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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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A long time ago, before game devs treated us like willing lab rats, people played games for the fun, challenge and the camaraderie that came with it. It's not too late, take the blinders off Neo.


LOL RPG is all about getting stronger. Ever since I played my first FF3 or Zelda and got my boomerang or hookshot.


While I agree that the game will probably be fun, the no reward thing will not keep me playing. Doing the same crap over and over again but now with no reward is not fun.

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I played STO, i liked it but the only reason i unsubbed was because a BIG part of the game were the exploration missions, which to be frank were GARBAGE, you could fly around on 1 map for 2 hours, and still not be able to find quest objectives....other than that, i liked STO, more so than TOR.


If they added cardassians/romulan race that i could play, id unsub TOR in a HEARTBEAT and go back to STO, atleast if theyve fixed exploration missions.





STO = free to play


TOR = not f2p


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STO is a fine MMO, and it's improved a lot since launch. The space combat in STO is indeed extremely fun, and it would be nice to have something more like that in SWTOR. Also agree about customization, would be nice to have more of it (however, Cryptic are specialists in this, their game engine(s) have always been optimized to provide a high degree of customization and even morphing, which AFAIK is actually more difficult to do in an MMO than you might think).


So yeah, all good points, but I don't think much is going to happen in these areas. SWTOR's combat is never going to be the kind of third-person ship-to-ship like in STO, because at root it's first-person-shootery-railey. Probably the most that could happen to it is a bit less rail-like-ness and a bit more freedom than we have now. And the degree of customization you get in STO (or, even more fantastic, in CO) isn't going to happen here either, I think. The 4 body types are probably set in stone, as well as the face types, and the clothing will never have the amount of minute tweakability as STO.


But none of these lacks are game-breaking IMHO, SWTOR can get along fine without them.


I HONESTLY hope you are wrong when you say SWTOR space combat will not evolve that much and the maximum we can expect is a bit more freedom. This would be a major let down for me and would make me leave this game. I like the space combat they have so far, but having it PvP, with Guild Capital Ships around, free movement, better ships customization, etc etc etc, is something I am hoping to see in this game. If they do not have the capacity / time / will to do it... well, that would finally make me leave the game. Space Combat now is fun for a while, but is far from something great.

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Being a STO beta player and with the game since then...I will say SWTOR is at a stage of development where STO was about 6 months ago. And SWTOR just kicked off.


I have lefft STO due to the fact that they changed the end game and you now have to grind the same freakin STF (flashpoint equiv) 30-50 times to get any cool gear. The same mission.... even run 20 times over...gets VERY VERY boring.


Also the fact that in STO if you create multiple Alts (I have 4 Vice Admirals, and one full general in Klink) you have to run the same story lines for every one. At least Alts in SWTOR you can have a different story to play (depending on class).

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Having first hand experience of the long discussed STO launch, I can safeley say this: The only thing STO and TOR have in common are they run on PC.....any other comparison is flawed.


1) Cryptic Studios took an epic IP, promised the world and delivered half a game (1 bareley working faction). Imagine only playing Republic?


2) Thousands of klingon fans/players jumped ship when Cryptic finally told the truth, despite fanbois spouting otherwise for months that the Klingon faction would have NO PVE CONTENT. Can you imagine a PvP only Empire faction?


3) STO was delivered to an eager public in 18-24 months.........put that alongside the dev time for STO.........


4) Space combat in STO is ok, but thats it.....its basically starfleet command but not as good. At launch ground combat was a joke, with ground pvp still gimped now.

(A side note here, people say it was unbalanced in favor of the klingon faction etc but what they do not realise is that Klingon players (inc myself) HAD to PvP and it showed, cause we regularly bounced the feds, the QQ was great :)).

Space and ground in TOR are chalk and cheese to STO, well done, although not what we would all like, it has polish and scope.


Cryptic ruined the IP and franky it was said 2 years back by myself and many others that it would dwindle and fail....and so here we are, STO is circling the plug hole and TOR has launched (quite a good launch too, if past MMo's are anything to go by).




TLDNR: Cant compare STO to Cryptic because Cryptic stuffed STO good and proper, at least BW did the IP justice and are not cash grabbing us every week., you wanna see a badly designed game and a ruthless company, see STO>>>>>>>>



^^this^^ I just hope SWTOR doesnt become a micro-transaction cash grab like STO has become.

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Thou i could agree SWTOR needs many many things fixed/implemented, talking about the biggest fiasco in MMO history (STO) and trying to compare it with TOR is an insult.


