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PVP tips? Sage vs Assassin


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My toon is a Sage healer spec. I can stand up to most opponents in the WZ's but have noticed that I have a slim chance against Sith Assassins. They have stuns and many interrupts that disrupt my heals; they stealth when their health is low.


I've found one fairly succesful strategy but wondered if any others existed?

I open with bubble and DOT, then topup my health and dispel stuns placed on me, then saber-slash and DOT until he attempts a long cast which I interrupt, then DOT and heal, etc. Further charged-up casts can be disrupted with force wake, but that's the end of my bag of tricks.


The above strategy doesn't work that often because of the amount of burst damage I get dealt. Anyone got any (meaningful, reasoned) tips?

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Travel heavy on endurance instead of willpower/power.




I'll take increased healing, damage and critical chance for $200, Alex. I did lol at a 19k sage last night that exploded and was generally worthless for anything other than being a punching bag.

Edited by unixbomber
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My toon is a Sage healer spec. I can stand up to most opponents in the WZ's but have noticed that I have a slim chance against Sith Assassins. They have stuns and many interrupts that disrupt my heals; they stealth when their health is low.


I've found one fairly succesful strategy but wondered if any others existed?

I open with bubble and DOT, then topup my health and dispel stuns placed on me, then saber-slash and DOT until he attempts a long cast which I interrupt, then DOT and heal, etc. Further charged-up casts can be disrupted with force wake, but that's the end of my bag of tricks.


The above strategy doesn't work that often because of the amount of burst damage I get dealt. Anyone got any (meaningful, reasoned) tips?


Your best scenario would be to try and force a draw, by escaping any means you can.


Like others mentioned, you're a healing spec. Surviving and not being killed, and then getting a 3rd person on your side into the fight, is by itself a win.

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If you're healer, I saw a reasonably effective straetgy to just spam Benevolence when Healing Trance is down, because most good players hesitate to interupt that (because you can cast Deliverance if that gets interrupted) and this will keep you alive long enough for help to arrive. It eats up your Force but it's better than being dead.
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Don't be afraid to put up a cast bar for assassins to interrupt, if it's a tankasin they actually have a pretty crappy 4 second interrupt...as it's on a 12 second cooldown. Make them interrupt something suboptimal then heal up. If they knock you back to interrupt it, just start casting again...they still won't have their interrupt up yet. If they use spike (2 sec stun), just start casting again when you recover. They STILL won't have their interrupt up yet. If they use their 4 second stun, you can either take it, or pop your cc break then. Now you're at full resolve.


At full resolve, you can spam cast bars all you want...since now they can't use any CC tools and once again...12 sec cooldown on the interrupt.


If you see them start hitting you with force lightning, go ahead and use a knockback or something to interrupt that so they don't hurt you really bad through recklessness charged lightning with stacks up (and heal themselves). Then they can't do it again for quite a while. Common mistake I see from sage/sorc is letting me channel the entire force lightning on them with 3 stacks of harnessed darkness and recklessness on. This hurts a lot but is easily countered so do so. Don't try to use a standard 4 second lockout interrupt on it, it will not work as they have a talent that makes them immune to it while channeling force lightning while harnessed darkness stacks are on.


Lastly, don't panic if you see your hps drop more than you like early on. Assassins don't have a large force pool, their sustained damage (if you interrupt force lightning with a stun, mez, knockback etc) is actually quite poor in pvp. They will not maintain that damage you took in the open of the fight at all, they burned their entire force pool to do it. Use a medpack if you need to to avoid getting overwhelmed while you build your resolve up in preparation for freecasting later.



Will all this guarantee you a win? No, but there's no reason to lose a quick fight to them either. It's a bad matchup for sage/sorc but you are by no means helpless. Another thing to consider is force speeding into your friends. If they chase you with force speed themselves...well now you're with your friends and hopefully they would do something about an enemy attacking their healer. If they opt to force pull you back instead, that builds more resolve for you which is good. Of course, they may just let you go and go for someone else too, which is fine.


Hope this helps.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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Don't be afraid to put up a cast bar for assassins to interrupt, if it's a tankasin they actually have a pretty crappy 4 second interrupt...as it's on a 12 second cooldown. Make them interrupt something suboptimal then heal up. If they knock you back to interrupt it, just start casting again...they still won't have their interrupt up yet. If they use spike (2 sec stun), just start casting again when you recover. They STILL won't have their interrupt up yet. If they use their 4 second stun, you can either take it, or pop your cc break then. Now you're at full resolve.


