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What if Obi-Wan died instead of Qui-Gon-Jinn?


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So i just finished re-watching Star Wars episode I(in 3D), and it got me thinking, what if Obi-Wan died instead of Qui-Gonn, in my opinion i think Qui-gon would have detoured Anikin's path to the darkside, though some would say that Qui-gon wasnt that powerful a jedi, I think he would have made a far better teacher than Obi-wan, Qui-gon did what was necessary and wasnt as one sided as obi-wan, the way qui-gon did things would have fit Anikin's training perfectly because he was the one to bring balance to the force not be a tool for the jedi, perhaps if qui-gon hadnt died Anikin would have fulfilled his destiny and possibly made a new order, Order of Grey maybe?? anyways those are my two cents on the matter :)
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or maybe (to just have fun with it), Anakin would have been kidnapped by Palpatine and Qui Gon woulf have travelled to wherever planet he was on and knife-handed a bunch of french dudes and take Anakin back. Qui Gon's catchphrase would be, "I'll find you, and I will kill you."
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I think Anakin would've gone along with Qui-gon's independent ways better than Obi-wan. With Qui-Gon having a better understanding of opposing the Council when necessary and being more independent and trusting the living force, I don't think Anakin would've been as whiny/annoyed as he was under Obi-Wan.


This type of relationship might encourage Anakin to stick with the Jedi. Obi-Wan didn't sympathize with Anakin that much which was why Anakin felt more comfortable hanging out with Palpatine.


Anakin's/Padme's relationship may also not be a secret with Qui-Gon. He'd probably accept it a bit more.


I just think things would've worked out in the end with Qui-Gon as the master. Though the Sith would probably still take over.

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Anakin would have been in much more capable hands. Obi-Wan ended up being a great Jedi master, the stuff of legends, but as a newly knighted knight at 19(?) with the added pressure of taking a padawan...who happened to be the Chosen One of all things it was too much.


You could tell by the way he acted towards Anakin in Ep.2 he wasnt ready for such burden.

Edited by TKMaster
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I think Qui-gon would have done a much better job teaching Anakin because Qui-gon was older, more experienced in the force, and a neutral. Anakin felt heart broken when he died and I think he looked to qui-gon as a kind of father figure but he did not feel the same respect with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was not ready to take on pupils when Qui-gon died and only did so out of respect for his former master.



As a side note Anakin fullfilled the prophecy when he became vader and Palpatne excuted order 66. When it was over and done there were only 2 known Sith and 2 known Jedi. The Emperor and Vader, and Yoda and Obi-Wan. So Anakin did bring balance to the force by reducing the numbers of force sensivitve to even numbers and those 4 were mirrors of each other with similar powers and stature. He just didn't do it the way the Jedi or the Sith interprited it. All through the OT set there are only 2 Jedi and 2 Sith at any given time.


Emp and Vader - Yoda and Obi-Wan

Obi-wan dies as Luke realizes his potential


Emp and Vader - Yoda and Luke

Yoda dies and Luke finds out Lea is his sister thereby replcing Yoda with Lea


Emp and Vader - Luke and Lea

Vader dies and his prophecy is broken with his death


Emp and Clones and new apprenctices blah blah - Luke Lea and many students

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Actually, Luke brought balance to the Force in Ep. VI because HE brought his father back to the Light Side. And if you go by any of the EU storylines, Luke put the Jedi purely back on a "balanced" Force yet Light side faction. By that I mean he was not always afraid to use what some would consider "darker" methods to achieve the goals of good/lightside.


And if Obi died then there would not have been Ep. IV through VI. ;)

Edited by Gruug
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Qui-Gon was much like Dooku in thinking , i think Qui-Gon would have listened to his master and took Anakin to join them which would have lead to Anakin to being lead to the darkside faster .


The whole Moral story would have been changed and maybe the ending would have been far different as I do not think Anakin would have been bound to a suit as Obi-Wan would have never been there for the fight.


Anakin would have been more powerful for this route .

