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**{Must See T.V.}** Sage DPS is SOOO Hard


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Watch it side by side and see that a Merc can do 3k+ damage every 1.5 seconds while it takes the Sage 3 seconds to match that damage IF he gets a crit on all atatcks on the 3 second channel. Thats not counting the 5k+ instant casts the Merc could have fired off as well while the Sage only has one instant cast that doesnt even come close to 2k.


Nerf Sages!111!!!!


LOL exactly. Coming from a sage, I will say, I NEVER crit higher than 3k and it's channeled. Nothing instant comes close except force imbalance which I can get to hit for almost 2.5k if I use all relics and adrenals. I'm Champion geared out and I've learned that my class isnt about big crits, it's about constant relentless damage output and smart fighting.

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That's the problem. You don't need to 'learn to play' to be a good sage/sorc. You just need the right spec and the ability to somehow target another player and hit 1 or 2 buttons.


Most average (or worse) players do well with the class, so they don't need to know how to play. The ones defending the sage/sorc the most are the ones who got rolled with whatever class they were playing before and want to keep the EZmode that they play now.


Some of the other players (even those who play sorc/sage) are interested in making the game better for every class.


There should not be a choice you make a character selection that will make you better than other players with the same skill level as you who did not take your class choice.


Arh the old high horse defence. well get off of it. Sorc die very very easily. I have three characters i pvp with and none of them are any easier than any of the other, they all have there OP aspects annd all have their weaknesses. L2Interupt a sorc and their low DPS gets even lower, any melee class that isnt an operative should be able to stick to them like glue.


The sorc is balanced by the fact that every class can own them hard if the person playing the class has half a brain and doesnt just...DPS button..DPS button....DPS button..DPS button....DPS button..DPS button....like 90% of maras who claim their class is hard to play. think about what the sorc is tryogn to do and stop him doing it.


And really stop with the sentinel/mara are hard to play BS, they just arent.


Or just come on th forums and cry like noobs who cant adapt and want nerfs because their DPS buttons isnt killing everyone in two shots.

Edited by da_krall
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Arh the old high horse defence. well get off of it. Sorc die very very easily. I have three characters i pvp with and none of them are any easier than any of the other, they all have there OP aspects annd all have their weaknesses. L2Interupt a sorc and their low DPS gets even lower, any melee class that isnt an operative should be able to stick to them like glue.


The sorc is balanced by the fact that every class can own them hard if the person playing the class has half a brain and doesnt just...DPS button..DPS button....DPS button..DPS button....DPS button..DPS button....like 90% of maras who claim their class is hard to play. think about what the sorc is tryogn to do and stop him doing it.


Or just come on th forums and cry like noobs who cant adapt and want nerfs because their DPS buttons isnt killing everyone in two shots.


If you are dying to anything other then a watchman/anni specced sent/marauder in a on on one (and it takes a LONG time to kill you).


You are the one that is braindead. Ops/scoundrels are very possible to beat after they were neutered. You can dispel everything from a shadow/assassin and the surge nerf hurt the dps spec badly.


The other melee should never catch you. If there is any LOS you win vs slinger/sniper.


Commando/merc is faceroll to beat since they have no ranged interrupt and you do.


Try again. List your classes so I can laugh at you.


Sorc/sage, commando/merc (LOL), and what??? Some level 20 class that you think gets easier to play as the level?


Sorry buddy. The only class that gets EASIER to play as they level is the sage/sorc. Everything including nukes and CC becomes an instant cast. The class gets MORE faceroll as you level.

Edited by biowareftw
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If you are dying to anything other then a watchman/anni specced sent/marauder in a on on one (and it takes a LONG time to kill you).


You are the one that is braindead. Ops/scoundrels are very possible to beat after they were neutered. You can dispel everything from a shadow/assassin and the surge nerf hurt the dps spec badly.


The other melee should never catch you. If there is any LOS you win vs slinger/sniper.


Commando/merc is faceroll to beat since they have no ranged interrupt and you do.


Try again.


Well done listing all the ways a sorc can over come other classes. Maybe now use that brain power to think how other classes can overcome a sorc instead of whining like a *****.

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Well done listing all the ways a sorc can over come other classes. Maybe now use that brain power to think how other classes can overcome a sorc instead of whining like a *****.


Well done, resulting to personal insults, because you A) haven't played other classes. B) have no idea what you are talking about C) suffer from "don't nerf me brah syndrome".


I am going to laugh...hard when your class is nerfed. I don't want it nerfed to the ground like you crybabies got ops/scoundrels nerfed, but if karma existed? It would happen.


