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Please buff the Huttball hazards in endgame PVP


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I remember playing my first, oh, 150 matches of Huttball while leveling up and thinking, "Man, this is awesome!" There was always some innate frustration from playing a class without mobility and gap closers, and getting knocked off the catwalks into the pit, and having to run all the way back around -- but I deemed it acceptable, for playing a class that had tons of utility (heals, damage, stuns, CC, etc). I got a decent amount of enjoyment out of the tug of war matches in the 1-49 bracket, many of which went the full 15 minute duration with close scores.


...And then, enter the geared level 50 bracket. Now, on my server, this warzone is what we run about 95% of the time, since the empire vastly outnumbers Republic. In the 1-49 bracket, currently you see some republic matches, since a lot of people have presumably re-rolled republic so they could experience a little variety. I've found that in the probably 200+ huttball matches I've run since being 50 (and this could be a low estimation), that the fun has been COMPLETELY sapped out of the warzone.


This warzone, in it's current implementation, is completely broken when you combine PVP gear with certain classes. Now, my point is not to call for class nerfs, as I don't think classes are the problem. The issue here is the environmental hazards are no longer hazardous. Five of the Eight classes (using empire versions as examples) can completely bypass the fire and acid when geared, which often leads to premade 4-man custom 2-tank/2-guarded sorc healers winning repeatedly in 5:30 or less with six captures.


Now, before this degenerates into "qq moar about class balance" blather, let me clarify with examples of the various ways that the fire and acide no longer slow down enemy teams:

1) Tanks with 22,000+ hp can just slowly walk thru the fire, and a single HOT will basically render them impervious.

2) Assassins or sorcs sprint through it, take 1 tick of damage, and come thru with full health (especially tank assassins or bubbled sorcs).

3) Juggs/Marauders/Powertechs springboard either to teammates or enemies with various gap closers, rendering knockbacks on defense nearly useless.

4) Sorc healers with rescue completely nullify skill-based knockbacks on offense or defense, and rescue works just fine through the fire.

5) Powertechs and assassins can, in effect, still obliterate certain classes with a well placed grab/root into the fire, which I applaud -- this one actually is awesome, but on certain classes, such as tanks or healers, this maneuver barely dents their health, unless EVERY single breaker/defensive spell they have is on cooldown and also not active (ala shield). In 1-49 huttball, this was good good stuff, and slowed the game down.


Now, NONE of the above abilities are overpowered in and of themselves. I am not calling for ANY class nerfs, despite my ire at Sorc/Sage utility/burst/survivablilty with hybrid specs. This thread is not about that, it's about huttball at 50.


The issue here, is that huttball games now cater to the premade, consisting of 4 of the 8 classes in any combination (only at 50, and only with gear) -- Powertech, Juggernaut, Assassin, Sorceror (using imperial examples). The other 4 classes can pretty much suck it, unless filling out the other 4 spots of random people, and being carried by those 4 people. Some people will argue that marauders have a good gap closer, and do great damage while being tanky, but they don't bring to the table what a jugg does, IN HUTTBALL. I've been obliterated by my fair share of marauders, so I appreciate their damage, but for winning huttball, sorry guys, you're not in the top 4. Snipers, marauders, operatives, and mercenaries all lack the survivability and MOBILITY in this high-end warzone, and it's not because the other four classes are overpowered, it's just because those 4 huttball monsters basically remove the acid and fire from the equation, and can chain cap the flag at a very rapid pace, often winning in 4-5 minutes with six captures. Sometimes faster, if you pair 2 assassins with 2 sorcs, as having four sprints on a 20 second cooldown, with rescue, and shields, makes it a buffet of ball captures.


I know, that a perfect team, that also has mirror classes, can sometimes counter this. But it is in TOTAL reliance of having this "holy quadrilogy" of classes on your team also. The question isn't "How can we change the classes?" The real question is: "How can we improve Huttball?"


Well, some simple ideas would be to:


1) Make fire and acid immediately proc a 1/2 second root on you, no matter how you cross through it, then apply the snare. Whether you sprint, force leap, yank someone with rescue, or just walk into it, you hit an instant WALL and are rooted for one quarter to one half of a second. I know that Powertechs and Assassins would giggle with glee at all the harpoon instagibs they could score, but it would at least slow down the scoring.


