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Please put more effort into Republic in future content please


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I have 14 TOR toons currently, 7 Imp, 7 Reps, and I really have to comment that it's pretty clear why it's suggested that more people are either favoring Imperial or playing Imperial, or both.


I've never had any inclination ever in this or any other MMO to have my main faction be a vilainous or hostile sided faction, but the Imperial stories and companions are just so much better than anything I've yet to see on the Republic side, and my Republic toons are much higher levels than my Imperials, so I've gotten a good taste of them so far.


And this difference is not by a small margin either.


My main is a Jedi Knight Sentinel, and the story (aside from Tython) is pretty dull. When I got the to end of Tython and recieved my lightsaber, it was quite epic. Nothing in the Jedi Knight story line has come close to being as exciting or epic or mysterious or clever or any other intense feeling since.


Now I know the focus of this game is supposed to be story. I've worked in the film industry for over 10 years and have been writing stories and scripts since I was in my teens, and there is much better that can be done with the light side of the force to make it more attractive to play.


I'm asking for a lot more to be done to make the Republic fun to play in future content that is released.


Thank you for reading this feedback.

Edited by LeonBraun
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Did you do all of Act 1 for the Knight? It hits a bit of a lull in the middle, but it picks up then towards the end of the act. I felt rushed to finish Alderaan and all the missions after that to finish the act, because of how the story was paced for that portion.


I haven't really played much of the Empire's stuff yet - just started with my agent and I'm already liking what I've seen there. Still, while it is more immediately engaging than the Jedi Knight storyline, I haven't gotten far enough in yet to see if it still has that same level of awesomeness yet.

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I also have a lvl 50 Jedi Knight. And I enjoyed the class story line very much. Please don't take your opinion and try to tout it as fact. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean the story was bad. Edited by Genkin
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I also have a lvl 50 Jedi Knight. And I enjoyed the class story line very much. Please don't take your opinion and try to tout it as fact. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean the story was bad.


Right, you enjoyed it, but have you tried the INQ or IA stories? They make the JK one seem like a B rated porno that doesn't show nudity.

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I've just rolled my first Imp toon (level 21 Sniper) after taking 2 characters(Sage and Guardian) to 50 on the republic side. I didn't believe all the comments about the Imperial favoritism.


However, all my skepticism was swept aside the first time I went to the Imperial fleet. The Imperial fleet is brighter and more open. Many of the trainers look like they are doing something on the fleet besides standing there and waiting for me. It's amazing how much better the Imperial fleet is compared to the Republic fleet.


And the Phantom is so much better than any ship on the republic side. There is no contest.

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Right, you enjoyed it, but have you tried the INQ or IA stories? They make the JK one seem like a B rated porno that doesn't show nudity.
I've played the Bounty Hunter, Sith Warrior and have a lvl 42 Inquisitor. And my opinion is the same. I enjoyed the Jedi Knight class story. And I don't believe I am the only one.
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Right, you enjoyed it, but have you tried the INQ or IA stories? They make the JK one seem like a B rated porno that doesn't show nudity.


It worse than that. The Jedi Stories make sense for Jedi; they "fit". The Jedi as a whole with all the warrior monk nonsense is just ill-conceived right from the get-go in the 1970s. This would have been a fantastic place for Bioware to take some serious creative license and make the Jedi order at least make some minimal level of sense and stop being so... beige....

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My main is a Jedi Knight Sentinel, and the story (aside from Tython) is pretty dull. When I got the to end of Tython and recieved my lightsaber, it was quite epic. Nothing in the Jedi Knight story line has come close to being as exciting or epic or mysterious or clever or any other intense feeling since.


Now I know the focus of this game is supposed to be story. I've worked in the film industry for over 10 years and have been writing stories and scripts since I was in my teens, and there is much better that can be done with the light side of the force to make it more attractive to play.


I'm asking for a lot more to be done to make the Republic fun to play in future content that is released.


Thank you for reading this feedback.



I thought the JK main story was/is pretty decent. Given that all the class story arcs have a fair bit of "filler" in them. YMMV I guess.

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Right, you enjoyed it, but have you tried the INQ or IA stories? They make the JK one seem like a B rated porno that doesn't show nudity.


I did finish act 1 yes, and I thought the only highlight in it was the the Kira story after Tython, and the rest was all military watchdog type stuff. It hasn't picked up or changed at all in the stuff I've done that has followed.


And yes, I have both and Inq and a IA... I prefer the IA and the Bounty Hunter story so far to the knight.


In fact I prefer the Consular over the knight. Much more cerebral so far. Still, the republic side needs a lot of TLC in future story lines.


Of note, I have at least one of every primary class, and most of the AC's as well.

Edited by LeonBraun
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