Goodluck leveling that marauder/sent. I am having a blast fighting 3 of you at once and coming out on top, because you people can't play something that doesn't autoface with a rotation that could be played on an original nintendo controller.


Oh don't worry. I am not reporting you. I am not a baddie, who trolls the forum 24/7 cus I know deep down inside this is the most OP ranged class ever seen in an MMO, and I don't want it nerfed.


Comedy Gold.

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Well done, resulting to personal insults, because you A) haven't played other classes. B) have no idea what you are talking about C) suffer from "don't nerf me brah syndrome".



Some people, like you, just deserve insults. I know we live in this stupid modern day society where everyone is special and their opinions matter, but in truth they don’t, especially yours. You believe a class is overpowered when you can 'fight three at a time' either you mother raised are a lying **** or your class is OP and your trying misdirect onto another class (that is OP in the 1-49 bracket but very well balanced in the 50)


If you think the sorc is the most OP class ever then you never play WAR, bright wizards where similar to sorc but could easily 2 shot people, they where an OP class The sorc takes many many more than that to kill anyone, probably more like 20 attacks while easily being killed in less than 10 by any other class (now lets not assume that a sorc's running away CDs are up all the time people......otherwise ill assume that a mara immune to damage and vanish powers which are clearly overpowered are up all the time - notice i said they where overpowered not they needed nerfing - every class is OP in some way in this game)


Are you sure you even have a 50 or are you lying about that as well??

Edited by da_krall
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Some people, like you, just deserve insults. I know we live in this stupid modern day society where everyone is special and their opinions matter, but in truth they don’t, especially yours. You believe a class is overpowered when you can 'fight three at a time' either you mother raised are a lying **** or your class is OP and your trying misdirect onto another class that is OP in the 1-49 bracket but very well balanced in the 50.


If you think the sorc is the most OP class ever then you never play WAR, bright wizards where similar to sorc but could easily 2 shot people, they where an OP class The sorc takes many many more than that to kill anyone, probably more like 20 attacks while easily being kills in less than 10 by any other class (now lets not assume that a sorc running away CDs are up all the time people......)


Are you sure you even have a 50 or are you lying about that as well??


I'm going to agree x1000. Noone cares what class you have trouble beating, BWFTW, the truth is, you obviously don't know more than the people who created the classes and the people whose sole job it is to see to it there is balance.


Like I said, if they nerf us sages/sorcs, we'll learn to adapt, much like you should before crying about a class who was designed to have all the "op" abilities as their only form of defense against people in heavy armor who mitigate all the damage they can even attempt to put out. (crits less than 3k at full Champ Gear Valor 55 on my Sage)


Perhaps it's not the sages who need the nerf, since you've made it clear you can destroy all the other classes with your awesome skillz!!!11ONEONEONE

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Can they do it with just one button on their hotbar? What button would you choose for:

1. Mara

2. Sin

3. Operative


Think well before you answer.

Remember, Mara by default has no rage.

Remember that Sin can only Thrash about 5 times before energy gives out, and he can't use stealth, that would require a second button.

Etc., etc.


See the problem yet? None of the classes you mentioned, with ONE button on their hotbar, would be able to kill this Sorc 1v1. That's the ultimate irony of this video that you just don't get.




Stop the presses: Balance must mean one button pvp. We must fix Mara, Sin and Operative to spam a single attack that does next to no damage compared to their several burst attacks.

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TOO many people are under analyzing the videos. In my opinion, the videos aren't about:


1- Total Damage (anyone can do that)

2- The additional damage he could have done had he used all of his buttons

3- The total package of the Sage/Sorc

4- Ease of play (big deal)

5- The team carrying the one button spammer



The biggest thing that I took from this video was this: DAMAGE PER FOCUS.


This is my biggest gripe about the class. I could care less that the typical player is only pushing 2-3 buttons. I've seen Arsenal Mercs/Gunnery Comms do the same damned thing (and yes, they need a massive nerf too). But at least I can say, in defense of the afore mentioned, that they have to deal with resource management. Sages and Sorcs literally do not. Their primary easy to talent nuke costs a negligable amount and procs quite a few different abilities thus reducing their costs. The Sage in that video never dropped below 600 Force. Ask the Bounty Hunter/Sniper/Operative what abilities they can spam over and over again for equal damage while not burning through Heat or Energy. You simply can't. Hell, the only ability that an Op can spam is Overload Shot at 17 Energy per shot. How long do you think I can keep that up and, if I tried, how much damage overall do you think that I'd do at the end of the game?