2) Just triple the damage on the fire/acid.


3) Double the size of the warzone, making teams travel twice as far. This would nullify sprint being able to cross 1/4 of the distance from mid to endzone in one cast. I still think the hazards need some form of buff in addition to this, but I would love to see the warzone size increased.


I'm not suggesting that all three of those things be done, and I realize there are probably some instances that one or more of these changes could be exploited by a class mechanic that I haven't thought of, that is why they were just that, ideas. Any other solutions would be more than welcome.


I just know that when I'm on defense, and get knocked off into the pit, and start to run around to get back up, and the other team scores and is ready to score a second time in the time it takes to run back to the play, that the game needs to be slowed down. It's not even fun to be on the winning team, when you win 10 in a row in 5 minutes or less, with litttle to no actual FIGHTING going on, just chain capping. The winning team in these situations just completely ignores the other team, except to perform knockbacks and stuns, and doesn't bother to even engage the enemy. To me, that's great that one team has the coordination to perform well, but it's not a good thing when they can custom build to win repeatedly, avoiding combat, and chain capping for hours at a time -- simply because the hazards are no longer an issue to certain classes.


Please, BUFF the Huttball hazards and bring the combat back to PVP! I am not calling for class changes! Thanks for reading this novel, those of you that do, and any constructive comments or suggestions are welcome. If this generates some steam, we can move it to the feedback section. I just want to see if others feel this way, and are tired of rolling alts on the other faction just so you can enjoy Voidstar, where you HAVE to fight to win.

Edited by Twernt
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I'm not going to go into any great detail, but I agree with your main point....the wz should be modified, especially at the 50 bracket. The other 4 ACs are not bad in hutball, but their worth is much more limited. For example, snipers and tracer spam mercs make for a great defensive line...but that's about it. Even as a healer merc I get frustrated when an assassin sprints away too early, way out of my range, gets ccd and dies before I can get there...and turning over the ball.


I'm not sure what needs to change, be it the hazards, the design, or maybe even minor class changes like longer cds on abilies or something. Who knows?


TL;DR. Yes, I would like to change hutball, certain class combos have it very easy.

Edited by Zombifikation
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Well those were just some quick ideas off of the top of my head, I know my guild and I have talked at great lengh about our gripes in vent and they all agree. I'd definitely be open to some more ideas about how to slow down the game of Huttball, and make it into an actual PVP-centric game as opposed to the "avoiding pvp to chain cap" direction it's gone into at endgame gear levels. Having to actually pause and consider the fact that the wall of fire might be HOT before you dive through it would definitely help... =D
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5) Powertechs and assassins can, in effect, still obliterate certain classes with a well placed grab/root into the fire, which I applaud -- this one actually is awesome, but on certain classes, such as tanks or healers, this maneuver barely dents their health, unless EVERY single breaker/defensive spell they have is on cooldown and also not active (ala shield). In 1-49 huttball, this was good good stuff, and slowed the game down.


1) Make fire and acid immediately proc a 1/2 second root on you, no matter how you cross through it, then apply the snare. Whether you sprint, force leap, yank someone with rescue, or just walk into it, you hit an instant WALL and are rooted for one quarter to one half of a second. I know that Powertechs and Assassins would giggle with glee at all the harpoon instagibs they could score, but it would at least slow down the scoring.


This...is just wrong.


Firstly, i'll point out, tank powertechs have a root attached to their grapple, as for cc breaker, a powertech that knows what they're doing can do the following


Grapple -> roots you (3s)

Carbonize (2.5s)

Electro dart (4s) - ok resolve is finally full...

Charge root (3s).


only really shroud or cc breaker into sprint/charge or a sorc pull will ever get someone out of that on a fire trap, it's a guaranteed death sentence 90% of the time, especially since they often use the sprint/charge to try and create distance.


As for scoring, 2 good teams with adequate pulls really struggle to score against each other.


What probably does need to happen is some sort of debuff attached to extricate so you no longer get pull -> pull >- pull going on.

