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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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Thats not open world pvp.


Thats open world ganking. simple as that.


Open world pvp is when kinda equal teams join not in an instanced battleground and start fighting in the open world trying to achieve an objective that would give them some kind of bonus, not a guild of mentally unequal people deniying a whole planet for a faction, thus making it impossible for people to leveling and stalling them and their fun.



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Exactly. We are in factions for a reason. PVPers should salivate at the chance to group up and go kick out a group of invaders. It's not the OPs fault if the opposite team doesn't care enough to defend it's territory.



The Darth that calls us to arms in some of the FPs (his name escapes me), should speak over the intercom at every Sith base and call for reinforcements to that location.

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Thats not open world pvp.


Thats open world ganking. simple as that.


Open world pvp is when kinda equal teams join not in an instanced battleground and start fighting in the open world trying to achieve an objective that would give them some kind of bonus, not a guild of mentally unequal people deniying a whole planet for a faction, thus making it impossible for people to leveling and stalling them and their fun.




That is quite the opposite of Open World PvP.


Real PvP actually rewards nothing but bragging rights and seeing the corpses of your enemy.

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No they shouldn't have, since they were too busy owning Ilum and WZs for valor/commendations aka getting geared. While the republic was stroking their little e-peens against lvl 40 NPCs.


I guess the republic was tired of losing so they had to pick a fight they could win..


What you failed to mention is you did all this while they were off capturing one of your better planets.





SOMEONE CALL THE PO-LEESE! People is having fun, we can't have that around here.

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I blame BW for making world PvP absolutely crap. Who got the bright idea of making PvP servers where you gain nothing by killing other players outside WZs? This sort of stuff would bring alot of people if BW actually rewarded players for doing it, right now they are discouraging it.


But dont kid yourselves. You had fun, and that is a good thing in and of itself. But you did not deny the whole Sith of progression and what not. You merely annoyed a few people =) Then again, if you had fun, power to you.


This. I find it absolutely retarded that I do not even gain valor or anything from killing enemy players outside of WZs or Ilum. If I am out questing in random areas and see an enemy player... what good is attacking him even if I do not get anything for it? Just to grief them for a while?

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OP, awesome job! I'm from Ultima Online days and loved the rush of open world pvp where the players made the action and story happen, not the game or the devs.


This thread reminds me of the other day where as a Jugg (47) I was on Alderaan at Castle Panteer trying to get the datacron w/ a type 3 big body (muscles) and having trouble getting thru the little door. Bioware needs to fix this btw. I was reading some advice on my other computer when i noticed I was getting attacked.


2 Republic players in their low 30s (one shadow and another char) got the jump on me, but sadly me and Jaesa put them down fast. I then noticed them later on going up an elevator on the other side of the main hall w/ some other players. Naturally curious, I headed up too. I walked into a tiny room full of 8 red names (4 players w/ pets) ... we fought and I ended up beating all of them. (Next time just paralyze my pet *hint hint*).


They must've gotten upset and came back w/ lots of people and killed me off - it was pretty fun! I did take offense to their *hit talking while I was dead, so after rezzing on the spot and dying a few times, I chose the med center instead and full healed up. I got back to them just as they were fighting a champion mob (bad luck for them) ... I wiped them all out and killed the champ mob too. I proceeded to RP (im on a rp/pvp server) the evil passage guardian and battled the group a few times before having to go out for some errands - some of the most fun open world pvp I've had in a while.


A few notes:

- I normally do not attack players that are much lower lvl than me.

- I felt that they attacked me first and wanted to pvp, so game on.

- I felt that 2 vs. 1 or 4+ vs. 1 is a decent battle if the other side was willing.

