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Why PvP fail in Swtor.com


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Ilum: zergfest, not only do the devs think this is PvP, so does 80% of the people playing the game joining the zergs to get quest done and easy ranking.

Fail at logic PvP The one with biggest numbers zerging the outnumbered gets the best reward, while Imperials can control Ilum and Get more points by Killing you 5 vs 1 than 1 person killing 5 people solo.


Warzones: Seriously a game that has been in the work for ages and all you can make from launch is 3 Warzones? Well more Warzones is coming BLA BLA, a little late 4 months later, don't you think? We can't even choose what Warzones we want. Apart from copying Battleground/Warzones from other games, you choose to not even let us choose what we want to play. Nice, the warzones is not so bad, but way to much Knockbacks, pulling people and CC.


Gear, ok obviously didn't learn anything from other games, Maybe learned from Rift were they were complaining about Valor on gear for ages and they actually changed it, so didn't matter how high rank PvP gear you had, same valor on each pieces. Lets go farm some Warzones so we can buy some bags that has completly random luck in getting anything. Really what were they thinking making gear random luck and chances of never getting full set ever, and chances of getting 1000 in theory before they changed it. And after all the complaining and people trying to open Biowares eyes. They chose to change the random luck apart from on the BM, *** were they thinking, why not change the BM aswell.


And yeah this is a rant, rage quit, bad english, QQ and I don't bring solution andI won't, this game can burn:D It woulnd't be read anyways.



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PvP isn't great in SWTOR I agree.


It has numerous problems with class imbalance and only 3 WZ's to GRIND to valor rank 60 is just torture.


No variation, and way too much of a grind.


PvP is far too gear dependant too. A Centurion geared playes stands absolutley no chance against a champion or battlemaster.


I think the major factor in PvP should be skill, gear should just be a slight edge.


Furthermore, virtualy no class encouages finesse play. it's virtually just guys wailing away at eachother.


TOO many goddamn stuns too.


PvP needs a complete overhaul, it needs to go back to the design table with a completely new team of employees. Needless to say this will not happen anytime soon.

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Warzones: Apart from copying Battleground/Warzones from other games,


So WoW nor Rift ever copied another game? They set up a domination map. Call of Duty sound familiar? Yes they have some issues, I am perfectly fine with how the game is. The game isn't going to be perfect. You think every other game has fixed its issues? WoW is still retarded in many ways with pvp imbalance(Blood DK's still OP). Everygame will have issues from the start its been 2 months, it still has time to fix ****. They bag system honestly wasn't that bad of a system. Maybe up the percentage, the only thing that was dumb was the valor system based off who has less of a life. They are changing how you get gear so stop your QQing. The game is not fail and I mean seriously, WoW with guns and sabers? What more could you ask for?

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What I find harsh regarding issues like this is the lack of interest shown from Bioware to adress or even join in the discussions. You have always been one of the game companies that have been warm at heart about your players, and this is a new market for Bioware, this should be the time if any to interact with your community and discuss things like this.


No promises need to discusses, just open a dioalog with your playerbase to adress the many issues that currently are there for the PvP minded players, its pretty obvious by now that a very big part of the PvP players are unhappy with how the system works so far.

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So WoW nor Rift ever copied another game? They set up a domination map. Call of Duty sound familiar? Yes they have some issues, I am perfectly fine with how the game is. The game isn't going to be perfect. You think every other game has fixed its issues? WoW is still retarded in many ways with pvp imbalance(Blood DK's still OP). Everygame will have issues from the start its been 2 months, it still has time to fix ****. They bag system honestly wasn't that bad of a system. Maybe up the percentage, the only thing that was dumb was the valor system based off who has less of a life. They are changing how you get gear so stop your QQing. The game is not fail and I mean seriously, WoW with guns and sabers? What more could you ask for?


My point is, when they are going to copy a system from other games, why leave good parts of it out, it's just so dumb. I don't play WoW, I never played WoW to max lvl. It's not an issue it's a lack of learning from other games and doing the same mistake and not fixing it months after realease and still not adressed it.


