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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Playing a sorc, hoping for a sorc nerf


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AOE ability is absolutely a factor in wining. From range I can interrupt everyone on a node at once. In civil war I can get at people that are using the pillar as LOS to cap.


Not saying it needs a nerf but claiming it does nothing but pad number is extremely wrong.


aoe ability yes, but not its damage. you can achieve what you said even if the aoe damage is only 1. so you are totally missing the op's point.

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its very funny for me read all the whinning that sorcs are OP. noone mentioning that instant chain lightning need to be Force lightning or Lightning strike casted before that with having luck getting the " instant" buff, which requires 2.9 or 1.45 sec standing still and castin. Just very few experienced playerl let sorc do that. AoE abilities aloows sorc to be in top dmg dealers ladder after every WZ, but for examle warriors with many times higher survivability do the same amount of damage, which shows some class being OP, but sure it aint sorc.


also, sorc has no strong instant spammable ability as all, or most classes, which makes sorc very . . . ummm . . dead in most 1 on 1 fights


what could point on the op class is amount of new chars and most played classes in WZ, i play on Legions of Lettow and the most played class is definitely Warrior (both subclasses).


after 1.2 , still comparing sorc and warriors, nerf of sorc and making 3 warr abilities usable without rage? its just a big LOL


anyway, made anothers character, its lvl 50 mercenary now and i see the same as with my main, its very easy to kill sorc for me, while any sorc do very little damage to me when i play the fight right against it


srry for my english

Edited by LadaKrata
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biggest issues with sorc is the more or less spamable bubble.


i mean sorcs/sages are actually fine in 1v1, but try playing alderaan against a group with 2 heal-sorcs...


last time i did that...250k damage ... 11 kills ... go figure. they are simply too strong when grouped up with other sorcs, and its even worse when guarded by tanks.






wait till you see the OP healers we are rolling

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Sorc heals get free a consumption(8% force back) based on their criticals when channeling Innervate, that's why if you don't interrupt Innervate, we won't run out of force. Operatives get energy back based on their channel as well. With a pool of only 600, we'd run out of force in under a minute without some form of force battery ability.


Like i said, however, we will run out of force pretty quick without our Innervate. But then again, good players know their own weakness and bait interrupts on other heals so they can get a free cast innervate


Keep in mind the post isn't specifically about PVE sorc/sage healing, which is really the only situation your post makes sense in.


Hybrid specced sorcs and sages in PVP never run out of force, or so rarely that it may as well be never. Operatives in PVP almost never use diagnostic scan. Its a waste of Two GCDs rooted, invitation to get roflstomped. Operatives rely on keeping their total energy above 60 for energy regen, not on diagnostic scan. (it helps, but its not our main source of regen)

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There are 2 and a half popular Sorc builds, and one of them has it.


Don't give me this "plenty of builds don't."


whats sad is with this, nobody caught it, but you just proved our point for sorcs being horribly squishy. we NEED a certain spec to even be viable and survive. said by you, that every sorc build requires a certain build in order to even live on the battlefield. our 2 ccs: 1 is 2 sec casted and the other is broken instantly and grants full resolve. yeah. our class TEEMS with cc.


you are so blinded by your hatred of sorcs, and also ironically hatred of the facts that you cant even tell that youre arguing FOR sorcs with this post.

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