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Cost of speeding training ever going to be sane?


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I wipe my *** with credits.


My Juggernaut is level... 33, I think, and has 230k or so credits, while my Vanguard is 37 with 300k. And I run mission crew skills constantly with both of them.


Credits aren't that hard to get. Try selling schematics, blues, gifts, and materials on the GTN.


Edit: Forgot to mention, I didn't have Underworld Trading while leveling Armormech on my Vanguard, so I had to buy blue materials of the GTN. I also leveled from 32 to 37 on space missions and PvP, and I have the highest level upgrades for my ship.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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That's simply not true


On my first alt i levelled biochem, bioanalysis and diplomacy as i levelled up. Upgraded my starship at every opportunity and had no issue buying speeder training


Stop buying **** from GTN while levelling, that is mmo 101. Only use it for selling stuff until you're 50 and you'll easily have enough credits


Only thing untrue is your statement.


I'll repeat,again,for those too slow to grasp it....


I did not..repeat not....buy anything other than repairs from level 1 to 40.


Repeat; no buying from GTN


I have no crafting,since it is boring beyond anything I have ever seen


When I dinged 40,I had accumulated 260k from my questing/levelling.


Cost of training all skills at 40,including speeder 2: 350k



So saying "just stop buying stuff and you'll be rich!.." is wrong ,simple as that.

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Only thing untrue is your statement.


I'll repeat,again,for those too slow to grasp it....


I did not..repeat not....buy anything other than repairs from level 1 to 40.


Repeat; no buying from GTN


I have no crafting,since it is boring beyond anything I have ever seen


When I dinged 40,I had accumulated 260k from my questing/levelling.


Cost of training all skills at 40,including speeder 2: 350k



So saying "just stop buying stuff and you'll be rich!.." is wrong ,simple as that.

Funny how i've managed to get it at 40 on both my 50s then huh?


Others have too so clearly you're doing something wrong

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I have no crafting,since it is boring beyond anything I have ever seen


Per my earlier post, your self imposed bias about craftinghere denied you access to ~$250K in credit income from simply using salvaging/armstech-barrel_trinketing/slicing. USE CREW SKILLS TO GENERATE CASH AS YOU LEVEL, not for actual crafting. Something that is NOT boring because there are salvage metals and credit boxes everywhere in this game. If you are going to trip over them anyway, might as well scoop them up and cash them in.

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Are they going to ever lower the cost of the training? level 40 is 210K credits. At level 40 I had 148K credits and that's without wasting a lot. The cost is ridiculous.


Good news, earning 100k credits is a cake walk at 50. Doing most, but not all, the dailies can give you an extra 300k. Or go Biochem and try to rip people off selling stims and adrenals.

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Are they going to ever lower the cost of the training? level 40 is 210K credits. At level 40 I had 148K credits and that's without wasting a lot. The cost is ridiculous.


This wasn't the case for my first toon. On my first toon at 40 I had over 300k in credits. Credits are not an issue in this game. Once you get to 50, you average 200k a day if you do all the dalies on Ilum and Belsavis. So that means any alts you play are easily funded.

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If you attempt ANY of the following while leveling:


- upgrade starship

- train in crafting

- send companions on missions (other than slicing)

- buying stims

- buying upgraded armor, weapons or mods


You will not have enough at 40 for the speeder.


To have enough at 40, you need to completely avoid crafting, companion missions (other than slicing) and obviously avoid buying anything including stims or armor or slot upgrades.


I was wondering why they even have vendors selling stims, armor, weapons or access to the galactic trade system until after level 40. If you participate in ANY of these things you will not have the money at 40 for the speeder.



So, you are saying, "You have the choice of letting the game suck for 40 levels or having a speeder that isn't a peice of ****." Yeah, thats called bad game design.


If you have to AVOID playing the game so you can have something you need to play the game the last 10% of the content, that's just stupid.


So we are back to the point being: The level 40 mount costs twice as much as it should be. I am not paying Bioware money to NOT play the game. People whine about posts like mine saying we should be able to afford things that make the game better without having to sacrifice half the content of the game but you know what?



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So, you are saying, "You have the choice of letting the game suck for 40 levels or having a speeder that isn't a peice of ****." Yeah, thats called bad game design.


If you have to AVOID playing the game so you can have something you need to play the game the last 10% of the content, that's just stupid.