Ok you think the bag system was good, I just don't understand what you think is good about someone doing as much work as others and 1 person getting no reward, while others getting max reward out of pure luck. They are changing it now, because of the us players doing they're job, cause they had no idea that is was really awful and you don't know what is exactly happening before it's done.


Sorry if I offended you swtor fan boy, but not learning obvious mistakes from other games is just poor for an mmo made in 2012. The game is fail and nearly dead on my server for obvious reasons, have fun.

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Ok you think the bag system was good, I just don't understand what you think is good about someone doing as much work as others and 1 person getting no reward, while others getting max reward out of pure luck. They are changing it now, because of the us players doing they're job, cause they had no idea that is was really awful and you don't know what is exactly happening before it's done.


You mean... like PvE drops that every one considers fair with the exception that you can't AFK in OPS and idle in Ilum 5 to 1 zerg to get Rakata gear?


Am I the only one who thinks about 95% of whiners on this forum are playing their first MMO ever or first after "World of Free purples as long as you pay your sub craft" that they started in cata anyway?

Edited by Lerdoc
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You mean... like PvE drops that every one considers fair with the exception that you can't AFK in OPS and idle in Ilum 5 to 1 zerg to get Rakata gear?


Am I the only one who thinks about 95% of whiners on this forum are playing their first MMO ever or first after "World of Free purples as long as you pay your sub craft" that they started in cata anyway?


I don't PvE, don't know what your talking about.


Lol seriously 95% of whiners on the forum playing the first MMO, don't think so, with your fail logic thinking like that, I could say 99% of people that thinks this game is good have only tried PvP in this game and never played any other mmo before.

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I don't PvE, don't know what your talking about.


Lol seriously 95% of whiners on the forum playing the first MMO, don't think so, with your fail logic thinking like that, I could say 99% of people that thinks this game is good have only tried PvP in this game and never played any other mmo before.


PVP in this game is no different then a lot of recent MMOs. There's a just a few that have done it differently (DAoC, UO, GW, EQ).

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What I find harsh regarding issues like this is the lack of interest shown from Bioware to adress or even join in the discussions. You have always been one of the game companies that have been warm at heart about your players, and this is a new market for Bioware, this should be the time if any to interact with your community and discuss things like this.


No promises need to discusses, just open a dioalog with your playerbase to adress the many issues that currently are there for the PvP minded players, its pretty obvious by now that a very big part of the PvP players are unhappy with how the system works so far.



I agree with that, in the beginning okay that might have been a bit surprised that there is that much interest in pvp so they didn´t actually set up a community rep for pvp but after they admitted that there is such high demand for pvp they really should have hired someone to take a bit more care of the pvpers.


The only thing that really gets any attention in the forums is to my knowledge the raid players which is kind of sad in a game that has "a whole team devoted to pvp".

Edited by Garbald
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False. And the ones that is similar didn't do it the same way.


Ok, name 3 MMOs in past 5 years that broke the "system" and were not closed or went F2P year after that if you think he is false. Sorry, but all the basics are exactly same as in most other MMOs. Details are minor like mechanics or Guard. Base is exactly the same.

Edited by Lerdoc
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What I find harsh regarding issues like this is the lack of interest shown from Bioware to adress or even join in the discussions. You have always been one of the game companies that have been warm at heart about your players, and this is a new market for Bioware, this should be the time if any to interact with your community and discuss things like this.


No promises need to discusses, just open a dioalog with your playerbase to adress the many issues that currently are there for the PvP minded players, its pretty obvious by now that a very big part of the PvP players are unhappy with how the system works so far.


They could be not be joining in because like the rest of the silent majority they dissagree with your statement

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i cant agree more with why pvp fails just rage quit on ilum cause 3 siths were able to take down a 6 man ops all becaause of stealth/force speed/knockback all they do is stealth gank 1 player then run around till they can stealth get out of combat for free with no way of stoping it heal up and do it over and over
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