to the tool is a good thing for you.

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Hello everyone,


In order to keep the forums tidy and conversations in one place please use this thread to discuss the pros and cons of LFD and Dungeon Finders, we will be closing this current thread.


This topic was also recently covered in our weekly Community Q&A Blog for February 24th.


deusBAAL: Will you be providing a LFG tool? What will be its features? How will it be intended to work and when can we expect it to go live?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Writer): We are hard at work on a much more robust LFG functionality that will quickly help put groups together while still offering the flexibility to decide how you group and what sort of people you want to be grouped with. We’ll release more details as we get closer to release.

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