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SW:TOR is young, let it grow!


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I'm gonna troll this!!!!



Just kidding. Honestly, I really agree with the OP. It actually cracks me up to see the whining on the forums, I read them over coffee and get a warm fuzzy feeling. I have played many, many MMOs over the years (SWG and WoW included) and I have never enjoyed a game as much as I enjoy this one. Hell, I played 3 months of Beta and 2 weeks of early access before launch, and I am still not tired of it. There are parts I don't like (don't even get me started on my rant about space), but the parts I do far outweight the few I do not like. I'm patient and just wait for the fixes.


On a side note (To the Developers, not to the customer service team, which is virutually non-existent): Thumbs up on listening to the players Devs! I watch all incoming patches, read every article about future content, and I applaud a company that gives the real gamers what they ask for.

Edited by Aedales
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Yes it's young in terms of release but definitely not young in terms of development time. It's also what, the most expensive MMO ever released and to lack common features like a damage chat window, etc. is just bad.


I don't mind SWTOR as a game but the UI is one of the worst of any game I seen.

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Yeah honestly

I appreciate SWTOR more than ever.


Yes SWTOR has it's problems but when a game is based on Story the acting has to be decent and the story compelling....Bioware knocked that out of the park, as the game matures I can see it becoming a significant player in the MMO genre.

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I think this needs to be said:


We all have to take a step back here and remember that SW:TOR launched officially on 12/20/2011. It just clicked the 2 month mark. TWO MONTHS! It is still very early in the game's life. Every game starts out like this. Nothing is perfect the day it comes out, and if you expect it to be you are living a dream. Wake up please.


Like I said, the game is young. I believe it is off to a great start. MMOs have long life spans and change very much during that span. The day they are born and the day they die are always marginally different beasts. With Bioware releasing weekly patches, and releasing new content quarterly, how can you be mad? People tend to forget that they adopted a brand new game, then complain when it's not perfect.


That said, please let this game mature. Give more/better constructive criticism. Help others out, help yourself out, and help this game become what we all want. We all jumped on the bandwagon, now lets ride this out.


i agree. After all, not every player have 24 hrs to play and reach 50 in 3 days so you get bored of the game in 2 weeks. quite simple, the game is looking good, romance is a nice touch. and so is blanced pvp :cool:

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I agree. There are certainly things that I wish had been in game at launch (more guild support is a big one), but a lot of the bugs come from the fact that even the largest beta tests were relatively small compared to what's going on here, especially end-game wise. For MMO's, I can't really think of a substitute for 1 million some players mucking around doing things a relatively small group of developers never even dreamed of.
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