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Again, I agree that an innate root would benefit powertechs and assassins, but as it currently stands, if I have even one CC breaker and even 1 HOT on me, with 90% champ gear (rank 59) and no BM gear, I can just walk out of the acid slowly and live. Now the fire is a bit more deadly, and if my breaker isn't up, then yes, a powertech can death sentence you over and over. Now that is as a hybrid spec lethality operative with only 15k hp... you add a shielded sorc, or a tank, or a healer, and if they have CD's up, they can survive it.


I realize it benefits those two classes to add an innate half second root, and that is why I am open to other suggestions. But, as it stands, the fire is hardly a threat to sprinters/leapers/pullers/tanks. As a result, the games frequently only last 5 minutes while the other team is constantly behind the play against the chain-capping guarded team. I just want there to be some sort of deterrent to walking headlong or leaping through a 2000 degree wall of fire.

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The hazards are there specifically to make people think, plan, and position to get around them. The fact that people do just that does not mean they need to be revamped.


Make sure when you're killing a ball carrier there isn't some dude waiting the other side of the fire pit to catch the ball, or on top of the catwalksto yank him up. You want the higher ground in Huttball AT ALL TIMES. This means your team should be trying to dominate the catwalks. Own the catwalks and the middle and you will score over and over. If you MUST go lower, you do so and then look for a way back up when you can.

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I remember playing my first, oh, 150 matches of Huttball while leveling up and thinking, "Man, this is awesome!" There was always some innate frustration from playing a class without mobility and gap closers, and getting knocked off the catwalks into the pit, and having to run all the way back around -- but I deemed it acceptable, for playing a class that had tons of utility (heals, damage, stuns, CC, etc). I got a decent amount of enjoyment out of the tug of war matches in the 1-49 bracket, many of which went the full 15 minute duration with close scores.


...And then, enter the geared level 50 bracket. Now, on my server, this warzone is what we run about 95% of the time, since the empire vastly outnumbers Republic. In the 1-49 bracket, currently you see some republic matches, since a lot of people have presumably re-rolled republic so they could experience a little variety. I've found that in the probably 200+ huttball matches I've run since being 50 (and this could be a low estimation), that the fun has been COMPLETELY sapped out of the warzone.


This warzone, in it's current implementation, is completely broken when you combine PVP gear with certain classes. Now, my point is not to call for class nerfs, as I don't think classes are the problem. The issue here is the environmental hazards are no longer hazardous. Five of the Eight classes (using empire versions as examples) can completely bypass the fire and acid when geared, which often leads to premade 4-man custom 2-tank/2-guarded sorc healers winning repeatedly in 5:30 or less with six captures.


Now, before this degenerates into "qq moar about class balance" blather, let me clarify with examples of the various ways that the fire and acide no longer slow down enemy teams:

1) Tanks with 22,000+ hp can just slowly walk thru the fire, and a single HOT will basically render them impervious.

2) Assassins or sorcs sprint through it, take 1 tick of damage, and come thru with full health (especially tank assassins or bubbled sorcs).

3) Juggs/Marauders/Powertechs springboard either to teammates or enemies with various gap closers, rendering knockbacks on defense nearly useless.

4) Sorc healers with rescue completely nullify skill-based knockbacks on offense or defense, and rescue works just fine through the fire.

5) Powertechs and assassins can, in effect, still obliterate certain classes with a well placed grab/root into the fire, which I applaud -- this one actually is awesome, but on certain classes, such as tanks or healers, this maneuver barely dents their health, unless EVERY single breaker/defensive spell they have is on cooldown and also not active (ala shield). In 1-49 huttball, this was good good stuff, and slowed the game down.


Now, NONE of the above abilities are overpowered in and of themselves. I am not calling for ANY class nerfs, despite my ire at Sorc/Sage utility/burst/survivablilty with hybrid specs. This thread is not about that, it's about huttball at 50.