So we are back to the point being: The level 40 mount costs twice as much as it should be. I am not paying Bioware money to NOT play the game. People whine about posts like mine saying we should be able to afford things that make the game better without having to sacrifice half the content of the game but you know what?



So you're just ignoring all the posts telling you it's perfectly doable even while crafting?


How convenient:rolleyes:

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This wasn't the case for my first toon. On my first toon at 40 I had over 300k in credits. Credits are not an issue in this game. Once you get to 50, you average 200k a day if you do all the dalies on Ilum and Belsavis. So that means any alts you play are easily funded.


I dunno. I'm too busy trying to gear myself out in HM's and Ops. There isn't enough time in the day to do both. So either I get money so I can train riding or get gear that actually helps myself and my guild burn down content. Then of course I did spend money on bio/bio to get them to 400 as well and my guild appreciates it in HMs and Ops.


Then we have the whole, Ilum is like a power point presentation when more than 8 people are in close proximity. I know that my rug is underpowered with 12 gigs of DD3 and a 570 GTX vid card on an unlocked i5 CPU.


So I guess that my Rendii Fireball will just sit in the garage for a couple more weeks since the price of respecing, training, repairs are just F'n rediculous right now. 10k per death is borderline stupid for repairs.

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So, you are saying, "You have the choice of letting the game suck for 40 levels or having a speeder that isn't a peice of ****." Yeah, thats called bad game design.


If you have to AVOID playing the game so you can have something you need to play the game the last 10% of the content, that's just stupid.


You simply are not listening to comments by other members here, IMO. Which leads me to conclude you simply want to rant and be angry.


I have 5 characters past level 35 now. In every case, including my very first character, I never skimped or denied myself access to anything while leveling and I still had more then enough money for the level 40 speeder training by level 35. I trained all my skills and bought selected items from the GTN. I did not piss my credits away, but I also did not pinch and skimp as I went. Using select crew skills to augment your income as I described earlier = credit cow.

Edited by Andryah
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I hit level 25 on my Sorcerer last night. I have only done quests and space missions. I have leveled both Diplomacy and Bioanalysis to 100. I had 70K on my Sorcerer when I went to get my speeder training and buy all my lv 25 skills.


Unless you are literally buying yourself new armor off the GTN every level, or trying to max out your crafting before level 50 (hint - you are not intended to be able to afford to craft the best armor in the game before you have access to level 50 money-making) the speeder prices are quite cheap.

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So, you are saying, "You have the choice of letting the game suck for 40 levels or having a speeder that isn't a peice of ****." Yeah, thats called bad game design.


If you have to AVOID playing the game so you can have something you need to play the game the last 10% of the content, that's just stupid.


So we are back to the point being: The level 40 mount costs twice as much as it should be. I am not paying Bioware money to NOT play the game. People whine about posts like mine saying we should be able to afford things that make the game better without having to sacrifice half the content of the game but you know what?




The game is fun.


Fun is subjective and is different for each player. This game is too easy, including saving up for speeders at 25, 40, and 50. I took slicing as a gathering skill and intentionally avoided purchasing gear, or grinding a trade skill. When I dinged 25, I had 125,000 credits. I'm not a min/maxxer, and I casually play an hour or two a night.


This is a theme park, and as such, generating a profit crafting is going to prove challenging- especially in this game. Quest and commondation items are just far superior. Perhaps BW will affect positive changes in crafting to make all skills viable- only time will tell.

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So you're just ignoring all the posts telling you it's perfectly doable even while crafting?


How convenient:rolleyes:


No, I'm not ignoring them I'm reading them and most of them say "Do slicing and make lots of money." I want to level biochem while I'm leveling. To level biochem I need something other than slicing. So no, I'm not skipping my crafting and I'm not taking slicing. Think about this, lets use a real life example.


You go to get a job. You are told you can have the job if you give up buying clothing and food so you can afford the ridiculous price of gas it takes to get to your job. People would be in the streets protesting the costs because the things we need to have quality of life are being over priced to gouge us. I would bet REAL money that these people who "Leveled crafting." and had money for their speeder mount at 40 either had supplies handed to them, spent most of their time grinding instead of actually -playing- the game or sent supplies from an alt. There is no way you can level both crafting and have anything else.