Check my posts, im far from a fanboy, but really ... STO??? oh please


You know, it's funny.


I will agree with you that STO is the biggest fiasco in MMO history.


But we seem to disagree on the comparison between it and ToR.


I was in STO from the beginning. Beta to up to just a few months before it went F2P. I'm very much a Star Trek fan. I wanted it to be fantastic. But it was the worst thing that could have happened to the Trek universe.


Frankly, watching ToR release in its unready state, watching the anger and ire build on the forums from people who come up against bugs, poor quality and game-stopping issues, watching the fanbois rise up against people who had anything even the slightest bit negative to say about the game (and SW fans are MUCH worse than ST fans in this department), I think the comparison is apt.


It's like watching history repeat itself, and if BioWare can't or won't learn, I see ToR going the same way STO did: Sold to what I view as the cancer of the MMO genre, Perfect World Entertainment, then being made F2P and Pay-to-Win - and all within 2 years.


If you were around for STO from the beginning up to the purchase by PWE, then surely* you can see the similarities.


*Yes, I am serious. And stop calling me Shirley.

Edited by Stelakh
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You know, it's funny.


I will agree with you that STO is the biggest fiasco in MMO history.


But we seem to disagree on the comparison between it and ToR.


I was in STO from the beginning. Beta to up to just a few months before it went F2P. I'm very much a Star Trek fan. I wanted it to be fantastic. But it was the worst thing that could have happened to the Trek universe.


Frankly, watching ToR release in its unready state, watching the anger and ire build on the forums from people who come up against bugs, poor quality and game-stopping issues, watching the fanbois rise up against people who had anything even the slightest big negative to say about the game (and SW fans are MUCH worse than ST fans in this department), I think the comparison is apt.


It's like watching history repeat itself, and if BioWare can't or won't learn, I see ToR going the same way STO did: Sold to what I view as the cancer of the MMO genre, Perfect World Entertainment, then being made F2P and Pay-to-Win - and all within 2 years.


If you were around for STO from the beginning up to the purchase by PWE, then surely* you can see the similarities.


*Yes, I am serious. And stop calling me Shirley.


Yes. you said it perfectly

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OP, thank you for comparing an MMO to an MMO.


I'm just tired of the MMO vs. New Car or...


MMO vs. Phone or....


MMO vs. House


MMO vs. Restaurant etc etc.


Some of them are understandable analogies, but it's just getting dumb seeing people comparing a tiny investment to a $18,000+ purchase.

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Now, about Star Trek online. As many of you know, Star Trek Online (Which I will abbreviate into STO from now on) Has gone free to play. I downloaded it, and was immediately blown away. The character customization is immense. You are even given the option to craft your own alien species. You pick your class (Which, to be honest, are more or less the same) and go on to name your ship. As the game continues, you gather more ensigns (companions) and even have the ability to customize your companions. The big sell point was space battles. They are hetic, fun, and beautifully rendered. You really do feel like your actions have an impact in the galaxy, you are given missions that arent all the same and are against many different enemies.




Try Eve Online if your looking for an Immense Character creator.

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I played STO at launch and wow, it was terrible. The ground missions and combat were simply awful. Space missions were initially fun but became incredibly repetitive. Both space and ground missions largely devolved into "find the hidden pixel" missions, and very frustrating.


I hear it's changed a lot for the better over the past two years. But you know what? The original game was so bad that even as a free-to-play game, I don't think it's worth giving it a second try.


SWTOR is light years better. No comparison at all.

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Hold on, fanboys. This isn't a thread about how much better star trek online is than starwars. It is just a simple comparasion. This thread isn't meant to make you go out and download trek, it's just meant for us to realize that TOR needs some major improvements.



Now, about Star Trek online. As many of you know, Star Trek Online (Which I will abbreviate into STO from now on) Has gone free to play. I downloaded it, and was immediately blown away. The character customization is immense. You are even given the option to craft your own alien species. You pick your class (Which, to be honest, are more or less the same) and go on to name your ship. As the game continues, you gather more ensigns (companions) and even have the ability to customize your companions. The big sell point was space battles. They are hetic, fun, and beautifully rendered. You really do feel like your actions have an impact in the galaxy, you are given missions that arent all the same and are against many different enemies.



Now, on to TOR...


Let me say that this game is good. But taking into thought that it took 5+ years to develop and over 100 MILLION dollars to make, it's not THAT good. For me, this is the second dissapointing bioware game after DRAGON AGE II. That being said, it's not as BAD as dragon age II, infact, it's not bad at all. But it needs to make some major enhancements if it's going to survive.