The issue here, is that huttball games now cater to the premade, consisting of 4 of the 8 classes in any combination (only at 50, and only with gear) -- Powertech, Juggernaut, Assassin, Sorceror (using imperial examples). The other 4 classes can pretty much suck it, unless filling out the other 4 spots of random people, and being carried by those 4 people. Some people will argue that marauders have a good gap closer, and do great damage while being tanky, but they don't bring to the table what a jugg does, IN HUTTBALL. I've been obliterated by my fair share of marauders, so I appreciate their damage, but for winning huttball, sorry guys, you're not in the top 4. Snipers, marauders, operatives, and mercenaries all lack the survivability and MOBILITY in this high-end warzone, and it's not because the other four classes are overpowered, it's just because those 4 huttball monsters basically remove the acid and fire from the equation, and can chain cap the flag at a very rapid pace, often winning in 4-5 minutes with six captures. Sometimes faster, if you pair 2 assassins with 2 sorcs, as having four sprints on a 20 second cooldown, with rescue, and shields, makes it a buffet of ball captures.


I know, that a perfect team, that also has mirror classes, can sometimes counter this. But it is in TOTAL reliance of having this "holy quadrilogy" of classes on your team also. The question isn't "How can we change the classes?" The real question is: "How can we improve Huttball?"


Well, some simple ideas would be to:


1) Make fire and acid immediately proc a 1/2 second root on you, no matter how you cross through it, then apply the snare. Whether you sprint, force leap, yank someone with rescue, or just walk into it, you hit an instant WALL and are rooted for one quarter to one half of a second. I know that Powertechs and Assassins would giggle with glee at all the harpoon instagibs they could score, but it would at least slow down the scoring.


2) Just triple the damage on the fire/acid.


3) Double the size of the warzone, making teams travel twice as far. This would nullify sprint being able to cross 1/4 of the distance from mid to endzone in one cast. I still think the hazards need some form of buff in addition to this, but I would love to see the warzone size increased.


I'm not suggesting that all three of those things be done, and I realize there are probably some instances that one or more of these changes could be exploited by a class mechanic that I haven't thought of, that is why they were just that, ideas. Any other solutions would be more than welcome.


I just know that when I'm on defense, and get knocked off into the pit, and start to run around to get back up, and the other team scores and is ready to score a second time in the time it takes to run back to the play, that the game needs to be slowed down. It's not even fun to be on the winning team, when you win 10 in a row in 5 minutes or less, with litttle to no actual FIGHTING going on, just chain capping. The winning team in these situations just completely ignores the other team, except to perform knockbacks and stuns, and doesn't bother to even engage the enemy. To me, that's great that one team has the coordination to perform well, but it's not a good thing when they can custom build to win repeatedly, avoiding combat, and chain capping for hours at a time -- simply because the hazards are no longer an issue to certain classes.


Please, BUFF the Huttball hazards and bring the combat back to PVP! I am not calling for class changes! Thanks for reading this novel, those of you that do, and any constructive comments or suggestions are welcome. If this generates some steam, we can move it to the feedback section. I just want to see if others feel this way, and are tired of rolling alts on the other faction just so you can enjoy Voidstar, where you HAVE to fight to win.


I didn't read this, but I am pretty certain it is very far from the truth.

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1) This thread is not about powertechs.


2) I have run literally over 500 huttballs across multiple characters, this thread is not about strategy and positioning for "controlling the catwalks" which is, of course, imperative. The fact that the advent of ubergeared expertise capped endgame characters, or even tier 1 characters -- can almost completely ignore the hazards.


3) If you didn't read my thread, why say "I didn't read this, but I'm pretty sure it's wrong" -- how about if you don't plan to read it, don't click it. And if you do click it, then decide it's too much text to wrap your brain around -- and therefore decide not to attempt the daunting task, maybe you shouldn't comment on it?


The intent of this thread was to try to generate an intelligent dialogue about fire barely being a speedbump to a team in endgame. Ideas are welcome.

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Another idea I just saw in another Huttball-related thread was to have people drop the ball and have it reset to mid if they used force leap, or sprint, or were rescued while holding the ball... This would be interesting, because then you would have to either PASS the ball to advance it, or have your team actually SUPPORT your tanky ball-carrier as he slowly battled his way to the opposite end of the field with the ball.


