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unacceptable maintenance hours


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hi does anyone start feeling that it getting really ridiclous those mainteance times


i back from work and i need wait 4 hours til server up.... or more


why they can not split it for europe and usa ?


i mean every mmo so far done that, what so speical about bioware ?

what the exception?

only 3 answers come to my mind that i can think of


1. handicap 2.dont care about europe 3.poor company

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Bad Grammar :p and the hours are actually good for most people, 2 in the morning on a weekday to 10 a.m., most have school or work in those hours.


whats up with all the grammer nazi;s, i dont need have top A grammer in order to express my self .

english is not my native. if you dont like it DONT READ IT!

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whats up with all the grammer nazi;s, i dont need have top A grammer in order to express my self .

english is not my native. if you dont like it DONT READ IT!


It's not that he is a grammar nazi, he is just pointing out your grammar is pretty bad. Further to the point, most europeans are working during these hours, including myself whom is at college so these hours were chosen to try and benfit everyone. If they have to pick between 1000 fans and 10 fans, the majority wins. Tough luck is the situation here.

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Bad Grammar :p and the hours are actually good for most people, 2 in the morning on a weekday to 10 a.m., most have school or work in those hours.


he made this post in regards to the european time frame of the maintenance schedule. not the usa time which you are giving. u got that now?

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I dammend day sould that maintenance sould be fairly belanced in time for EU and USA players it always this unfiar agianst EU gamers. or give are charaters a rested boost or some items. BW always messed up at maintenance at tester always late. :mad: and stop with CET bull time zone stuff

just put berlin,amsterdam and paris time like in tester i really don't understand these timezones.

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I tweeted the same thing this morning. I understand the times from an American perspective, but for Europe it is hell.


Especially on a Wednesday. Wednesday is the day our education system only runs half a day and the 55+ or so usually get a day off. So it doesn't help that everybody gets home between 12h00-12h30 and can't play.


Taking it down from 9h-16h (and later since they aren't up yet) just takes away one of my two gaming days. And it isn't much help that they still aren't up, I almost `have' to make dinner for my family. Other better servicing MMO companies take their servers down 04h00 to 07h00 or 11h00 for large maintenance. That is nice, giving me time to do the groceries in the morning.


And no, I don't think they care about Europe, I mean we don't even get a `normal' clock. What kind of system decides to go from 11X->12Y->01Y...I mean...why?



But well spend the day playing other MMO's, losing my TOR `buzz'. If this is a standard Wednesday then it just doesn't make sense to keep playing TOR.




And why can't they just zone them like the good quality MMO's, wait even the bad quality once are up. Take the European servers down and then the American. (Suspect the Asian even earlier.)

Edited by Gunkame
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I just wanna say 1 thing about this swtor forum's bad side. I don'T understand what people are writting about to the thread comments.


(generally we hear these words; and writting anything else except the content of the threads...)


For example: 'bad grammer/you don'T know grammer etc. things'. If you ppl are so good, show us your international grades here


1)Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

2)TWE (Test of Written English)

3)Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT)

4)Graduate Record Examination(GRE)

5)Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)



If you cannot show here (with PRTSC, at paint) at any forum topics/threads YOU people has no right to say anything about if a person grammer is good or not, no1 is asking you!!!! if you don'T gonna say anything about the real content of the topic don'T write it.

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hi does anyone start feeling that it getting really ridiclous those mainteance times


i back from work and i need wait 4 hours til server up.... or more


why they can not split it for europe and usa ?


i mean every mmo so far done that, what so speical about bioware ?

what the exception?

only 3 answers come to my mind that i can think of


1. handicap 2.dont care about europe 3.poor company



so you don't get to play a few hrs out of the week. Get the hell over yourself and read a book.

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I've been playing a few weeks now and all the patches seem to come early morning till mid afternoon, UK time, in the latest case 8am till 3pm GMT. It's a bit tough if your days off are mid-week, like ,mine, but the needs of the many outweigh blah blah....


What I would be interested in though is is any downtime is credited to your account. One maint. period a week of around 7 hours (possibly more) could mean if you are unlucky, five in a 30 day billing period which is around 5% of the game time you paid for.

