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Warzone SHOULDN'T be able to leave.


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I pretty much just saw "Warzone" and "leave" and assumed it was a QQ that got owned and rageposted.


I was right.


Basically... I wrote that after a whole afternoon of warzones ended with shutdown because other people leaving, two of them while we were WINNING but the team that are less than 5 automatically is defeated. Not really owned. I'm quite use to that. I ragepost if people do not understand that playing a mass game is thinking ALSO of other people game, and not only their own. If people don't get it... then their skulls don't worth a brain.

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Oh are the warzones leaving too? Phew, for a second there I thought it was just me.


I guess the warzones themselves had enough of the bads too.


Hey Bioware, when you apply a penalty to quitters, make sure that if Huttball is leaving (as the OP suggests) that you give it a 1 hour ban from popping.


I don't approve of leaving warzones frivolously, but you made me lol. <3

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Didn't know about it... I'd rather act more strongly on that... but anyway it's already somethin'.

It's like 3 hours that I'm trying to win 3 wz... and 19 of them finished with the shutdown countdown. And all started with 8 people.


Unless the round bugged out (ended with full groups) I have NEVER in all my pvp (multiple characters, main is valor 55) seen a round end early because of a lack of people.


Every time the countdown starts it may get down to 60 seconds but there is always enough coming in to make it stop.


But you do realize the round ending is a GOOD thing, right? With my rounds never ending it means I have to stay and get farmed for the full 12 minutes or leave the round and get nothing.


If you stayed in all those rounds you got at least one bag out of it with comm's, and probably close to a rank of valor if in the 50's, more if lower.

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Couldn't agree more


Kid crying? DEAL WITH IT

Need to pee? DEAL WITH IT

House on fire? DEAL WITH IT


I can't beleave people are putting thier OWN ENJOYMENT, REAL LIFE CRITICAL ISSUES, and USELESS THINGS LIKE "MAKING SURE THEY ARE HAVING FUN" ahead of my own need to WIN.




It's not fair. In fact not being able to leave isn't enough. If you are in a WZ and not doing enough to help me win, BW should broadcase your RL name, adress, and phone number so I can come over and rough you up.



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I ragepost if people do not understand that playing a mass game is thinking ALSO of other people game, and not only their own.


From what little I gathered from this, I think that you believe that someone should be REQUIRED to play with you, even if you're a bad player, don't know or understand the rules, or have bad gear.


I mean, essentially, you're trying to make a case that it is somehow fair that I should be forced to play a warzone where I have to put in effort, but others are not required to. Stop rageposting. Do a forum search, kid, look at all the other "QQ OMG WZ LEAVERS!!!11 QQQQQQQQQQQQQ" threads. There's tons of them. What makes you think we need another one?

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I normally never leave a Wz before its over, but today i just had to.

My team had soo many clueless people that i was amazed it was even possible.


1st time my team gets the ball the handler runs the wrong way while using sprint, he ends up in our goal line before he spots the 200 arrows pointing the other way, just as he turns 2 marauders charges him and kills him while he is still at our goal line and ofc scores.


a few min later i manage to knock the ball handler into our pit and jump after him to finish him off, just as i jump down, this sniper on our team stands on the edge of the pit and the Jugg just charges him back up and score..


Then i simply had to leave.. sorry about that

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Would you rather have the dead weight of an AFK player on your team preventing someone else from taking their place? Or someone who actively sabotages their own team out of spite because they'd rather not be there?


If you're this angry about people leaving now, you might want to get your blood pressure checked before they add a punishment for leaving and you see that people still leave, weigh your team down with AFKers, or are intentional saboteurs. Then you might not be able to post a rage thread about it because you had an aneurysm.

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Would you rather have the dead weight of an AFK player on your team preventing someone else from taking their place? Or someone who actively sabotages their own team out of spite because they'd rather not be there?


If you're this angry about people leaving now, you might want to get your blood pressure checked before they add a punishment for leaving and you see that people still leave, weigh your team down with AFKers, or are intentional saboteurs. Then you might not be able to post a rage thread about it because you had an aneurysm.


You could still kick people even if you added a punishment, so this would not be an issue.

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I feel like this is akin to chopping off the arm for a broken finger.


Why do people leave warzones? There are a myriad of reasons, I believe the key one though is people are trying to get their daily completed, and then move on to bigger and better things. Because Bioware severely lacks foresight, we have the 3 wins = quest completed requirement. Many people are task-oriented players, so if the objective is to attain these three wins, the shortest path is often the quickest one, ergo if the boat starts to sink, they abandon ship, even if perhaps it has the potential to remain afloat.


Speaking personally, I do not mind losing to a better team, and will fight to the bitter end, but if we're being farmed for medals, I see that as a sign of an utter lack of sportsmanship, and I feel entitled to reciprocate that disrespect by either leaving, or finding a quiet spot to stealth away from the enemy. Your little premade team won't be getting a single extra commendation from me if you can't end a horrendously mismatched battle promptly.


Punishing people for leaving will only cause more frustration, when the system itself is in need of an overhaul. The less empathetic amongst us may say good riddance, but with all the complaints over longer queue times, you would think they would be more receptive to dissenting opinions of other PvPers.


I heard the quest bag system is being revamped, I don't know in what way, but that's the real issue here, deserting matches is merely a symptom.

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