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NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


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Seems this game has gotten more traction on the US market then EU, EU peak hours maybe 2 - 3 servers are high/very high 5 - 10 standard, rest are low -.-


I will actually screen cap that tomorrow during peak hours.

Edited by tkshinoda
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Seems this game has gotten more traction on the US market then EU, EU peak hours maybe 2 - 3 servers are high/very high 5 - 10 standard, rest are low -.-


I will actually screen cap that tomorrow during peak hours.


I will also. EU has always seemed to have a higher pop than NA. Heck, last week you all still had ques.

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I am surprised by how many people lie with the sole purpose to hurt the game.


The truth is, however; the game is doing well and growing.


Well according to these Forum warriors who have a PhD in Business and game design the game is dieing rapidly. DOOM DOOM DOOM!!!

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They're used to getting their way, i.e. generating enough loud and obnoxious noise during their free month to hurt the most recent game they've "consumed". Unfortunately, Bioware doesn't make crappy games and...well...they're gone now.


Looks like the professional doomsayers failed this time. :D

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I think we're hitting a point where there's gonna be a slight surge in population due to the latest marketing spree we've seen for the game. Especially all the tv ads etc, and with EP.1 3D being in theaters, and TOR ads going along with it, well... you're gonna see some curious people checking it out. Who knows if they'll stay. We'll see after a month where the game is at. As for me, my 50 on a standard realm is about to get left behind. Tired of seeing 50 republcs on the fleet at 9:00pm on the weekends. I have a character on Mind Trick which I rolled to 24(I think?), and it was heavy when I did so, but now standard usually and even then... I see like 110+ people on the fleet, republic side. Probably double that for imps.


Might have to roll a char on canderous ordo. Very Heavy EST. Hmm.. I did want to make an agent or a sorc. Maybeee.

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I think we're hitting a point where there's gonna be a slight surge in population due to the latest marketing spree we've seen for the game. Especially all the tv ads etc, and with EP.1 3D being in theaters, and TOR ads going along with it, well... you're gonna see some curious people checking it out. Who knows if they'll stay. We'll see after a month where the game is at. As for me, my 50 on a standard realm is about to get left behind. Tired of seeing 50 republcs on the fleet at 9:00pm on the weekends. I have a character on Mind Trick which I rolled to 24(I think?), and it was heavy when I did so, but now standard usually and even then... I see like 110+ people on the fleet, republic side. Probably double that for imps.


Might have to roll a char on canderous ordo. Very Heavy EST. Hmm.. I did want to make an agent or a sorc. Maybeee.


I'd probably do that too IF, my Legacy wasn't level 25.

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Certainly the game is not dying.

Especially US servers seem to be alright.

But on my EU light populated server(Ludo Kressh) it feels there are less players playing this game that Warhammer.Lolz

The truth is that there are also servers mainly in the EU side with light population

24/7 and given the instanced nature of the game it gives players the impression

they are empty.After the Australia launch they will have to address this problem either by merging servers or by allowing server transfers.

Edited by Enkenon
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The Forum trolls are sucsesseding in driving away players though, i have lost a number of friends sick and tired of the negitive people attacking mindlessly in the name of there alterior goals, and i do think the forum bods are being way to nice with these trouble makers.


The thing that blows my mind is there continued use of key phrases, "lag", "frame rate", " lack of content", "PvP sucks", thjey use over and over with little proof or fact to back them, knowing its these words that drive away prospective players.


The forum mods need to come down hard on these people and those who are fans of the game need to start to openly question, not attack but point out flaws in the ************ and whineing, by asking what, were, when, and debunk these lies that the trolls are useing.

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