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No, I'm not ignoring them I'm reading them and most of them say "Do slicing and make lots of money." I want to level biochem while I'm leveling. To level biochem I need something other than slicing. So no, I'm not skipping my crafting and I'm not taking slicing. Think about this, lets use a real life example.


Except i posted on how i've lvled biochem and yet still managed to get my speeder training at appropriate lvl as have others

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I want to level biochem while I'm leveling. To level biochem I need something other than slicing. So no, I'm not skipping my crafting and I'm not taking slicing. Think about this, lets use a real life example.


You need to be a little more thoughful, for your own benefit, IMO.


If you want biochem, do it. You take bioanalysis and slicing with it. You do not need the biochem specific Diplomacy mission skill set while you are leveling. It's a waste of time and credits so you go with slicing instead, for the credit cow that it is. '


THEN, when you ding 50, or maybe earlier if you are swimming in credits, you drops slicing and pickup Diplomacy and since it's a mission skill up crew skill anyway, and you will have a full set of companions, you can level it to cap pretty quickly at 50, when you have more credits and ability to generate credits.


This is not rocket science. You just need to think it through a bit and exploit what they give you to insure you are credit rich without sacrificing the fun parts of the game.

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Apparently not easy enough,since I'm 115k short for training at level 40....without spending anything for 40 levels...


OP is right,the prices are too high...


What do you people do to not make money? I'm serious if you claim you didn't spend money ... I honestly can't comprehend how you are short of money. Not trolling here I'm 100 % serious. How?

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Maybe I PVPd to much. They nerfed the PVP rewards because cry babies who can't PVP where upset that you could PVP your way to 50 and have all the same stuff that the people who "Did the hard stuff" could have.


My gear from 14 to 40 cost me ZERO because it was all PVP gear. So yeah, explain to me how I was spending to much money?

Edited by Coyotecalls
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Vanity's expensive. You can save a looooooot of money in these games by divorcing yourself entirely from caring about vanity appeals.


I can't really see rank 2 and 3 speeders as being any sort of real upgrade anyway. The speed increases of sprint and any speeder are increases on your base run speed anyway.


Whoo. 90%, 100% or 110%. If your base run speed were 25 kph, sprint would increase that to 32 kph.


A rank 1 speeder, to 47.5 kph


A rank 2 speeder, to 50 kph


A rank 3 speeder, to 52.5 kph



Best value for your credit is rank 1. Anything more well ought to be for vanity purposes, as the function just isn't there to warrant the costs at 1/10th the price.

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Vanity's expensive. You can save a looooooot of money in these games by divorcing yourself entirely from caring about vanity appeals.


I can't really see rank 2 and 3 speeders as being any sort of real upgrade anyway. The speed increases of sprint and any speeder are increases on your base run speed anyway.


Whoo. 90%, 100% or 110%. If your base run speed were 25 kph, sprint would increase that to 32 kph.


A rank 1 speeder, to 47.5 kph


A rank 2 speeder, to 50 kph


A rank 3 speeder, to 52.5 kph



Best value for your credit is rank 1. Anything more well ought to be for vanity purposes, as the function just isn't there to warrant the costs at 1/10th the price.


not so. later ranks offer ability to take some damage without dismounting.

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I agree that it is silly to raise speed by 10% but I understand why. The levels are so small that anything that is much faster would break level design and the time sink. I also get the > 200K sink. Both times I ran my toon had 1+ million credits.


I did PvP and all the bonus missions and looted all mobs. That's all. It is very simple to get lots of credits in this game. Actually, I wish we could use them for something. :)

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So, you are saying, "You have the choice of letting the game suck for 40 levels or having a speeder that isn't a peice of ****." Yeah, thats called bad game design.


If you have to AVOID playing the game so you can have something you need to play the game the last 10% of the content, that's just stupid.


So we are back to the point being: The level 40 mount costs twice as much as it should be. I am not paying Bioware money to NOT play the game. People whine about posts like mine saying we should be able to afford things that make the game better without having to sacrifice half the content of the game but you know what?




You don't need a speeder that's 10% faster than the 48k speeder. To say otherwise is, pardon my English, *********** stupid.


And everybody BESIDES you can buy the speeder. With money left over.


It's not insane. It's an optional convenience, that's only slightly better than the previous one, and has an easily achievable price for anybody, even if they've used GTN and crafting.

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