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Qui-Gon would've likely prevented Anakin's fall; he may or may not have joined Dooku in abandoning the Order and joining the Separatists, but he definitely wouldn't have become a Sith Lord in the process. He may have prevented Dooku from becoming one, too!


Anakin probably would have talked Qui-Gon into finding a way to free his mother, although Qui-Gon adhered enough to the code that he probably wouldn't have allowed Shmi to stay with Anakin. They probably would've been able to communicate regularly, though, with Shmi being set up in a good life somewhere. Perhaps even Naboo, in the royal palace or with Padme's family.


In fact, that's an interesting problem in the prequels, and rarely--if ever--discussed! Obi-Wan and the Jedi, with their 'no attachments' thing, wouldn't lift a finger to help Shmi get out of slavery, we know that (Qui-Gon may have, between other missions; he was more focused on saving the queen, ending the blockade, and determining if Anakin was the Chosen One).


But Padme? She was the queen! Elected, yes, and only a child, but she helped retake the palace and free her people from the Trade Federation... surely trading a bunch of engine parts and other assorted valuables to Watto in exchange for Shmi's freedom wouldn't be too much to ask of her people, as a reward to the kid who accidentally blew up the control ship and ended the battle? But of course that would've messed up the story... gotta keep Shmi on Tatooine so she can marry into the Lars family so Owen & Beru have some connection with the Skywalkers, and so she can get killed by the natives so Anakin can go postal and woo Padme with his murderous rampage.


Anyway, Qui-Gon & Anakin probably would've made a good team, and Palpatine would've found it much more difficult to mess with Anakin and get him over to the dark side. His plans would still be in motion, but he wouldn't be able to rely on eventually winning over Anakin to take Dooku's place. In that event, Palpatine would probably do his best to orchestrate Qui-Gon's death when he felt the time was right. Anakin's infatuation with Padme might have gone differently; Obi-Wan knew Anakin was obsessing over Padme, yet still allowed him to accompany her to Naboo. Qui-Gon, in a similar situation, probably wouldn't. Not solo, anyway, unless he raised & taught Anakin how to control his emotions a lot better. If a relationship still developed, Qui-Gon would probably offer up more advice than just Jedi dogma, and be more aware of Anakin's feelings.

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I'm sure someone will have a better answer but from what I read...Qui-Gons death was necessary for ani's turn to the darkside.

According to plot and whatnot Qui-gon had his fair share of encounters with the dark side and the balance inbetween the two sides.

He would have easily taught ani before and durring his encounters with Sidius about the temptations and the truth behind the Darkside much more then Obi ever could.

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I believe that Qui-Gon's death was completely necessary for The Emperor's plan to work. If Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's fates were reversed, it's almost a certainty that Anakin wouldn't have fallen to the Dark Side.


As some people have pointed out, Obi-Wan was one of the finest examples of Jedi that period had to offer. At the time, though, Obi-Wan was in no way ready to train a padawan. Even though he was a great Jedi, Obi-Wan started off VERY green, meaning that he more or less accepted everything the Jedi Order had to say without much thought or question. It seemed (whether it's bad writing or the way that Lucas wanted it to be) that he had more of a "My Way or the Highway" style of teaching in Ep. 2. It wasn't until Ep. 3, when they are in the middle of full-blown war, that he adopted a somewhat looser style of teaching. Obi-Wan and Anakin were great friends, but Obi-Wan never seemed to gain Anakin's full respect.


With Qui-Gon as a mentor, Anakin would have been more accepting of Jinn's "Middle of the Road" views than Obi-Wan's "Good for the Sake of Good" views. Qui-Gon wisdom would have been a great tool to feed Anakin's curiosity. Anakin would have had more overall respect for Qui-Gon than Obi-Wan, seeing him more as a father he never had rather than a brother. He would have been less apprehensive to share his feelings and visions with Qui-Gon than he was with Obi-Wan.