- I dont res camp and give my opponents fair time to heal up etc. - no fun otherwise


That's actually a cool story. I had a similar experience on Hoth trying to get a datacron. It's one in the Republic territory where you go up an elevator, go across some cranes, etc. When I got up top there was a Reb... same level. I killed him off then continued to wait for the crane (moves very slow btw for those who don't know about this). When I was half way across the chasm I noticed about 4 same level Rebs coming up the elevator lol. I managed to JUST make it to the datacron but then I was trapped. If I left the little ledge they would have gotten me... and if I waited then obviously they would have eventually got to me. So I gave them what they wanted. Buffed up. Called my DPS pet. Jumped down and gave it my all for a few seconds. This kind of thing is so much fun compared to Ilum world PVP in my opinion. We should be rewarded for things like this and your story too.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




The guild I was in did it a few weeks ago for **** and giggles. . .it kinda got boring fast.


I wish there was a way to hijack a shuttle or something like in WoW (hijack a boat) and go to one of there planets or even base world like Coruscant, or Dromund kaas.


Dromund Kaas could have a Emperor boss with imperial guard, and Coruscant could have a Jedi council to kill or something.


*EDIT* Maybe even raid one of our fleets like carrick station or something!!! lol

Edited by Drahh
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I highly encourage all people do try this at least once a week as a guild event. Get some sith alts on the station and stir them up by shouting out "help we are being camped by 20 republic on <insert planet name>"


It will get them riled up and coming to storm you out of the place.


Were you guys waiting for them to load when they landed though? If not it seems kind of pointless. Judging by the picture you were all right at where they would spawn. I would have thought it would be more fun if you moved out of that hanger a bit so that they could actually spawn and form a strategy of some sort.

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This. I find it absolutely retarded that I do not even gain valor or anything from killing enemy players outside of WZs or Ilum. If I am out questing in random areas and see an enemy player... what good is attacking him even if I do not get anything for it? Just to grief them for a while?



If you're killed by a player in World PvP, you can NOT respawn where you died.

Bam, there's a reward for killing someone in world PvP that can't be farmed or exploited - satisfaction of making them run back from town (or wherever).


It'd also prevent the same guy from trying over and over again to kill someone, or kill trading as one person's cooldowns are blown when the other guy respawns.

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i am not sure if i have already posted in this thread, but whatever. this is pretty cool. i like the screen shot you dudes took. looks like you are having fun, despite not getting any valor or the rewards this type of play should generate. bioware should look at stuff like this and see that there is a demand for world pvp outside of ilum.


honestly, the most fun i have had in this game is trying to camp the republic respawn in nar shaddaa bonus area. too bad it's effectively pointless, aside from having fun, in a gear grind game. it's funny how our priorities can often ruin the game for us, because we haven't done much world pvp outside of ilum due to the lack of reward, which is silly when you think about it.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




Your frame rate must have been like a 5 year old school presentation with poster board slides...

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No they shouldn't have, since they were too busy owning Ilum and WZs for valor/commendations aka getting geared. While the republic was stroking their little e-peens against lvl 40 NPCs.


I guess the republic was tired of losing so they had to pick a fight they could win..


This mentality, is what ruined mmos :(

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On Mandalore the Republic has been engaging in some pretty fun OW PVP lately. They raided an outpost on tatooine and yesterday they got organized and forced us all the way up to North Assault on Ilum. Was a lot of fun.


Thanks Pubs, I hope you keep the trend up!

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On Mandalore the Republic has been engaging in some pretty fun OW PVP lately. They raided an outpost on tatooine and yesterday they got organized and forced us all the way up to North Assault on Ilum. Was a lot of fun.


Thanks Pubs, I hope you keep the trend up!


Ilum, even with all the crashes and horrible lag, and the fact it's darn near a range-toon's delight, is actually fun even for a Shadow. :) But you better have PvP gear with 350 exp at least.

Edited by Daeborn
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This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS.


Dark Reaper has had some kick azz OPvP rocking for a long time. Shot from a couple nights ago:




Over a month ago:




Taking over the Hoth spaceport sounds fun. Have had some big OPvP fights over the Hoth world boss and control of the mine, but not the spaceport. Gotta try it.

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This... has got to be the best thing. Maybe this weekend or something, I'm gonna try to get my guild to raid Tatooine or Hoth so we can call out some 50's and get a real open world PVP event going. Hitting Alderaan would be cool too. The Empire on the Bastion are always looking for a good scrap it seems.
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