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Commando pvp


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Hopefully i'll have my commando at lvl70valor in the next day or 2, i played gunnery in beta and while leveling,i also stuck with gunnery until maybe lvl55valor then i tried assault spec and here is what i find about commando pvp, its horrible. Gunnery is stationary with very few escapes,basically if any geared player with a little know how goes for you, you are as good as dead, u can't kite have no speed up all you have is damage and most classes if not all classes outside of the trooper commando have a kick or ranged spell block so you are toast.


On to the Assault spec, it fairs a lot better against some melee, its more mobile so you become less of a target but its burst dmg is lower than gunnery and you haven't a prayer when you face good geared casters. For example, u come up against a sorc u are slowed and dotted if u manage to get them low they are gone heal come back and finish you off, even if u keep cryo grenade for that moment they trinket and gone and because u are slowed to a stand still there is nothing u can do, even if you weren't slowed you still get line of sighted they get a heal or 2 off,their force regen seems to be alot faster than our ammo.


some melee like operatives have more cds and can slow you enough that even if u manage to get range they will close it and sitting with almost 700 expertise means little when i am caught.


over all i have dueled a lot of classes and do it regularly and without a ranged counter spell like ability and speed boost commandos are very weak in geared pre made wz's.


also you can absolutely forget about taking a healer down as AS spec but i guess there aren't many classes who can 1 on 1 a healer, i'd say pyro tech and its mirror can but thats about it.

Edited by sweatbox
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Maaaan, I had the same problem... :)


I'm 64 lvl Commando (gunnery) and an officer in a pure pvp guild. Most of us got BMs long ago. Usually we play in premades and my role was clear as glass - destroy healers and most dangerous casters (snipers, merks). It was ok for gunnery until LOTS of imps got their fast BM titles (thx ilum). Sometimes their pugs are even stronger than our team with our premade because 7-8 imps are very well geared as a rule what i can't say about reps. We always have 2-3 crabs with 12k hp, the result = asspain and lose.


The other problem is that imp premades are much smarter than imp pugs and Spaming gunnery is the primary target after healers in serious fights. I always have a couple of melees on me who make my damage equel zero.


So, i decided to change my stationary style and respeced in AS. A paper doll spec i called it. No defense, no save abilities, no control except cryo. The tools are just poor. The damage is fine(in general) but no chance to take even half of healer's hp. Most healers prefer to heal my damage than move their *** another place lol :) My AP brings about 3.7-4k, just like HiB but due to guards, shields etc - it's just nothing because the burst ends after using these two. The dots are easily dispelled and are too ammo expensive to use it again and again. More over Commando has no trigger ability that starts our Plasma cell (Vanguard in the same build has). It's just ridiculous. You have to spam hammer until it procs (16% chance). Oh, maan... Who was a Commando designer? - He must be fired.


I even tried Medic in despair... need to learn too many aspects of it from the bottom - not interested. I just gave up.


I like the trooper class as a class itself. Can't play lightsabers and any kind of "mage" classes...just can't. So, i had two ways: leave TOR or start another type of trooper and sacrifice weeks i spent for geting BM.


Well, hello Vanguard dps.


I was totally surprised how well it works in pvp. Seems that Vanguard AC been made exactly for PVP matters and commando for pve (my gunnery is just amazing in pve btw).


In Vanguard I earned:

- Riot strike (cast break),

- harpoon (cast breaking too at some view),

- Neural surge (aoe stun),

- 2 taunts lowering target's damage,

- Battle focus (25% crit for 15sec)


If you play Tactics (i do) you get 8 secs immune to mov-impairing effects. More over i can guard someone because i use Ion cell for more survivability losing only 5% of my elemental damage. I won't mention talents which shorten Cryonade, Harpoon and Riot strike cd timer. But it has it too.


THAT is what i call the arsenal of skills for pvp!


More over I learnt Cybertech and made dozens of stunning grenades which support me with another AOE stun for 4 sec. Now i feel a player able to beat ones *** using my abilities in different ways no matter it's a melee or ranged class. ALL depends on my skill now not a situation or something else i can't control.


I wish you luck my friend. If you don't want to start an alt - leave the game b/c Commando pvp dps has no future against premades until its mechanics are changed completely by BW. If you are not interested in serious fights but pugy style only - keep reading in your chat " more spams plz /lol "


P.S. Kill mercs without being hit once with their tracer missile.