Just for fun, let's look at it like this. The typical Sorc/Sage has a 600 point Force pool. Taking into account their channeled ability is talented to regen Force on use (Sith Efficacy), are talented to remove the cool down (Madness), and talented to reduce the cost of Force Abilities (Electric Induction), FL would cost:


30 base - 9% (EI) = 27 - 24 (1% of 600 Force x 4) = 3 Force


If uninterrupted and ignoring any sort of base Force regen, a player could cast FL 200 times before running empty.


Now then, I WILL DEFEND the Sages/Sorcs in the sense that this is pretty much their equivalent to an Auto Attack. BUT, the difference in damage done vs cost compared to all other class' auto attacks is insane. And, of course, none of this takes into account the massive utility suite that the class has beyond this.




PS> I play a Pyro Merc so I know, more than others, how much it sucks to deal with resources.

Edited by Trauglodyte
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TOO many people are under analyzing the videos. In my opinion, the videos aren't about:


1- Total Damage (anyone can do that)

2- The additional damage he could have done had he used all of his buttons

3- The total package of the Sage/Sorc

4- Ease of play (big deal)

5- The team carrying the one button spammer



The biggest thing that I took from this video was this: DAMAGE PER FOCUS.


This is my biggest gripe about the class. I could care less that the typical player is only pushing 2-3 buttons. I've seen Arsenal Mercs/Gunnery Comms do the same damned thing (and yes, they need a massive nerf too). But at least I can say, in defense of the afore mentioned, that they have to deal with resource management. Sages and Sorcs literally do not. Their primary easy to talent nuke costs a negligable amount and procs quite a few different abilities thus reducing their costs. The Sage in that video never dropped below 600 Force. Ask the Bounty Hunter/Sniper/Operative what abilities they can spam over and over again for equal damage while not burning through Heat or Energy. You simply can't. Hell, the only ability that an Op can spam is Overload Shot at 17 Energy per shot. How long do you think I can keep that up and, if I tried, how much damage overall do you think that I'd do at the end of the game?


Just for fun, let's look at it like this. The typical Sorc/Sage has a 600 point Force pool. Taking into account their channeled ability is talented to regen Force on use (Sith Efficacy), are talented to remove the cool down (Madness), and talented to reduce the cost of Force Abilities (Electric Induction), FL would cost:


30 base - 9% (EI) = 27 - 24 (1% of 600 Force x 4) = 3 Force


If uninterrupted and ignoring any sort of base Force regen, a player could cast FL 200 times before running empty.


Now then, I WILL DEFEND the Sages/Sorcs in the sense that this is pretty much their equivalent to an Auto Attack. BUT, the difference in damage done vs cost compared to all other class' auto attacks is insane. And, of course, none of this takes into account the massive utility suite that the class has beyond this.




PS> I play a Pyro Merc so I know, more than others, how much it sucks to deal with resources.


Thing is the game should not be balanced around terribads who let a player who practically plays brain dead cast like that and the few times he got jumped he died a miserable death. Fast.

As soon as the Sorc/Sage gets focused by any competent team they run out of force sooner or later. OOF the Sage/Sorc has the worst regeneration abilities of all classes.

TK Throw with Psychic Barrier cannot be really used while you are focused while you have to blow spells which cost up to 65 Force (Force Armor)

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Honestly, the difficulty of playing a sage comes from a different source. While the sentinel has a zillion abilities they need to use on their single target, the sage has abilities that work best on lots of targets at once.


The sage is certainly very easy to play if all you do is tunnel your current target and move on to the next one. But that's actually a bad sage. Who cares what his damage total is? He SHOULD be bubbling team mates, dispelling team mates, CCing and interrupting enemy team members, snaring melees so his team mates can either catch up or kite better, and in addition to all that, DPSing. Sages have so much utility that you need incredible situational awareness and eagle eyes to use it all properly.


There's a reason you almost never see sages doing all of this stuff, and it ain't because the class is easy to play... The lesson people SHOULD be taking away from this is that there's more to class difficulty than having a lot of buttons in your DPS priority queue.

Edited by Caelrie
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Sentinel is one of the easiest class to play. The only thing you have to learn is managening your resources thats it.

The class has no meaningful purpose but to tunnelvision one target with close to 0 other capabilities.


No support for team mates

No interupt for various other targets other than that on his main target

Needs close to 0 environmental awareness bar checking if he can get knocked off a platform.

Then again Zealous Leap and Charge help against that.

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