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If you crash, you shouldn't have a queue...


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and how do you propose that they do such a thing?



You crash then you've left the game, unfortunate I know but that's the way it is.


Many games give you a set time to get back in before putting you through the queue again. I just had my first CTD (counting 2 beta weekends) and was immediately back in a queue.

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Many games give you a set time to get back in before putting you through the queue again. I just had my first CTD (counting 2 beta weekends) and was immediately back in a queue.


Would be a good idea. I just lost connection while trying to zone into Imperial Fleet and now I'm stuck in a 45+ minute queue.


I love my server (The Fatman) but something has to be done about these queues, we should not be expected to wait 45+ minutes to play the game. Maybe BioWare shouldn't allow new accounts to create characters on servers that are listed as Full?


I mean, I know it's not the best solution but something has to be done.

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