If nothing was changed about the actual hazards, I would really like this. You could still use force leap/sprint/rescue, etc to get INTO POSITION to recieve a pass, or to get a teammate back into the fight, but not to physically advance the ball yourself. Juggs could still jump to dumb people, and then accept a pass, but not while holding the ball.


If a stealther vanishes with the ball, it resets, why not if you try to fly 30 yards ahead by sprinting, or being yanked, or jumping -- you should fumble the ball. This would really encourage actual PVP fighting, and advancing as a team, as opposed to trying to chain cap 6 times using gap closers and actually avoiding any contact at all.


I still stand by the fact that 4-5 minute 6-cap wins aren't even fun for the winning team. You spend more time in que, and at loading screens while "chain winning" than actually doing PVP and enjoying the game. I'd MUCH prefer a 15-minute slugfest, where you actually get some valor from FIGHTING for an objective -- this is why I enjoy Voidstar. While it certainly isn't perfect (getting stuck behind the door after a long *** speeder ride blows, when the other team is planting the first bomb) it definitely encourages teamplay and spltting your team appropriately, with actual offense and defense -- you can't win voidstar by bypassing combat, unless the other team just completely ignores one side.

Edited by Twernt
way too many commas...
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Another idea I just saw in another Huttball-related thread was to have people drop the ball and have it reset to mid if they used force leap, or sprint, or were rescued while holding the ball... This would be interesting, because then you would have to either PASS the ball to advance it, or have your team actually SUPPORT your tanky ball-carrier as he slowly battled his way to the opposite end of the field with the ball.


That would be amazing.

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The fire traps definitely need a buff in the 50's bracket. Seeing a sage or sorc simply sprint through it while taking no damage defeats the purpose of it being there.


I disagree though that a sprint or force leap ability should reset the ball to neutral. These are core class mechanics and not a profession based one - like rocket boots.


Fire trap should do a 10K per second and apply a 50% slow to the target.


Acid pool should apply a stacking 0.5 second DOT to the target as it remains in the pool. First 0.5 second does 1K damage, Second 0.5 seconds deals 2K damage and etc.

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There is an easy counter to charge using ball carriers: don't be bad.


Don't hang out in places that give warriors free goals. It's not hard. Even if you're a turret merc you can stop the pew pew to move away from the edge and then the warrior can't charge you while the situation passes.


Charge for ball carrying isn't really going to happen in high level play once rated zones come up since it's trivially easy to avoid.


I fail to see how jumping to a friendly or pulling a friendly are worth complaining about since they just basically get the same result as passing the ball. They have to get the friendly player to a good position first and if your team let that happen, it means you failed already.


Fully agreed on the hazards not doing enough damage, though. It should be a percentage of a players health per second and running through fire with a speed increase while taking hardly any damage is too good. Speeding through fire is not outplaying your opponent like scoring a charge goal is. This will all only get worse with increased gear and health pools, the hazards definitely need to get buffed.

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I remember playing my first, oh, 150 matches of Huttball while leveling up and thinking, "Man, this is awesome!" There was always some innate frustration from playing a class without mobility and gap closers, and getting knocked off the catwalks into the pit, and having to run all the way back around -- but I deemed it acceptable, for playing a class that had tons of utility (heals, damage, stuns, CC, etc). I got a decent amount of enjoyment out of the tug of war matches in the 1-49 bracket, many of which went the full 15 minute duration with close scores.


...And then, enter the geared level 50 bracket. Now, on my server, this warzone is what we run about 95% of the time, since the empire vastly outnumbers Republic. In the 1-49 bracket, currently you see some republic matches, since a lot of people have presumably re-rolled republic so they could experience a little variety. I've found that in the probably 200+ huttball matches I've run since being 50 (and this could be a low estimation), that the fun has been COMPLETELY sapped out of the warzone.


This warzone, in it's current implementation, is completely broken when you combine PVP gear with certain classes. Now, my point is not to call for class nerfs, as I don't think classes are the problem. The issue here is the environmental hazards are no longer hazardous. Five of the Eight classes (using empire versions as examples) can completely bypass the fire and acid when geared, which often leads to premade 4-man custom 2-tank/2-guarded sorc healers winning repeatedly in 5:30 or less with six captures.


