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Class Betrayal Quests


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I come from EQ2, so I don't know how WoW does it (if they do it). And its not like EQ2's class betrayal quest is anything exciting or dynamic, BUT....I think it'd be AMAZING in the Star Wars Lore and Legend of it all..if eventually each class could have a betrayal story if the player was interested in betraying. I could see some EPIC storylines evolving around..for instance...a Sith Inquisitor disillusioned with the Emperor and the chaos of the Sith to find his way questioning all the anger and emotion he has built up stumbling into a journey to purge himself of all emotion, accepted by the Jedi, to reform himself into a Consular.


Or the story of a smuggler wronged by the righteous Jedi far too many times to find himself doing side jobs for the Imperials eventually leading to the Imperial Agent betrayal.



I just think there is A LOT of potential surrounding stories of betrayal to the other side.


Obviously a quest such as this would require a lot of effort, you couldn't just go and betray one day to the next.


The possibility of EPICNESS makes me excited in the pants...

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sad because would of been good and fun story.


The storyline and quest system in this game sucks lets be honest.


And you can't compare it to other mmorpgs because bioware ran around and claimed how they were going to change questing in mmorpgs by making it more like single player games.


Problem is compared to single player games its so bad.... words can't describe, most days I feel like they ruined my favorite xbox game.

Edited by DirtyDiggler
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sad because would of been good and fun story.


The storyline and quest system in this game sucks lets be honest.


And you can't compare it to other mmorpgs because bioware ran around and claimed how they were going to change questing in mmorpgs by making it more like single player games.


Problem is compared to single player games its so bad.... words can't describe, most days I feel like they ruined my favorite xbox game.


If you think Bioware's stories in TOR (yes, plural - there are a lot of them), odds are good, then, that you'd dislike any future stories they write no matter what they're about.

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WoW does have this option, just with no story line.


I dont remember the exact timeline or when the options to do these became available, but some of the options were available a few years ago. When they first became available i did do a character sex change and also server transfered. Some of the later options became available while i was on break from playing WoW.


But WoW allows:

-Name Changes

-Server Transfers

-Character Sex Changes

-Faction Changes

-Race Changes


None of them have any fancy stories. You just go to their site, start a transaction pay a fee and usually within an hour your change was complete.

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  • 1 year later...

I agree. I want this too. This would also be consistent with Star Wars Lore and make the game even more exciting! Everyone saying that this would ruin the game or that everyone would be doing it, just hasn't played EQ2. Yes many people would be doing it, but why wouldn't they? If they want to, there should be an option, and Bioware should be willing to do this.


Just because the option is there, doesn't mean everyone would do it . It just means that those who chose to, would be able to. Bioware came up with Revan and HE did it, why wouldn't they let the rest of us.


Not only did Revan do it...

Anakin did it.

Tyrannus did it.

Shigar almost did it.

...so many others did as well.


Such a part of Star Wars should not be overlooked.

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  • 9 months later...

I would love to see this as well ad possible arch type reset


for the betrayal/redeption quests would be very cool to promote open world pvp you go back to you basic class


Quest should take about 2 weeks to complete to keep people from flip flopping

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Well, start a Sith, and RP him or her as a former Jedi...? The faction change during a game will be a total nightmare to accommodate for. I mean, we can't get far simpler things, a whole overhaul and retro-fitting the story... not to mention the expectation of references to such a peculiar background....
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