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The Psychology of Dark Side Vs Light Side Players in Games


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So, up until this game I have never played an evil character. I was always doing the good thing in games. In this game, i am fully a dark side character and I love it. I probably would never have done this though if I had not decided that sith assasins looked the coolest. Then, you get khem val who loves you being evil. So I did evil things at first for khem and the ds points, then I started to enjoy them. This is mainly due to the fact that this is the opposite of my personality. it adds something different to the game. I am able to be something that I am not, and i dont feel bad because I know it is only a game. I will probably end up playing some jedi toons and I am sure I will play them as light side. So, a guess a reason some may play ds is just to have something different. To play a game different than they have played games in the past to get a different experience out of it.
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I'm really in between. I don't play fully light or dark because both extremes don't cater to my taste.


Dark is too "d-bag" ish for me and light really makes you feel like a tool.


I tend to be more light than dark but I will choose a dark option when I believe in it.


So basically I'm saying that I choose the response for my character that I would normally choose for myself.

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I'm really in between. I don't play fully light or dark because both extremes don't cater to my taste.


Dark is too "d-bag" ish for me and light really makes you feel like a tool.


I tend to be more light than dark but I will choose a dark option when I believe in it.


So basically I'm saying that I choose the response for my character that I would normally choose for myself.


Same here. Some choices on the dark side are not clearly evil but you still get light side points as opposed to dark side for psychopathy joker type evil.


One example

On Belsavis you have a choice in one mission arch to release psychopathic murderers (dark side points) or release intelligent mob boss types (light side points) to revolt against republic prison forces.


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Or it could be, and I know this sounds crazy, that some of us are mature enough and secure enough in our own epistemology and morality that we can MAKE-BELIEVE. Strange, right?


The fact that the OP chooses attempts to generalize personality types in this way shows he has some living to do.


/Pub by the way

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Same here. Some choices on the dark side are not clearly evil but you still get light side points as opposed to dark side for psychopathy joker type evil.


One example

On Belsavis you have a choice in one mission arch to release psychopathic murderers (dark side points) or release intelligent mob boss types (light side points) to revolt against republic prison forces.


Which is quite ironic, considering that a group of intelligent people can cause a helluva lot more damage than a group of crazed loonies. The "DS" choice would most likely result in them trying to kill the imperials and get gunned down, greatly reducing the amount of lives lost while still doing as you're told/asked.

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Which is quite ironic, considering that a group of intelligent people can cause a helluva lot more damage than a group of crazed loonies. The "DS" choice would most likely result in them trying to kill the imperials and get gunned down, greatly reducing the amount of lives lost while still doing as you're told/asked.

I'd argue this. You can predict an intlligent mans moves ahead of time. Good luck predicting a loon :p

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I'm playing a bounty hunter on a RP-PVP realm, level six thus far and am more light than dark at present.

I have got light and dark side points for lying to those that have hired me, i guess because i only kill when i need to, though i do enjoy blasting the crap out of trash mobs just for practice:D

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Usually i'm the Good guy, Paladin, helper or saviour in games i play. Story line wise in this game i felt most in line with the Consular story line as i tend to be a thinker and peacemaker while still enjoying the "stabby stabby" games give me :) Being a Good and helpful Jedi who did what he could to end conflict with dialogue THEN lightsabers gave me a positive feeling of a job well done.


If i'm running a FP with a bunch of folks who wan't to try DS answers, i pass on answering, because though i'm willing to help players get through Fps, i have no interest in joining in on such things as my character would never!


However i was on a voice chat with a buddy as we tried the Dark side, i was playing a bountyhunter.



Took a quest in starter area where the Hutt send you do bring the head of some guy and deliver it to his wife as a message. When i completed the quest and the poor wife cried and rechted,




an almost evil laugh just bubbled up, was nearly demonic, and my buddy called me on it.


Guess once in a while even people who heavily tend to good things like me, can still enjoy a little evil here and there. Thats the only quest that really got me like that, but i haven't gone far. Who knows, maybe its the same reason i wouldn't hack someone with a sword in real life, however in a game i'd get in line like its a krispy kreme.


That help?

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I play a Light-sided Sith Warrior. I tend to be very easy-going. My character hates doing anything violent like killing. But as a sith, he doesn't care who thinks less of him because of it. As a Sith, he feels like he should do whatever he wants...and what he wants is to be good. :D
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I do lightside, my darkside choices are usually not really dark. The reason is I hate to watch uneccessary cruelty, even if it's a game it's still hard to watch. Like in the Sith Warrior story

watching Vette get shocked and when your master sucks the brains out of that republic dude

. I have a good standards to keep no matter what

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