Now, before this degenerates into "qq moar about class balance" blather, let me clarify with examples of the various ways that the fire and acide no longer slow down enemy teams:

1) Tanks with 22,000+ hp can just slowly walk thru the fire, and a single HOT will basically render them impervious.

2) Assassins or sorcs sprint through it, take 1 tick of damage, and come thru with full health (especially tank assassins or bubbled sorcs).

3) Juggs/Marauders/Powertechs springboard either to teammates or enemies with various gap closers, rendering knockbacks on defense nearly useless.

4) Sorc healers with rescue completely nullify skill-based knockbacks on offense or defense, and rescue works just fine through the fire.

5) Powertechs and assassins can, in effect, still obliterate certain classes with a well placed grab/root into the fire, which I applaud -- this one actually is awesome, but on certain classes, such as tanks or healers, this maneuver barely dents their health, unless EVERY single breaker/defensive spell they have is on cooldown and also not active (ala shield). In 1-49 huttball, this was good good stuff, and slowed the game down.


Now, NONE of the above abilities are overpowered in and of themselves. I am not calling for ANY class nerfs, despite my ire at Sorc/Sage utility/burst/survivablilty with hybrid specs. This thread is not about that, it's about huttball at 50.


The issue here, is that huttball games now cater to the premade, consisting of 4 of the 8 classes in any combination (only at 50, and only with gear) -- Powertech, Juggernaut, Assassin, Sorceror (using imperial examples). The other 4 classes can pretty much suck it, unless filling out the other 4 spots of random people, and being carried by those 4 people. Some people will argue that marauders have a good gap closer, and do great damage while being tanky, but they don't bring to the table what a jugg does, IN HUTTBALL. I've been obliterated by my fair share of marauders, so I appreciate their damage, but for winning huttball, sorry guys, you're not in the top 4. Snipers, marauders, operatives, and mercenaries all lack the survivability and MOBILITY in this high-end warzone, and it's not because the other four classes are overpowered, it's just because those 4 huttball monsters basically remove the acid and fire from the equation, and can chain cap the flag at a very rapid pace, often winning in 4-5 minutes with six captures. Sometimes faster, if you pair 2 assassins with 2 sorcs, as having four sprints on a 20 second cooldown, with rescue, and shields, makes it a buffet of ball captures.


I know, that a perfect team, that also has mirror classes, can sometimes counter this. But it is in TOTAL reliance of having this "holy quadrilogy" of classes on your team also. The question isn't "How can we change the classes?" The real question is: "How can we improve Huttball?"


Well, some simple ideas would be to:


1) Make fire and acid immediately proc a 1/2 second root on you, no matter how you cross through it, then apply the snare. Whether you sprint, force leap, yank someone with rescue, or just walk into it, you hit an instant WALL and are rooted for one quarter to one half of a second. I know that Powertechs and Assassins would giggle with glee at all the harpoon instagibs they could score, but it would at least slow down the scoring.


2) Just triple the damage on the fire/acid.


3) Double the size of the warzone, making teams travel twice as far. This would nullify sprint being able to cross 1/4 of the distance from mid to endzone in one cast. I still think the hazards need some form of buff in addition to this, but I would love to see the warzone size increased.


I'm not suggesting that all three of those things be done, and I realize there are probably some instances that one or more of these changes could be exploited by a class mechanic that I haven't thought of, that is why they were just that, ideas. Any other solutions would be more than welcome.


I just know that when I'm on defense, and get knocked off into the pit, and start to run around to get back up, and the other team scores and is ready to score a second time in the time it takes to run back to the play, that the game needs to be slowed down. It's not even fun to be on the winning team, when you win 10 in a row in 5 minutes or less, with litttle to no actual FIGHTING going on, just chain capping. The winning team in these situations just completely ignores the other team, except to perform knockbacks and stuns, and doesn't bother to even engage the enemy. To me, that's great that one team has the coordination to perform well, but it's not a good thing when they can custom build to win repeatedly, avoiding combat, and chain capping for hours at a time -- simply because the hazards are no longer an issue to certain classes.