For those of you thinking that Qui-Gon would have joined Dooku and the Separatists, I think you're flat wrong. Dooku struck me as someone that always needed direction. Even as a very powerful Jedi Master, he still needed someone to point him in a direction. He strikes me as someone that would follow blindly for the sake of following. Qui-Gon, on the other hand, was an extremely wise Jedi, with a great understanding of the world at large. He was very grey, but ultimately falling more on the light than the dark. I could have seen him joining a counter movement against the Republic, but never anything that would lead to full scale war. He would have gained followers from within to usher in sweeping change rather than recruiting systems to try and force change.


Overall, I believe that if Qui-Gon had survived, you wouldn't have seen Anakin fall to the dark side.

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I don't think Qui-Gon would have more luck defying Sidious' manipulations. In fact, a healthy disrespect for Jedi dogma may have broken some of the barriers in Anakin's mind that Sidious instead had to do with Obi-Wan's tutelage.


One of if not the most powerful Sith in the entire known lore of Star Wars, Sidious isn't going to *not* successfully turn a naturally emotional Anakin.

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or maybe (to just have fun with it), Anakin would have been kidnapped by Palpatine and Qui Gon woulf have travelled to wherever planet he was on and knife-handed a bunch of french dudes and take Anakin back. Qui Gon's catchphrase would be, "I'll find you, and I will kill you."


Good Luck...

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Actually, Luke brought balance to the Force in Ep. VI because HE brought his father back to the Light Side.


As a side note Anakin fullfilled the prophecy when he became vader and Palpatne excuted order 66. When it was over and done there were only 2 known Sith and 2 known Jedi. The Emperor and Vader, and Yoda and Obi-Wan. So Anakin did bring balance to the force by reducing the numbers of force sensivitve to even numbers and those 4 were mirrors of each other with similar powers and stature.


First off I gotta address the "balance" issue, again.

Balance In terms of Star Wars does not, nor has it ever meant equal numbers of Sith, and Jedi. Balance means no Sith, only Jedi.

Think of it like this, the Jedi are like the white blood cells in your body. You don't notice, or feel them during your daily life. They just go around, being neutral, doing nothing you'll ever notice. The Sith on the other hand are like a virus, or a parasite. They infect your body with nothing but evil, and bad intents at heart. They desire nothing good for you. The Jedi, and white blood cells restore balance to your body by destroying the virus.


Gruug, Luke never brought balance to the Force this way. He did bring his father back to the light, but It was always Anakin's destiny to bring balance by destroying the Sith. He did that when he tossed the Emperor down the shaft, and In that process also killed Darth Vader.


Now, to the issue at hand.


I don't think having Qui-Gon train Anakin instead of Obi-Wan would have been ideal, nor do i think It would have stopped Anakin from falling to the Dark side at some point.

I believe It's implied in Episode 1 that Qui-Gon is very rebellious by nature, having defied the council at least once in the past. I do not believe having such a character mentor him would have saved Anakin from the Dark Side.

Qui-Gon believed almost from the moment he met Anakin that he might be The Chosen One. I think he would have catered way too much to his rebellious nature, and nurturing his advanced abilities and arrogance. He probably wouldn't have been "holding him back" as Anakin thought Obi-Wan did.


But I think that Obi wasn't as much "holding him back", as keeping Anakin grounded. If Anakin embraced his rebellious nature, powers, and arrogance he would just have fallen to the Dark side sooner, and more easily. Obi-Wan did his best to keep Anakin humble as every Jedi should be. In Episode 3 Anakin says that he wants more power, but admits he knows It's wrong. While Obi-Wan might have held Anakin back, either because he feared his powers, or someting along those lines, he tried all he could to turn Anakin into a Jedi, and for the most part he succeded.

I think Qui-Gon would gone to great lengths to ensure Anakin grew to be the most powerful Force user ever. Even If that meant defying the Council.


Part of me believes that no matter what path Anakin chose he would have fallen. Like It was part of his destiny.

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All interesting points, Qui-gon indeed would have been a much better teacher than Obi-wan, Obi didnt even have enough time to grow out his hair before taking on a padawan, with Qui-gon's experience in general + his force wisdom Anikin would have probably turned out a much better "Force aficionado", neither sith or jedi, views on both sides are always black and white wether they realize it or not, a third order of force sensitives would have risen and bring true balance in the force...... >_>
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