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The game is on sale!


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Its F2P..You can play as long as you want, with as many toons as you want, until level 20. Heres the thing though. You don't HAVE to buy the game at level 20. You just have to buy it if you want to get a further level.


Those same accounts follow same restriction as old limited time trial account. The game is not f2p. Just as Mass Effect 3 demo does not make Mass Effect 3 a free game.

Edited by Magnijung
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and? thanks for proving my point i guess





look at that amazing retention rate for WAR more then 75% of its subs gone at 3 months.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Again your using what they said to say 85%. It is no where near 85%.


They had 1.7 million sales in dec. 300,000 quit. Out of the 1.4 still left we do not know how many were on timecards, multi month subs or payed for an extra month andof those 3 types of player how many of them cancelled but were included in Biowares number as active sub because they could still actual play the game but had cancelled.


Then of the 300,000 that purchaced the game in Jan we do not know if they like the game and are going to continue to sub or will cancel.


So at the best case senerio it is a 82% retention rate but that is only if anyone who purchased the game since Jan 1st didnt quit


Take a look at the transcript from the earnings call. They intentionally shied away from discussing 'retention rates' and would only discuss 'active subscriptions'. There is a big difference in that you could have cancelled a sub and still be considered an 'active subscription' if you have time left. This lack of visibility is why some analysts have downgraded the stock. They don't feel comfortable due to the lack of clarity around retention.

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and? thanks for proving my point i guess


No apparently you get so turned around you forget what you're arguing. You said Warhammer didn't have a high retention rate and lost 50% by it's first month. I just showed you how they sold 1.2 million and held on to 800k for a few months. THEN they lost it all. I don't expect you to admit you're wrong though. You Bioware back rubbers will just keep making yourselves look bad.


I'm saying the same is happening here. You apologize so much you argue just for the sake of it.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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No apparently you get so turned around you forget what you're arguing. You said Warhammer didn't have a high retention rate. I just showed you how they sold 1.2 million and held on to 800k for a few months. THEN they lost it all.


I'm saying the same is happening here. You apologize so much you argue just for the sake of it.


wouldn't that number be they lost nearly double what SWTOR did in the same time period ?

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No apparently you get so turned around you forget what you're arguing. You said Warhammer didn't have a high retention rate. I just showed you how they sold 1.2 million and held on to 800k for a few months.


I'm saying the same is happening here. You apologize so much you argue just for the sake of it.


reread your own article






"but EA notes there are currently 800,000 players. How many of these will stick around once their initial free trial expires is yet to be seen."


they sold 1.2 million and before the free month was even over they only had 800ks subs. AFTER THE FREE MONTH they had less then 50%.

Edited by jarjarloves
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No apparently you get so turned around you forget what you're arguing. You said Warhammer didn't have a high retention rate. I just showed you how they sold 1.2 million and held on to 800k for a few months. THEN they lost it all.


I'm saying the same is happening here. You apologize so much you argue just for the sake of it.


you just showed the number still playing in the free month for warhammer. The majority of the 1.7k EA mentioned are active subscribers.. try and keep up if you want to join in. This is an old fact and you are still getting it wrong

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and? thanks for proving my point i guess





look at that amazing retention rate for WAR more then 75% of its subs gone at 3 months.


Thanks for proving our point. Look how it skyrocketed in the first month and then came crashing down in 3 months. SWTOR is folling the exact same pattern must be a EA thing.


Also it looks like the sandbox games are just slowly increasing continually while the threme parks (excluding wow) peak fast then crash.

Edited by Emeda
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you just showed the number still playing in the free month for warhammer. The majority of the 1.7k EA mentioned are active subscribers.. try and keep up if you want to join in. This is an old fact and you are still getting it wrong


Incorrect Darth Hater uncovered that Bioware are counting free trials.

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those numbers look awful familiar...




hmmm. i'm seeing a trend here with MMO sales...

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you just showed the number still playing in the free month for warhammer. The majority of the 1.7k EA mentioned are active subscribers.. try and keep up if you want to join in. This is an old fact and you are still getting it wrong


Why would a shill want to get numbers right?:tran_grin:

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those numbers look awful familiar...




hmmm. i'm seeing a trend here with MMO sales...


Who's arguing Cataclysm anything? It's public news Cataclysm has lost 1.7 million subs. You guys veer off way to much when discussing anything.


Point, SWTOR great first week. Horrible second and successive weeks. Mirror of Warhammer online.

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Thanks for proving our point. Look how it skyrocketed in the first month and then came crashing down in 3 months. SWTOR is folling the exact same pattern must be a EA thing.


Also it looks like the sandbox games are just slowly increasing continually while the threme parks (excluding wow) peak fast then crash.


this is a joke right? WAR crashed before the first month was over. They didn't even have 50% retention rate. By 3 months they already merged HALF of their servers.


Even if you want to say SWTOR is failing it's not even in the same leauge as WAR. WAR lost more subscribers (both a percentage and total number) in it's first month then SWTOR lost.


WAR lost over 500k subscribers where SWTOR only lost 300k. Of those numbers 500k was over 50% of the players playing WAR.

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this is a joke right? WAR crashed before the first month was over. They didn't even have 50% retention rate. By 3 months they already merged HALF of their servers.


Even if you want to say SWTOR is failing it's not even in the same leauge as WAR. WAR lost more subscribers (both a percentage and total number) in it's first month then SWTOR lost.


WAR lost over 500k subscribers where SWTOR only lost 300k. Of those numbers 500k was over 50% of the players playing WAR.


HAHAHHA "Only 300k subscribers". You apologists are funny!


When WoW lost 300k it was monumental!! When SWTOR loses 300k it's meh only a small amount.:rolleyes:

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Who's arguing Cataclysm anything? It's public news Cataclysm has lost 1.7 million subs. You guys veer off way to much when discussing anything.


Point, SWTOR great first week. Horrible second and successive weeks. Mirror of Warhammer online.


talk about a moving target. swtor is the fastest growing MMO of all time, had sales that compete with the latest expansion of the largest most successful MMO ever made and you guys are trying to make it out to be a failure. this is truly pure comic gold

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Take a look at the transcript from the earnings call. They intentionally shied away from discussing 'retention rates' and would only discuss 'active subscriptions'. There is a big difference in that you could have cancelled a sub and still be considered an 'active subscription' if you have time left. This lack of visibility is why some analysts have downgraded the stock. They don't feel comfortable due to the lack of clarity around retention.


You are saying the same thing I was

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talk about a moving target. swtor is the fastest growing MMO of all time, had sales that compete with the latest expansion of the largest most successful MMO ever made and you guys are trying to make it out to be a failure. this is truly pure comic gold


It did start strong. No doubt about that. However, recent sales leave much to be desired. When you cannot even sell 7,000 boxes in a week this close after launch then where is the sub growth going to come from? I am not very confident that at this rate we are going to see any growth. If anything with these sales numbers subs are going to shrink.

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HAHAHHA "Only 300k subscribers". You apologists are funny!


When WoW lost 300k it was monumental!! When SWTOR loses 300k it's meh only a small amount.:rolleyes:


again you failed to show WAR having a high retention rate (50% for 1 month is not a high retention)


300k of 2 million i a small number and who the hell ever said that WoW lost 300k was a big deal?


I'm sure they gain and lose a million players a month. It's not even a drop in the bucket for them.

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