Please, BUFF the Huttball hazards and bring the combat back to PVP! I am not calling for class changes! Thanks for reading this novel, those of you that do, and any constructive comments or suggestions are welcome. If this generates some steam, we can move it to the feedback section. I just want to see if others feel this way, and are tired of rolling alts on the other faction just so you can enjoy Voidstar, where you HAVE to fight to win.


lol funny enough i was thinking that the hazards dont do enough damage people can just run on right thhrough them lol

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Another idea I just saw in another Huttball-related thread was to have people drop the ball and have it reset to mid if they used force leap, or sprint, or were rescued while holding the ball... This would be interesting, because then you would have to either PASS the ball to advance it, or have your team actually SUPPORT your tanky ball-carrier as he slowly battled his way to the opposite end of the field with the ball.


If nothing was changed about the actual hazards, I would really like this. You could still use force leap/sprint/rescue, etc to get INTO POSITION to recieve a pass, or to get a teammate back into the fight, but not to physically advance the ball yourself. Juggs could still jump to dumb people, and then accept a pass, but not while holding the ball.


This would make high level play almost always finish 0-0, as it is, 2 strong teams often look at 2-1 at most, and often 1-0.


Not only would it cripple mobility, it would emphasize ranged defensive strength by allowing the merc and sorc to basically turret from safety, as it is right now, charge forces those 2 classes (the sniper from cover is the only exception) to drop down and expose their goal.


You'd create walls of camping ranged nukers instead, that would rarely if ever get passed, because not only are they powerful ranged classes, they both have aoe knockbacks....

Edited by Adzzy
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Another thread, by another fresh 50... who cant accept the fact that he needs to learn to play.



The 50 bracket is fine. Hutball is fine. The skills are fine. Just these fresh 50's dont know anything about how to play their classes. The reason the 1-49 brackets were fun to you was because you were horrible at playing your class.



Welcome to the 50's bracket. Learn to play or get out, because the other 50's dont want to dumb things down so you can be bad and win.

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Great, the OP wants to take away the only useful thing a Marauder can do in hutball. But he is happy for his Consular to constantly be CC'ing, and then KO'ing people off ledges.


Well thought out post? No.


It seems that you are not playing with a premade and getting beat. And if a team scores while the other chases for kills then yes it's no fun and the other team should win 6-0.


The issue is people learning to play. The issue is BW awarding to much valor and medals for solo play over team play.


End my rant.

Edited by RobyBaggio
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Another idea I just saw in another Huttball-related thread was to have people drop the ball and have it reset to mid if they used force leap, or sprint, or were rescued while holding the ball... This would be interesting, because then you would have to either PASS the ball to advance it, or have your team actually SUPPORT your tanky ball-carrier as he slowly battled his way to the opposite end of the field with the ball.


If nothing was changed about the actual hazards, I would really like this. You could still use force leap/sprint/rescue, etc to get INTO POSITION to recieve a pass, or to get a teammate back into the fight, but not to physically advance the ball yourself. Juggs could still jump to dumb people, and then accept a pass, but not while holding the ball.


If a stealther vanishes with the ball, it resets, why not if you try to fly 30 yards ahead by sprinting, or being yanked, or jumping -- you should fumble the ball. This would really encourage actual PVP fighting, and advancing as a team, as opposed to trying to chain cap 6 times using gap closers and actually avoiding any contact at all.


I suggested that very same thing awhile ago and got bombarded with the typical herp derp L2P. When in fact all I was wanting to do was not only level the playing field, but prevent the "ball" from scoring in under 10 seconds and touching the ground 3-4 times.


I think "dropping the ball" when grappled at least would solve the majority of it as you can stack grapples. For instance Sorc at Point A, one at point B etc etc. Leap on the other hand to me really isn't an issue as you can't stack them. Meaning once the guy leaps, that's it, he either HAS to run or HAS to pass despite multiple classes having leap, it does no good unless he ditches the ball.


I have no comment on sprint. Either it could or couldn't drop the ball. I'm on the fence about it.


I still stand by the idea. It would make for some good "team" play.

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