At full resolve, you can spam cast bars all you want...since now they can't use any CC tools and once again...12 sec cooldown on the interrupt.


If you see them start hitting you with force lightning, go ahead and use a knockback or something to interrupt that so they don't hurt you really bad through recklessness charged lightning with stacks up (and heal themselves). Then they can't do it again for quite a while. Common mistake I see from sage/sorc is letting me channel the entire force lightning on them with 3 stacks of harnessed darkness and recklessness on. This hurts a lot but is easily countered so do so. Don't try to use a standard 4 second lockout interrupt on it, it will not work as they have a talent that makes them immune to it while channeling force lightning while harnessed darkness stacks are on.


Lastly, don't panic if you see your hps drop more than you like early on. Assassins don't have a large force pool, their sustained damage (if you interrupt force lightning with a stun, mez, knockback etc) is actually quite poor in pvp. They will not maintain that damage you took in the open of the fight at all, they burned their entire force pool to do it. Use a medpack if you need to to avoid getting overwhelmed while you build your resolve up in preparation for freecasting later.


Hope this helps.


The only heal you need to interrupt 1on1 is Deliverance in this particular matchup. You can DPS through Benevolence/Salvaation, and Healing Trance is hard to interrupt because if you're trained to interrupt the spell at the last possible moment (generally good idea) this obviously backfires against you on a channeled heal. This is why spamming Benevolence works well as a delaying tactic (it can be DPS through but not very quickly). If they actually interrupt Benevolence of course you just cast Deliverance and you'll be fine. The healer can't possibly win in this case but you might be able to stall long enough until help arrives.


Tankasins don't really burn their force pool. It might look like they're trying to burst you down because they usually have 30 or less Force but it's a way to preemptively defeat CC (if you got no Force, getting CCed is not a problem). A perfectly normal rotation like Wither -> Shock -> FL leaves you with less than 30F at the time the FL fires off and nobody would call this 'burst DPS'. It's not as low as it appears because by the time Wither/Shock refreshes he'd have 60-70 Force. This rotation can be done for ~30s continously and yet each time the FL fires off you'd be under 30F.


You need Force Speed to have a reasonable shot at stopping the Tankasin's FL, either to get away or close in to melee range. A good Tankasin isn't going to give you melee range unless he's trying to Assassinate you.


It's easier said than done but if you can stun the Tankasin while he has 100 Force, this will greatly help you survive the fight. Unfortunately usually this only happens when you first engage the Tankasin and while it's actually not a bad idea to stun immediately, it's also not the greatest thing to do either, so you've a difficult decision there.

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I can't speak about tank sins, but from a deception assassin standpoint I suggest you stun and run to your group. As others have said, your best bet is to watch the force bar closely. Once I'm out of force and have used my embrace darkness, you're free to do whatever you want. The only problem with that is in 1v1 you'll be long dead before I run out of force. Edited by mrdert
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I have a lvl 70 tankassassin and a vlaor lvl 40 sorcer so maybe I can help you out.


As a sorcer/sage your gonna be hard pressed to beat any tankassassin that has skill. They have a lot of utility to stand up to your survivability. Your gonna have to stun them first and pop as many dots on them as possible and start kiting them. Once you start kiting pop your relics and stims as you will need them. Use what ever you can to keep them slowed while doing as much dmg as possible. Remember that they have 10m range and FL with reckless can hit from 30m so you have to keep away at least 10m, I'll go into FL in a bit. Heal and pop bubble as need be. The goal here is not to kill them but to get their health low enough so they vanish or buy yourself enough time for help to come.


As a tankassassin I'm gonna stun you and pop crushing darkness while I build of three stacks of HD and pop reckless with FL. Then I'll interrupt and stun while I build up another 3 stacks HD etc.


relics, 3 stacks HD and reckless will cause FL to hit like a truck 1.5k per tick on avg. I've had some hit as high as 1.8 but thats pretty rare. You have to be ready to heal through this as soon as you see it coming becuase its immune to interrupts and knockbacks. So as soon as you see the lighting coming 90% chance they built it up to hit hard otherwise they are just bad. This is important because this is really the only damaging ability a tankassassin has outside of assassinate which you have to be at 30% health for them to use. The rest of the skills they have are nothing really damaging.

Edited by fatburn
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