Have a nice day

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Funny u mentioned Vanguard as i just started one last night :).i can't stand the thought of shelving my commando after putting so much effort into it but i pvp all the time,very rarely pve and Commando doesn't cut it in pvp. Its great in lower level pvp with not so geared/smart imps who are a little inexperienced but against the rest it's poor.Any way thanks for the reply and info.
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I have tried both gunnery and AS trees now for pvp (valor rank 64) and personally I can't stand gunnery for pvp. I think it is just that as gunnery I hate being an easy kill for melee, I know as AS I can't solo a healer but I have no problems with this (I think it should take 2 people to take down a healer).

I like the mobility of damage on the run that AS gives me, the ability to DoT targets up who are after caps and to be able to kite melee about and slowly wear them down. Also against range utilising los is imo a great way to get as much dmg on them and as little on you.

It's all down to personnal choice at the end of the day, but I think AS adds much more to the team than gunnery (for dmg builds).

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You should try vanguard Assault :) Commando AS is nice in a big band of mates but it can't duel with anyone successfuly. Gunnery works great against range classes at least, assault works as asspain for healers dotting everyone arround - that's all he can do. Vanguard assault has the same damage but can interrupt and cc. That's why i just don't understand Commando role in a premade. It's much better to take another Consul who brings about 500k damage and has a lot of pvp tools. The only great spec in commando spec is a Combat Medic. The rest trees are for pve and for something else but not pvp.
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I am levelling commando dps and I do love to pvp. Is everyone here saying that commando is only useful as a healer in warzones at max level?


Things may change when swtor takes pvp more seriously and commando gets a few tidbits it needs to be competitive,but as it stands if i knew when starting the commando what i know now i wouldn't have touched it.

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Dueling, while one player vs another player is not "PVP" and shouldn't be considered when wondering if your class is "good" or not.


PVP in MMOs is team based, period. If you're running into the fray as a grav round spec, knowing you're a turret DPS style class and getting pwned... it's you, not the class.


If you think just because you have heavy armor you should be as durable as a tank because you havn't paid any attention whatsoever to how the resist/defense mechanics work in this game and you die a lot because you play like a tank with a gun... it's you, not the class.


Commandos need an interupt and I have a solution for it. I'll put that in another post.


That's all that's wrong with them from a balance standpoint. We have multiple quality specs to choose from, a good batch of abilities on very friendly cooldown timers and a lot of options for playstyle. If you spec one way you have to recognize how the spec wants to be played and play it that way. If you try to shove your square peg in a round hole... you're gonna lose.

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Dueling, while one player vs another player is not "PVP" and shouldn't be considered when wondering if your class is "good" or not.


PVP in MMOs is team based, period. If you're running into the fray as a grav round spec, knowing you're a turret DPS style class and getting pwned... it's you, not the class.


If you think just because you have heavy armor you should be as durable as a tank because you havn't paid any attention whatsoever to how the resist/defense mechanics work in this game and you die a lot because you play like a tank with a gun... it's you, not the class.


Commandos need an interupt and I have a solution for it. I'll put that in another post.


That's all that's wrong with them from a balance standpoint. We have multiple quality specs to choose from, a good batch of abilities on very friendly cooldown timers and a lot of options for playstyle. If you spec one way you have to recognize how the spec wants to be played and play it that way. If you try to shove your square peg in a round hole... you're gonna lose.


who is talking about charging in anywhere?, how can u charge with gunnery spec? what are u going to do for dmg, spit? we need imo an interrupt and a speed boost, or a snare immunity, AS has heavy ammo usage which is fine i guess but could use a pinch of tweaking, aside from the 18sec dot from Incendiary round that helps prevent turret caps/bomb plants i don't think AS offers much to group pvp and almost nothing in 1v1's

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Dueling, while one player vs another player is not "PVP" and shouldn't be considered when wondering if your class is "good" or not.

Thats obviously idiotic and its been discounted in every MMO.

Take the same group composition and switch one class thats underperforming for one thats overpoerforming and the group will perform better. Its that simple. If you dont understand that simple axiom, then your posting priviledges, driver's license, and citizenship should all be revoked.


Theres nothing a commando can do, that another class cant do significantly better, faster, and easier.

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I seriously never ever loose any 1v1's. Only thing that hurts are interrupts and in a 1v1 it's hard to foresee an incoming interrupt, because the enemy is always looking at you. You just need to fake some gravrounds if they interrupt well and you have to know their cooldowns.


Other than that, always kite sideways. Never walk straight back.

USE BIOCHEM (thats the biggest reason why you win or loose 1v1's i guess. besides equip)

Know the enemy class.

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