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What are you people doing?


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These are the times that separate the FoTM players from the people that truly enjoy the class. I enjoy the story, the companions, the theme of the agent, and when it comes to ships...well nothing holds a candle to our ship.


The nerfs hurt and I imagine that we'll get tweaked back and forth more in the near future, but its still the only class that I want to play. So if you're having fun with your agent continue doing so...don't pay so much attention to the doomsayers on the boards.


I don't view most of the Op/Scoundrel discussion as QQing. People are discussing their class BECAUSE they enjoy playing it and want to keep doing so.


The "nerf sorc/sage" threads however are completely different in that regard.

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Really there is no advantage to having an Operative. They are the weakest class in the game because they offer no benefits over playing a different class.


This is actually true, and the crux of the problem with Concealment. Nearly anything you can do as a conc. Operative, you can do as an Assassin/Shadow. However, there are many, MANY things Sins/Shadows can do that Ops don't come close to. Ops have a "bit" more useable CC. That's it.


Operatives are not bad against a given target, but anything YOU can do with your Operative, YOU could do better with a Sin/Shadow.

This assumes endgame pvp geared players. Sub 50 is another issue and should not be discussed in the same context.


Xavory- Rank 65 Operative

Xavori- Rank 55 Shadow

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  1. Warzones are not the only endgame content.
  2. Warzones are not a majority of endgame content.
  3. Warzones are actually a miniscule portion of endgame content, and with more Operations slated for release and no new warzones announced in development, the relative portion of content that warzones are is shrinking every day.
  4. All bullet points above apply to PvP as a whole as well.
  5. This does not mean I am anti-PvP, I am simply pointing out that there is less game content in place for PvP in the entirety of the game than there is for one single starting planet.
  6. Instead of trolling and telling us how bad we are and how we should learn to play, why don't you list ONE THING that an operative can do better than any other class.


How can you call him a troll? Pot meet kettle. . .


Warzones are a major, not the majority, but major portion of the end game content, and saying otherwise is ignoring a huge portion of the playerbase(aka just being ignorant).


There are new warzones in development, and you saying there isn't is where your post becomes trollish.


You talk about how one class should be better at something than another class than another. What you are talking about is a game that is balanced on give/take, pluses/minuses. There is no single heal class in this game, there is no single CC class in this game and there is no single DPS class in this game. This game is not balanced around this type of reasoning. . .AT ALL.


If it were, then you wouldn't have Sages/Sorcs with ALL the utility AND the ability to heal AND the ability to DPS.


This game just doesn't balance itself that way. . .at least from my experience and observation.


Dont get me wrong, I prefer the give/take balancing act that lots of games out there implement. But this game just isn't it.





To get back on topic though, I will agree that the game should have been balanced before release(and I believe it was). So with the front-ended burst DPS nerf that Ops got(due to PvP) there should have been some adjustments made to their sustained DPS to help out with PvE

Edited by FourTwent
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The efficacy of stealth as a gap closer is based on the synergy of control and burst. Once we lost a huge portion of our effective burst, stealth became the worst gap closer in the game (for operatives - assassins have more tools than stealth). Stealth now let's us get away better than it gets us there.
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At 50 you're not going to kill someone within the stun duration, UNLESS they're in greens with 12-13K health. Also everything operative can do that OP described in OP, assassin can do better- roll one to 50 and you'll be surprised. Assassin can get 20-22K health, maul can do serious damage (especially when it ignores 50% armor) and has decent survivability outside of stealth and better escaping utilities (overload & force speed) whereas operative has a broken sprint on evasion and sprint on debilitate.


My operative feels more effective as a healer, imps lack healers anyways.

Edited by Sookster
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