1. Customize companions. weapons and armour are fine, but if we were able to customize the cosmetic features of our companions, they become OUR creation, and make them all that more fun to manage and tweak. There is really no reason why this shouldn't be an option.


2. Dyes. Seriously?? Dyes are a simple item that ALL MMOS have. The ability ( or lack, thereof) of being able to dye your clothing is unforgiveable


3. PVP. Pvp is fun, again, I don't HATE this game. (I still pay for it) but to launch a game with THREE maps (Huttball, Alderann, Space battle) is disgusting. non-instanced pvp is fun, but there are usually not alot of people to find if you travel to the marked zones. More maps need to be added. No MMO would even think about launching with this paltry amount.


Star wars needs to update. REALLY needs to update, because with huge mmos coming out this year (Guild wars 2, for example) I sense it will loose alot of subs to these heavy hitters. I think they released an unfinished game, and depended on the star wars name to sell (A la Kotor 2, anyone?) That being said, I do enjoy this game. I realize that yes, it is a launch title, and its early in its lifespan, but if you compete with a game that has been on the market for over 5 years, and has mountains of content, why wouldn't you develop and expand on those features for your game at launch? it's like releasing a car without an airbag, but then telling the customer (Oh, yes, well, the other car has airbags now, but we will have airbags in a year. don't worry). All in all, TOR has hope. But that hope is dwindling. Compared to Star Trek, it has a long way to go.


Cryptic did STO, and as such they are known for one thing...there customization options in character creation. CoH/V ring a bell? how about champions online? basically Cryptic does one thing super well and its character creation...that said...


they fail at pretty much every other facet of every game have ever made. End game tend to suck badly at aside from CoH/V have yet to make an mmo has held any real water in the market. CO supposed successor to CoH/V tanked pretty badly, that at LAUNCH had to offer life time subs because knew was gonna be a stinker. STO could have been amazing but ground combat was terrible and is so very much of it...now space combat is decent but honestly i can't play it in large spurts because of how overly dull combat really is. Spam key 1, tun ship to other shield side...ect ect. Now that said STO is BEAUTIFULLY rendered and i could just fly around staring out at space and probably be pretty happy...


TOR>STO in almost every area but customization but, i hardly expected bioware to be king of customization... they pretty much fail at it in every game have ever made. but i believe it has more to do that bioware games focus ALOT on characters face, and way it has to move and shift and express itself. So it limits them on what can give us access to.

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I'm a Star Trek fan, and my interest in STO lasted about 1-2 months before I unsubbed.


I'm a huge Star Trek fan, a lot more then a Star Wars fan, and I couldn't bring myself to even buy the game after playing in Beta, and then the head start. So yeah, when people tell me that the only reason why I am playin SWTOR is because I am a Star Wars fan and wouldn't be playing it if it wasn't Star Wars, I always tell them if that was true, I would bought and still be playing Star Trek Online.

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Played STO. Liked the customization (made a chiss character on the klingon empire side before I knew they were in SWTOR) but the problems were pretty glaring past that.


Federation versus Klingon Empire. This is why I will never complain about being Republic in SWTOR. STO released the second faction with literally nothing to do besides some daily quests and PvP and by and large has ignored it. You couldn't even make a Klingon until level 5 (now level 20) which only destroyed their numbers further.


Community: Even on the Fed side it felt empty. The only time you really saw other people was when there was a Borg attack. Granted, these were good ways to get multiple players, even those from the other faction, working together, but outside that, there was little incentive to group up for anything (you have 3 companions in that game btw).

Edited by Abanoth
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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights. Let's see how those "huge epic battles" play out when everyone is lagging and having FPS issues just like TOR. I'm sure somebody is going "It's engine issues! Blah blah!" If you didn't notice, at the release of WoW, it had terrible FPS issues as well. Even if it's an engine issue, it will be fixed.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ? Contests between servers! Oh my! *********** awesome! Because I totally care about people I don't play with on other servers!


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.Actually, you missed one option. TOR gains members, WoW players go try GW2 out, majority of them go "This isn't WoW", quit, and go back to WoW, and the only player base GW2 has left are a few sour SW:TOR fans who will eventually go back to SW:TOR when other things are fixed, and the hardcore GW1 fans.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.]I'm sure you played beta, I'm sure your friend played beta, I'm sure you think GW2 will crush its competition. Bottom line is you're wrong. History tells me you're wrong.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.


Really? I'm sure GW1 didn't deliver much at all. I put it on the back of my shelf with LOTRo and DCUO.

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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