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Bad Grammar :p and the hours are actually good for most people, 2 in the morning on a weekday to 10 a.m., most have school or work in those hours.



I just wanna say 1 thing about this swtor forum's bad side. I don'T understand what people are writting about to the thread comments.


(generally we hear these words; and writting anything else except the content of the threads...)


For example: 'bad grammer/you don'T know grammer etc. things'. If you ppl are so good, show us your international grades here


1)Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

2)TWE (Test of Written English)

3)Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT)

4)Graduate Record Examination(GRE)

5)Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)



If you cannot show here (with PRTSC, at paint) at any forum topics/threads YOU people has no right to say anything about if a person grammer is good or not, no1 is asking you!!!! if you don'T gonna say anything about the real content of the topic don'T write it.

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There not many time zones in EU the players form germany, the netherlands, france. really dont understand its ready bin 3pm here servers a still down :S. these CET GMT i don't understand at all even googled it. there are no times zones here just UK, russia and spain part has only a differnt time zone
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It is truly amazing...this complaint has been going on for more than a decade. I saw it playing UO, I saw it playing EQ1, I saw it playing WoW and now it's here in TOR.


MMOs have to be maintained. The best time to do this maintenance is when the fewest potential players will be affected - the wee hours of the morning on a weekday is that best time.


Many different options have been postulated over the years but none work as well as "wee hours of the morning on a weekday", as proven by the FACT that EVERY MMO distributor does it. I'm sorry if you happen to be one of the miniscule minority that wants to play in the wee hours of the morning on a weekday, but the overwhelmingly vast majority of players are not in that category.

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The problem isn't that they are taking it down for maintenance time. Or that it conflicts with personal schedule the problem is the strange time they decided to take it down.


08/09/10h00 - 15/16/17h00

(Only considering mainland Europe then: 09h00-17h00.)


That is a complete day! That is the problem: they decided to take it down for a day.


I've been kicked from the WoW servers at 04/05h00, because the maintenance started. Did I complain? No, that are sensible times. These aren't sensible times.




To be honest, 09h00-15h00 are usually the better `prime' playing hours, during classes and school. The degradation period usually starts 15h00-19h00 and quality restores itself after 02h00-03h00.

Edited by Gunkame
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I'm sorry if you happen to be one of the miniscule minority that wants to play in the wee hours of the morning...


apparently 10h00-17h00 are the wee hours of the morning. Interesting schedule you are on.



For me the wee hours of the morning are 05h00-08h00, early morning 08h00-09h00, morning 09h00-12h00.

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apparently 10h00-17h00 are the wee hours of the morning. Interesting schedule you are on.



For me the wee hours of the morning are 05h00-08h00, early morning 08h00-09h00, morning 09h00-12h00.



OK I apologize for my phrasing but the theory still holds - even 1000-1700 MOST people are at work or school therefore the impact is as small as it can be. Again, you happen to be in the minority demographic that happens to not have to work or go to school on a weekday.


There is no maintenance schedule that works for EVERYONE. All MMO distributors can do is try to find a time and day when the least players are affected. Tuesday VERY early in the morning "Pacific Time" has been that frame for a LONG time and just about every MMO distributor uses it.

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whats up with all the grammer nazi;s, i dont need have top A grammer in order to express my self .

english is not my native. if you dont like it DONT READ IT!


actually if you are expressing yourself through the written word then yes you do need to have good grammar. At the very least use spell check.


Edit: Oh and you posted this in the wrong forum.

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OK I apologize for my phrasing but the theory still holds - even 1000-1700 MOST people are at work or school therefore the impact is as small as it can be. Again, you happen to be in the minority demographic that happens to not have to work or go to school on a weekday.


I do not know in which country you live, but go check on the stores on a Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday afternoons are not the afternoons the MOST people work/go to class.



And I understand your reasoning, but then stores can be closed on weekdays too, since MOST people have to work right?



And even if that holds: I do not argue that 10h00-17h00 is better than 17h00-24h00, I'm complaining about choosing 10h00-17h00 over 04h00-11h00.

Other MMO's can supply that service, why can't they?

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